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Source Insight里输入中文,字间距相当的大。
1.Options->Style Properties
2. 在左边Style Name下找到Comment Multi Line和Comment.在其右边对应的Font属性框下的Font Name中选“Pick…” 设置为宋体、常规、小四。确定,退回Style Properties界面,Size设为10。最后设置Clolors框下Foreground,点“Pick…”选择一种自己喜欢的颜色就OK了。


① 复制入SourceInsight安装目录;
② Project→Open Project,打开Base项目;
③ 将复制过去的SuperBackspace.em添加入Base项目;
④ 重启SourceInsight;
⑤ Options→Key Assignments,将Marco: SuperBackspace绑定到BackSpace键;
⑥ Enjoy!!


在Option里的Document Option(ALT+T)
左边有个Screen Font,点进去就可以设置了===================SuperBackspace.em============================================
/* 代替SourceInsight原有的Backspace功能(希望如此)
* 增加了对双字节汉字的支持,在删除汉字的时候也能同时删除汉字的高字节而缓解半个汉字问题
* 能够对光标在汉字中间的情况进行自动修正
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
macro SuperBackspace()
    hwnd = GetCurrentWnd();
    hbuf = GetCurrentBuf();     if (hbuf == 0)
        stop;   // empty buffer     // get current cursor postion
    ipos = GetWndSelIchFirst(hwnd);     // get current line number
    ln = GetBufLnCur(hbuf);     if ((GetBufSelText(hbuf) != “”) || (GetWndSelLnFirst(hwnd) != GetWndSelLnLast(hwnd))) {
        // sth. was selected, del selection
        SetBufSelText(hbuf, ” “);  // stupid & buggy sourceinsight :(
        // del the ” ”
    }     // copy current line
    text = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);     // get string length
    len = strlen(text);     // if the cursor is at the start of line, combine with prev line
    if (ipos == 0 || len == 0) {
        if (ln <= 0)
            stop;   // top of file
        ln = ln – 1;    // do not use “ln–” for compatibility with older versions
        prevline = GetBufLine(hbuf, ln);
        prevlen = strlen(prevline);
        // combine two lines
        text = cat(prevline, text);
        // del two lines
        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln);
        DelBufLine(hbuf, ln);
        // insert the combined one
        InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text);
        // set the cursor position
        SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, prevlen);
    }     num = 1; // del one char
    if (ipos >= 1) {
        // process Chinese character
        i = ipos;
        count = 0;
        while (AsciiFromChar(text[i - 1]) >= 160) {
            i = i – 1;
            count = count + 1;
            if (i == 0)
        if (count > 0) {
            // I think it might be a two-byte character
            num = 2;
            // This idiot does not support mod and bitwise operators
            if ((count / 2 * 2 != count) && (ipos < len))
                ipos = ipos + 1;    // adjust cursor position
    }     // keeping safe
    if (ipos – num < 0)
        num = ipos;

    // del char(s)
    text = cat(strmid(text, 0, ipos – num), strmid(text, ipos, len));
    DelBufLine(hbuf, ln);
    InsBufLine(hbuf, ln, text);
    SetBufIns(hbuf, ln, ipos – num);


Source Insight 函数调用关系图 / 被调用关系图的排序问题

<1> 右下角的调用关系图 Calls


<2> 查看被调用关系
在Relation window窗口右键,选relation window properties,其中的For Function = referenced by function就可以了(本来是Calls)。image

posted on 2011-11-02 17:58  深海的小鱼儿  阅读(3439)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报