Adaboost就是一种很强大的机器学习方法,是使用多个“弱分类器”构造一个“强分类器”的方法,“猪队友”的合作也能变身大神。如果给定一个数据集让一个分类器来分类,可以想见,构造一个很简单但是分类效果差强人意的分类器肯定比一个设计精巧,分类效果很好的分类器简单。所谓的“弱分类器”就是指这种很简单的分类器,究竟有多弱呢?这个“弱”体现在分类效果仅仅比随机猜(分类正确的概率是50%)要好。这种“弱”可以说是极易满足的。因为即使你拿出来的分类器的正确率甚至不到50%,那么只需要把结果取个反就好了。所谓“强分类器”自然与弱相对,是指分类效果很好的分类器。但是疑问随之而来,“猪队友”们真的能够变身大神吗?这个问题已经有大牛们探讨过了,结论是肯定的。弱分类器是可以组合成强分类器的。Adaboost即Adaptive Boosting自适应提升方法,便是其中的一种具体的操作方法。
IF 头发长度不超过15cm THEN 是男人 ELSE 是女人
IF 身高大于170 THEN 是男人 ELSE 是女人
/* 初始化样本集中各个样本的权重 w_0 = 1/N ,确定分类器分类器个数 T * i = 0 * while i < T * 根据样本的权重,取分类误差率最小的弱分类器 * 分类误差率err即被该分类器分类错误的样本权重相加的和 * 权重 \alpha_i = log(1-err)/err ; * 改变样本权重: * if 此轮的最优弱分类器将样本分类正确,则\beta = exp(-\alpha) * else \beta = exp(\alpha) * w_(i+1) = w_i * beta ; * w_(i+1)归一化,使得其相加和是1 * 得到强分类器 = \alpha_i * f_i(x) */
其中,f_j(x)是特征向量x的一个元素。 p_j取值为+1或者-1,起到改变不等号方向的作用(具体可见李航老师的“统计学习方法”)。
#ifndef _WEAKCLASSIFIER_H #define _WEAKCLASSIFIER_H #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; using namespace cv; #define P_SAMPLE_NUM 300 //正样本个数 #define N_SAMPLE_NUM 400 //负样本个数 #define SAMPLE_NUM (P_SAMPLE_NUM+N_SAMPLE_NUM) #define MAX_FEATURE 40 #define X_MAX 300 #define Y_MAX 300 //define the class weakclassifier //#define CIRCLE_TEST // 弱分类器的判别函数 int h_fun (double x , double thresh , int parity); // 样本数据 // feature数组是特征 // label是样本对应的标签 struct SampleData { double _features[MAX_FEATURE]; int _label; double _eigen; double _weight; }; struct Weakclassifier { public: double _threshold; int _feature; int _parity; double _error; double _alpha; }; struct StrongClassifier { int _nweak; //弱分类器的个数,也是训练中迭代的次数 vector<Weakclassifier> _weak; //弱分类器 //SampleData _samples[SAMPLE_NUM]; SampleData* _samples; //指向样本数据的指针 //用于演示的图像 IplImage* frame; StrongClassifier (SampleData* samples, int nweak) { this->_nweak = nweak; this->_samples = samples; this->frame = cvCreateImage (cvSize (X_MAX , Y_MAX) , IPL_DEPTH_8U , 3); //show the image for (int i = 0; i < Y_MAX; i++) for (int j = 0; j < X_MAX; j++) CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , i , 3 * j) = CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , i , 3 * j + 1) = CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , i , 3 * j + 2) = 255; } void getEigenVal (const int& feature); void sortSamples (); // 改变样本权重 void updateWeight (const Weakclassifier& best); // 训练 void train (); // 在每一步迭代中得到最优弱分类器 bool getWeakclassifier (Weakclassifier& weakc,const int& feature); // 弱分类器结果,改变样本权重时候调用 int getClassifyResult (const SampleData& s); // 将结果可视化 void drawResult (); void display () { cvShowImage ("show" , frame); } }; void GenerateSampleData (SampleData sample_ori[]); bool Compare_fun (SampleData s1 , SampleData s2); #endif // WEAKCLASSIFIER_H
#include "weakclassifier.h" //define the class weakclassifier int h_fun (double x , double thresh , int parity) { return (parity*x<parity*thresh) ? 1 : -1; } bool Compare_fun (SampleData s1 , SampleData s2) { return s1._eigen < s2._eigen ? true : false; } void swapSampleData (SampleData& s1 , SampleData& s2) { SampleData tmp = s2; s2 = s1; s1 = tmp; return; } void generateFeatures (SampleData& s,const int x,const int y) { #ifdef CIRCLE_TEST for (int i = 0; i<MAX_FEATURE-1;i++) { s._features[i]= std::cos (CV_PI*i/MAX_FEATURE)*x+ std::sin (CV_PI*i/MAX_FEATURE)*y; } s._features[MAX_FEATURE-1] = (x-150)*(x-150)+(y-150)*(y-150); #else for (int i = 0; i<MAX_FEATURE;i++) { s._features[i] = std::cos (CV_PI*i/MAX_FEATURE)*x+ std::sin (CV_PI*i/MAX_FEATURE)*y; } #endif return; } void StrongClassifier::sortSamples () { std::sort (_samples , _samples+SAMPLE_NUM , Compare_fun); /* SampleData* Psamples = &(this->_samples[0]); for (int i = 0; i<SAMPLE_NUM;i++) { double mineigen = Psamples[i]._eigen; int index = i; for (int j = i; j<SAMPLE_NUM; j++) { if (mineigen>Psamples[j]._eigen) { index = j; mineigen = Psamples[j]._eigen; } } if (index!