


docker images

A Docker image is an immutable (unchangeable) file that contains the source code, libraries, dependencies, tools, and other files needed for an application to run.

docker containers

A Docker container is a virtualized run-time environment where users can isolate applications from the underlying system.


docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

online doc

# 搜索镜像
docker search xxx
docker images
docker pull NAME[:TAG]
#删除镜像 remove images
docker rmi IMAGE1 IMAGE2...
docker image rm IAMGE1 IMAGE2...
docker ps -a

# list running containers
docker container ls
# list all containers
docker container ls -a
# start a container
docker container start <container-id/name>
# remove a container
docker rm CONTAINER
# exec command in a container, #相当于以额外进程进入,从中exit不会导致容器被关闭
docker exec -it <continaer-id/name> /bin/bash  

# show container id inside itself  (for a linux container)
cat /proc/self/cgroup   # executed inside the container

# docker run
# create a new container from an image then run it # -d: daemon
docker run -d -it -p <host-port:container-port> IMAGE ARGS...
    -d: dettach (run in background)
    -p HOST_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT : port mapping
    -v HOST_PATH:CONTAINER_PORT[:VOPTIONS] : volumes (shared files)
        VOPTIONS: `ro`,`rw`
    -i: keep STDIN open
    -t: allocate a pseudo tty

docker run -d -p 8080:80 -p 8081:81 -v /home/me/html:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -v /home/me/data:/data:rw --name my_container_name CONTAINER

# attach to a container
docker attach <container-id/name>   # attach to 相对于docker exec,attach是进入主控制,从中exit会导致容器被关闭
# dettach from a container
docker dettach <container>          # dettach from

# host -> container
docker cp /path/source/in/host <container-id/name>:/path/destination
# container -> host
docker cp <container-id/name>:/path/source /path/destination/in/host

# copy files between containers  <-- NOT supported

docker commit <container> IMG:TAG  #提交修改到本地镜像(或新建镜像)

# show logs
    -f: follow
    --tail N: tail N lines
    -n N: same to --tail N
    --details: show extra details
    -t, --timestamps: show timestamps
    --since TIME: since time, e.g. 2050-01-01T00:00:00,  30m(for 30 minutes)
    --until TIME

# create another name&tag for given source image, the source can be given by SHA ID or name

# push an image to remote
docker push IMAGE_NAME 
# the remote registry is detected from IMAGE_NAME, formatted [REGISTRY/]REPO/ARTIFACT[:TAG]
# the default registry, the official docker hub, will be used if [REGISTRY] part of IMAGE_NAME is missing.
# if we want to push an image without [REGISTRY] in its name to specified registry, we should create a tag with image name explicitly containing REGISTRY using command `docker tag SOURCE[:TAG] REGISTRY/REPO/ARTIFACT[:TAG]`, then we push the newly created tag

# remove all images named '<none>'
docker images |grep '^<none>'|tr -s ' ' | cut -d\  -f3|xargs docker rmi -f

可以将容器中的目录挂载到宿主机的目录(docker run -v)。


Run docker without sudo

create a group docker, and add working user($USER) into it.

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

docker hello world:

docker --version
# docker pull hello-world
docker run hello-world
Attach volumes to an existing container

It needs restarting the docker service, so it can NOT attach to an running container without stopping it.


  1. edit the "MountPoints" section of the config file of the container. the config file is located at /var/lib/docker/containers/<container-id>/config.v2.json

an exmaple for MountPoints:

  "MountPoints": {
    "/mnt": {
      "Source": "/path/in/host/os",
      "Destination": "/mnt",
      "RW": true,
      "Name": "",
      "Driver": "",
      "Type": "bind",
      "Propagation": "rprivate",
      "Spec": {
        "Type": "bind",
        "Source": "/path/in/host/os",
        "Target": "/mnt"
      "SkipMountpointCreation": false
  1. restart the docker service
systemctl restart docker.service


you can config default dns in the /etc/docker/daemon.json (see the section configuration), or options from creating a container (docker run --dns ... --dns-options ... --dns-search ...).

