

string-based, corpus-based, knowledge-based (e.g. wordnet).


  • LCS, Longest common substring

  • Jaro-Distance, based on the number and order of characters, taking account into spelling deviation

  • Jaro-Winkler Distance, an extention of Jaro distance, introducing a prefix

  • cosine distance, 将字符串以空格切分为词(对英文)或字符(对非空格分隔字符串),统计频次,以词/字符频次作为向量表示字符串,计算向量余弦相似度 (即词袋模型+余弦距离)

  • Euclean distance,类似cosine,不过计算欧氏距离而非余弦距离

  • hamming distance 等长字符串度量

  • edit distance(一般指levenshtein distance),

  • jaccard similarity,常用于度量集合重叠度,也可用于字符串

  • dice distance,常用于度量集合重叠度,也可用于字符串

  • BM25 词级别的算法,需要用到tf-idf

  • N-gram 连续N个词/字符作为基本分析单位

  • LSA(latent semantic analysis)

  • LDA(latent Dirichlet allocation)

  • ESA(explicit semantic analysis)

  • WMD(word mover's distance) (word2vec + earth mover's distance)

  • TF-IDF based.

apache commons-text:1.4下的这些算法说明:

JaroWinkler: 注意到"trump"和"donald trump"相似度为0。(注意包含空格情况)

Cosine:"trump" <--> "realdonaldtrump"相似度为0。中文始终为0(即使完全一样).

posted @ 2022-07-06 23:25  二球悬铃木  阅读(416)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报