=i) swapSampleData (Psamples[index] , Psamples[i]); } */ return; } // 得到Eigen的值 void StrongClassifier::getEigenVal (const int& feature) { for (int i = 0; i<SAMPLE_NUM;i++) { this->_samples[i]._eigen = this->_samples[i]._features[feature]; } return; } bool StrongClassifier::getWeakclassifier (Weakclassifier& weakc , const int& feature) { /*1.将SAMPLEDATA按照feature的值顺序排列*/ // 产生eigen this->getEigenVal (feature); // 排序 this->sortSamples (); /**/ // 统计正样本权重和负样本权重 double pos_weight = 0; double neg_weight = 0; for (int i = 0; i<SAMPLE_NUM; i++) { if (_samples[i]._label==1) pos_weight += _samples[i]._weight; else neg_weight += _samples[i]._weight; } // 按照训练算法训练 double loss_pos_weight = 0 , loss_neg_weight = 0; double besterror = 0.5; int bestparity = 0; double bestthresh = -1; // for (int i = 1; i<SAMPLE_NUM; i++) { if (_samples[i-1]._label==1) loss_pos_weight +=_samples[i-1]._weight; else loss_neg_weight += _samples[i-1]._weight; // FP + FN if ((loss_pos_weight + neg_weight - loss_neg_weight) < besterror) { besterror = loss_pos_weight + neg_weight - loss_neg_weight; bestparity = -1; //the optimal threshold is the half of the sum of kth and (k+1)th bestthresh = (_samples[i]._eigen + _samples[i-1]._eigen) / 2; } // FN+FP else if (loss_neg_weight + pos_weight - loss_pos_weight < besterror) { besterror = loss_neg_weight + pos_weight - loss_pos_weight; bestparity = 1; bestthresh = (_samples[i]._eigen + _samples[i-1]._eigen) / 2; } } CV_Assert (besterror>=0); weakc._threshold = bestthresh; weakc._error = besterror; weakc._parity = bestparity; weakc._feature = feature; weakc._alpha = 0.5*std::log ((1.0-besterror)/(besterror+1E-8)); return true; } //训练 强分类器 void StrongClassifier::train () { int classifier_num = this->_nweak; //要用到的弱分类器数量 Weakclassifier besth , h_tmp; for (int i = 0; i<classifier_num; i++) //最多这么多弱分类器,每个弱分类器对应了一个特征 { /*1 . 找到 使得加权误差最小的弱分类器 */ //找到最优的分类器 double curerrror = 0.5; for (int j = 0; j<MAX_FEATURE; j++) { this->getWeakclassifier (h_tmp , j); if (h_tmp._error<curerrror) { curerrror = h_tmp._error; besth = h_tmp; } } CV_Assert (curerrror<0.5); this->_weak.push_back (besth); //找到了这次迭代步骤中的最优弱分类器 std::cout<<"****************************************************"<<endl; std::cout<<"Best Classifier :" <<i<<" Complete! " <<endl; std::cout<<"Threshold: "<<besth._threshold<<" "<<"Parity: "<<besth._parity<<" " <<endl<<"Error "<<besth._error<<" "<<"Alpha "<<besth._alpha<<" "<< "Feature Index:"<<besth._feature<<endl; //update the weight this->updateWeight (besth); int errorcount = 0; for (int j = 0; j<SAMPLE_NUM; j++) { SampleData* Ps = &(_samples[j]); if (this->getClassifyResult (*Ps)!=Ps->_label) errorcount++; } cout<<"There is "<<errorcount<< " error !"<<endl; cout<<"--------------------------------------"<<endl; /*画图*/ this->drawResult (); int c = waitKey (); while (c!=27) { c = waitKey (); } if (errorcount==0) { break; } } return; } void StrongClassifier::drawResult () { for (int i = 0; i < Y_MAX; i++) for (int j = 0; j < X_MAX; j++) CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , i , 3 * j) = CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , i , 3 * j + 1) = CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , i , 3 * j + 2) = 0; for (int y = 0; y<Y_MAX; y += 1) { for (int x = 0; x<X_MAX; x += 1) { SampleData s; generateFeatures (s , x , y); int label = this->getClassifyResult (s); if (label==1) { CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , y , 3 * x + 1) = 255; } else { CV_IMAGE_ELEM (frame , uchar , y , 3 * x + 2) = 255; } } } cvShowImage ("Img" , this->frame); } int StrongClassifier::getClassifyResult (const SampleData& s) { double res = 0; int curWeakNum = this->_weak.size (); Weakclassifier* Pweak; for (int i = 0; i<curWeakNum; i++) { Pweak = &(this->_weak[i]); res += Pweak->_alpha*h_fun (s._features[Pweak->_feature], Pweak->_threshold , Pweak->_parity); } int label = res>0 ? 