身份运算符 is is not 位运算符

# (5)身份运算符 is 和 is not (检测两个数据在内存当中是否是同一个值)  

# 整型 -5~正无穷 
var1 = 100
var2 = 100
print(var1 is var2)

# 浮点型 非负数
var1 = -9.1
var2 = -9.1
print(var1 is var2)

# bool 相同即可
var1 = True
var2 = True
print(var1 is var2)

# complex 在实数+虚数不相同 (只有虚数的情况下例外)
var1 = 6-8j
var2 = 6-8j
var1 = -10j
var2 = -10j
print(var1 is var2)

# 容器: 相同字符串 , 空元组相同即可  剩下的所有容器都不相同
container1 = ()
container2 = ()
print(container1 is not container2)

container1 = ""
container2 = ""
print(container1 is not container2)

container1 = [1,23,3]
container2 = [1,23,3]
print(container1 is not container2)

# (6)逻辑运算符:  and or not
# and 逻辑与   
res = True and True    # True
res = True and False   # False
res = False and True   # False
res = False and False  # False

# or  逻辑或  
res = True or True    # True
res = False or True   # True
res = True or False   # True 
res = False or False  # False

# not 逻辑非  
res = not True
res = not False

# 逻辑短路
无论后面的表达式是True 还是False 都已经无法改变最后的结果,那么直接短路,后面的代码不执行;
(1) True or print("程序执行了 ~ 1111")
(2) False and print("程序执行了 ~ 2222")

True or print("程序执行了 ~ 1111")
True or True => True
True or False => True
False and print("程序执行了 ~ 2222")
False and True  => False
False and False => False

    如果出现了 True or 表达式  或者 False and 表达式的情况,直接返回前者,后面代码不执行

res = 5 and 6 # 6
True and True =>True
True and False => False
res = 5 or 6  # 5
res = 0 and 999
res = 0 or "abc"

# 逻辑运算符的优先级
""" 优先级从高到低: () > not > and > or   """
res = 5 or 6 and 7 # 5 or 7 => 5
res = (5 or 6) and 7 # 5 and 7
res = not (5 or 6) and 7 # not 5 and 7 => False and 7 => False
res = 1<2 or 3>4 and 5<100 or 100<200 and not (700>800 or 1<-1)
not (False or False) => True
res = 1<2 or 3>4 and 5<100 or 100<200 and not (700>800 or 1<-1)
res = True or False and True or True and True
res = True or False or True
res = True or True => True


# ### (7)位运算符:    & |  ^ << >> ~

var1 = 19
var2 = 15

# & 按位与
res = var1 & var2
000 ... 10011
000 ... 01111
000 ... 00011 => 3

# | 按位或
res = var1 | var2
000 ... 10011
000 ... 01111
000 ... 11111

# ^ 按位异或
"""两个值不相同=>True 反之返回False"""
res = var1 ^ var2
000 ... 10011
000 ... 01111
000 ... 11100

# << 左移 (相当于乘法)
res = 5 << 1 # 10
res = 5 << 2 # 20
res = 5 << 3 # 40

000 ... 101  => 5
000 .. 1010  => 10
000 ..10100  => 20
000 .101000  => 40

# >> 右移 (相当于除法)
res = 5 >> 1 # 2
res = 5 >> 2 # 1
res = 5 >> 3 # 0
000 ... 101
000 ... 010 => 2
000 ... 001 => 1
000 ... 000 => 0

# ~ 按位非 (针对于补码进行操作,按位取反,包含每一位)
""" -(n+1) """
# res = ~22
res = ~19
原码:000 ... 10011
反码:000 ... 10011
补码:000 ... 10011

补码:   000 ... 10011
按位非: 111 ... 01100

补码:111 ... 01100
反码:100 ... 10011
原码:100 ... 10100 => -20

res = ~-19
原码:100 ... 10011
反码:111 ... 01100
补码:111 ... 01101

补码:   111 ... 01101
按位非: 000 ... 10010

给你补码->原码 (因为是整数 ,原反补相同)
000 ... 10010 => 19

        运算符优先级最高的: **
        运算符优先级最低的: =
    一元运算符 > 二元运算符 (优先级)
        一元运算符 : 同一时间,操作一个值 ~ - 
        二元运算符 : 同一时间,操作一个值 + - * / ....
        算数运算符 : 乘除 > 加减
        逻辑运算符 : () > not > and > or 
        位运算符   : ( << >> ) > & > ^ > |
        算数运算符 > 位运算符 > 比较运算符 > 身份运算符 > 成员运算符 > 逻辑运算符

res = 5+5 << 6 // 3 is 40 and False
res = 10 << 2 is 40 and False
res = 40 is 40 and False
res = True and False
res = False

# 用括号提升下优先级
res = (5+5) << (6//3) is 40 and False


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