Reassign port to an existing container

  1. stop container
  2. edit Config/Ports part in the config file of the container, located at /var/lib/docker/containers/<ID>/config.v2.json
  3. restart docker service: systemctl restart docker
  4. start container

GUI Applications

For an x-term user, you can achieve the ability of GUI application supporting by following steps:

  1. share XServer authority
  2. share env DISPLAY
  3. use host net
docker run --net=host --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" --env="DISPLAY" IMAGE

Anatomy of docker Image: base image, parent image, image layer, container layer, manifest.

Docker Image Layer

A docker layer is a intermediate container(image) that contains a sequence of docker instructions for helping to create a docker image.

Build Images

Build images from command line terminal:

docker build -t IAMGE_NAME PATH

, where the PATH containing Dockerfile and data.

multi-stage building

An exmaple of instructions for multi-stage building:

FROM xxx AS my_stage_name1

FROM xxx AS my_stage_name2

FROM my_stage_name1 AS my_stage_name3

reference names for name-undefined stages are numbers, i.e. 0, 1, ....

build images stopping at a specified stage:

docker build --target STAGE_NAME -t NEW_IMAGE_NAME



  • FROM
  • RUN
  • COPY to copy from specified image; copy from host.
    COPY ./src-dir /dest      # this will copy all items under /some-dir, into /dest, which will NOT create the directory 'some-dir'. e.g. /src-dir/* --> /dest/* insdead of /dest/src-dir/*
    COPY ./src-dir/. /dest  # src-dir/* --> /dest/src-dir/*
  • CMD
  • WORKDIR setting working directory for subsequenct instructions of Dockerfile. the target directory will be created if not existing even if it's not used in subsequenct instructions.
  • HEALTHCHECK to define a method to check the health status of the running container
  • SHELL to define the default shell for the following CMD/RUN/ENTRYPOINT etc. instructions
FROM microsoft/windowsservercore
# Executed as cmd /S /C echo default
RUN echo default
# Executed as cmd /S /C powershell -command Write-Host default
RUN powershell -command Write-Host default
# Executed as powershell -command Write-Host hello
SHELL ["powershell", "-command"]
RUN Write-Host hello
# Executed as cmd /S /C echo hello
SHELL ["cmd", "/S", "/C"]
RUN echo hello

Each instruction is run independently and causes a new image to be created. So RUN cd /tmp will not have any effect on next instructions.


Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. A YAML file is used to configure the application services to run.

Docker Registry

Docker Registry

open source under Apache license on github: docker/distribution

To host docker images.

Global public docker registry: Docker Hub

open source registry providers


On Ubuntu 16.04
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
#如果网络无法连接,可手动FQ下载该文件,或curl -x proxyHost:port ...
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
sudo apt update
apt-cache policy docker-ce
#有以下输出为成功 500 http://....
#有以下输出为失败 docker-ce: 已安装:(无) 候选: (无)  版本列表:
sudo apt install -y docker-ce
On CentOS 6.x

Since CentOS 6.x is not maintained, we can not install by command yum install docker-io. We can install an older version of docker engine.

# downlaod .rpm package
yum install docker-engine*.rpm
# or 
rpm -i --nodeps docker-engine*.rpm


  "registry-mirrors": [""]




sudo systemctl disable docker

配置随操作系统启动而启动(start on boot):

sudo systemctl enable docker


sudo systemctl start docker
#sudo service docker start


sudo systemctl stop docker
#sudo service docker stop


  1. edit configuration file, /etc/docker/daemon.json
    # Configure network subnet range
    # default dns (if not configured the docker will fall back to the

the bip, binding network bridge, is a configuration for network subnet range, whose the last digit can NOT be 0, i.e. can NOT be like x.x.x.0.
2) restart server

sudo systemctl restart docker


[ERROR]: Failed to start Docker Application Container Engine, failed to allocate network, address already in use.
check the configuration bip in /etc/docker/daemon.json, which should not end with 0 (not be like x.x.x.0/<mask>); it can be 'x.x.x.1/'

docker and systemd

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