1 : -1; return label; } void StrongClassifier::updateWeight (const Weakclassifier& best) { double weight_sum = 0; double weight[SAMPLE_NUM]; double weight_tmp; for (int i = 0; i<SAMPLE_NUM;i++) { SampleData* Ps = _samples+i; int label = h_fun (Ps->_features[best._feature] , best._threshold , best._parity); CV_Assert (Ps->_label==1 || Ps->_label==-1); if (label!=Ps->_label) //预测错了 { weight_tmp = Ps->_weight*std::sqrt ((1-best._error)/best._error); } else { weight_tmp = Ps->_weight*std::sqrt (best._error/(1-best._error)); } weight_sum += weight_tmp; weight[i] = weight_tmp; } for (int i = 0; i<SAMPLE_NUM;i++) { SampleData* Ps = _samples+i; Ps->_weight = weight[i]/weight_sum; } return; }
#include "weakclassifier.h" #include <iostream> #include <time.h> using std::cout; using std::cin; using namespace cv; double point_x[SAMPLE_NUM] = { }; double point_y[SAMPLE_NUM] = { }; void generateTrainMat (Mat& trainMat) { trainMat.create (SAMPLE_NUM , MAX_FEATURE+1 , CV_64FC1); //trainMat srand (time (0)); int counter = 0; int random_x , random_y; while (counter < P_SAMPLE_NUM) { random_x = rand () % 300 - 150; random_y = rand () % 300 - 150; #ifdef CIRCLE_TEST if (random_x * random_x + random_y * random_y > 2500 && random_x*random_x+random_y*random_y<3600) continue; #else if (random_x * random_x + random_y * random_y > 2500) continue; #endif point_x[counter] = random_x + 150; point_y[counter] = random_y + 150;<double> (counter , 0) = 1; #ifdef CIRCLE_TEST for (int j = 0; j<MAX_FEATURE-1; j++)<double> (counter , j+1) = std::cos (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_x[counter]+ std::sin (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_y[counter];<double> (counter , MAX_FEATURE) = random_x * random_x + random_y * random_y; #else for (int j = 0; j<MAX_FEATURE; j++)<double> (counter , j+1) = std::cos (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_x[counter]+ std::sin (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_y[counter]; #endif counter++; } while (counter < SAMPLE_NUM) { random_x = rand () % 300 - 150; random_y = rand () % 300 - 150; #ifdef CIRCLE_TEST if (random_x * random_x + random_y * random_y < 2500 || random_x*random_x+random_y*random_y>3600) continue; #else if (random_x * random_x + random_y * random_y < 2500) continue; #endif point_x[counter] = random_x + 150; point_y[counter] = random_y + 150;<double> (counter , 0) = -1; #ifdef CIRCLE_TEST for (int j = 0; j<MAX_FEATURE-1; j++)<double> (counter , j+1) = std::cos (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_x[counter]+ std::sin (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_y[counter];<double> (counter , MAX_FEATURE) = random_x * random_x + random_y * random_y; #else for (int j = 0; j<MAX_FEATURE; j++)<double> (counter , j+1) = std::cos (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_x[counter]+ std::sin (CV_PI*j/MAX_FEATURE)*point_y[counter]; #endif counter++; } } void displayPic (const StrongClassifier& cl) { // display int i = 0; for (i = 0; i<P_SAMPLE_NUM;i++) { // display cvCircle (cl.frame , cvPoint (int (point_x[i]) , int (point_y[i])) , 3 , cvScalar (0 , 255 , 0) , 1); } for (; i<SAMPLE_NUM; i++) { cvCircle (cl.frame , cvPoint (int (point_x[i]) , int (point_y[i])) , 3 , cvScalar (0 , 0 , 255) , 1); } return; } void generateSampleData (SampleData* samples , const Mat& trainMat) { for (int i = 0; i<SAMPLE_NUM; i++) { samples[i]._label = (int) (<double> (i , 0)); for (int j = 1; j<=MAX_FEATURE; j++) { samples[i]._features[j-1] =<double> (i , j); } samples[i]._weight = 1.0/SAMPLE_NUM; } } int main () { Mat trainMat; generateTrainMat (trainMat); SampleData samples[SAMPLE_NUM]; generateSampleData (samples , trainMat); StrongClassifier classifier(samples,100); displayPic (classifier); classifier.display (); classifier.train (); waitKey (); }