
* Copyright 2007-2017 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.ymate.platform.core;

import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.BeanMeta;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.IBeanFactory;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.IBeanHandler;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.annotation.Bean;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.annotation.Proxy;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.impl.DefaultBeanFactory;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.impl.DefaultBeanLoader;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.impl.proxy.DefaultProxyFactory;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.intercept.InterceptProxy;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.proxy.IProxy;
import net.ymate.platform.core.beans.proxy.IProxyFactory;
import net.ymate.platform.core.event.Events;
import net.ymate.platform.core.event.annotation.EventRegister;
import net.ymate.platform.core.event.impl.DefaultEventConfig;
import net.ymate.platform.core.handle.EventRegisterHandler;
import net.ymate.platform.core.handle.ModuleHandler;
import net.ymate.platform.core.handle.ProxyHandler;
import net.ymate.platform.core.i18n.I18N;
import net.ymate.platform.core.module.IModule;
import net.ymate.platform.core.module.ModuleEvent;
import net.ymate.platform.core.module.annotation.Module;
import net.ymate.platform.core.support.ConfigBuilder;
import net.ymate.platform.core.util.RuntimeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

* YMP框架核心管理器
* @author 刘镇 (suninformation@163.com) on 2012-12-23 下午5:52:44
* @version 1.0
public class YMP {

public static final Version VERSION = new Version(2, 0, 1, Version.VersionType.Release);

private static final Log _LOG = LogFactory.getLog(YMP.class);

private static final String __YMP_BASE_PACKAGE = "net.ymate.platform";

private static final YMP __instance = new YMP(ConfigBuilder.system().build());

private IConfig __config;

private boolean __inited;

private IBeanFactory __moduleFactory;

private IBeanFactory __beanFactory;

private IProxyFactory __proxyFactory;

private Map<Class<? extends IModule>, IModule> __modules;

private Events __events;

* @return 返回默认YMP框架核心管理器对象实例,若未实例化或已销毁则重新创建对象实例
public static YMP get() {
return __instance;

* 构造方法
* @param config YMP框架初始化配置
public YMP(IConfig config) {
__config = config;

private void __registerScanPackages(IBeanFactory factory) {
for (String _packageName : __config.getAutoscanPackages()) {

* 初始化YMP框架
* @return 返回当前YMP核心框架管理器对象
* @throws Exception 框架初始化失败时将抛出异常
public YMP init() throws Exception {
if (!__inited) {
_LOG.info(" http://www.ymate.net/");
StopWatch _watch = new StopWatch();
_LOG.info("Initializing ymate-platform-core-" + VERSION + " - debug:" + __config.isDevelopMode());

// 初始化I18N
I18N.initialize(__config.getDefaultLocale(), __config.getI18NEventHandlerClass());
// 初始化事件管理器,并注册框架、模块事件
__events = Events.create(new DefaultEventConfig(__config.getEventConfigs()));
// 创建根对象工厂
__beanFactory = new DefaultBeanFactory();
__beanFactory.setLoader(new DefaultBeanLoader(__config.getExcudedFiles()));
// 创建模块对象引用集合
__modules = new HashMap<Class<? extends IModule>, IModule>();
// 创建模块对象工厂
__moduleFactory = new BeanFactory(this);
__moduleFactory.setLoader(new DefaultBeanLoader(__config.getExcudedFiles()));
__moduleFactory.registerHandler(Module.class, new ModuleHandler(this));
__moduleFactory.registerHandler(Proxy.class, new ProxyHandler(this));
__moduleFactory.registerHandler(EventRegister.class, new EventRegisterHandler(this));
// 设置自动扫描应用包路径
// 创建代理工厂并初始化
__proxyFactory = new DefaultProxyFactory(this).registerProxy(new InterceptProxy());
// 初始化根对象工厂
for (IModule _module : __modules.values()) {
if (!_module.isInited()) {
// 触发模块初始化完成事件
__events.fireEvent(new ModuleEvent(_module, ModuleEvent.EVENT.MODULE_INITED));
// 初始化对象工厂
// 初始化对象代理
// IoC依赖注入
__inited = true;
_LOG.info("Initialization completed, Total time: " + _watch.getTime() + "ms");
// 触发框架初始化完成事件
__events.fireEvent(new ApplicationEvent(this, ApplicationEvent.EVENT.APPLICATION_INITED));
return this;

* 销毁YMP框架
* @throws Exception 框架销毁失败时将抛出异常
public void destroy() throws Exception {
if (__inited) {
// 触发框架销毁事件
__events.fireEvent(new ApplicationEvent(this, ApplicationEvent.EVENT.APPLICATION_DESTROYED));
__inited = false;
// 销毁所有已加载模块
for (IModule _module : __modules.values()) {
// 触发模块销毁事件
__events.fireEvent(new ModuleEvent(_module, ModuleEvent.EVENT.MODULE_DESTROYED));
__modules = null;
// 销毁代理工厂
__proxyFactory = null;
// 销毁根对象工厂
__moduleFactory = null;
__beanFactory = null;
// 销毁事件管理器

* @return 返回当前配置对象
public IConfig getConfig() {
return __config;

* @return 返回YMP框架是否已初始化
public boolean isInited() {
return __inited;

* 注册自定义注解类处理器,重复注册将覆盖前者
* @param annoClass 自定义注解类型
* @param handler 注解对象处理器
public void registerHandler(Class<? extends Annotation> annoClass, IBeanHandler handler) {
if (annoClass.equals(Module.class) || annoClass.equals(Proxy.class) || annoClass.equals(EventRegister.class)) {
_LOG.warn("Handler [" + annoClass.getSimpleName() + "] duplicate registration is not allowed");
__beanFactory.registerHandler(annoClass, handler);

public void registerHandler(Class<? extends Annotation> annoClass) {
registerHandler(annoClass, IBeanHandler.DEFAULT_HANDLER);

* 注册排除的接口类
* @param excludedClass 预排除的接口类型
public void registerExcludedClass(Class<?> excludedClass) {

* 注册类
* @param clazz 目标类
public void registerBean(Class<?> clazz) {

public void registerBean(Class<?> clazz, Object object) {
__beanFactory.registerBean(clazz, object);

public void registerBean(BeanMeta beanMeta) {

* @param <T> 返回类型
* @param clazz 接口类型
* @return 提取类型为clazz的对象实例
public <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz) {
return __beanFactory.getBean(clazz);

* 向工厂注册代理类对象
* @param proxy 目标代理类
public void registerProxy(IProxy proxy) {

public void registerProxy(Collection<? extends IProxy> proxies) {

* 注册模块实例(此方法仅在YMP框架核心管理器未初始化前有效)
* @param module 目标模块
public void registerModule(IModule module) {
if (!__inited) {
if (module != null) {
__moduleFactory.registerBean(module.getClass(), module);
__modules.put(module.getClass(), module);

* @param moduleClass 模块类型
* @param <T> 模块类型
* @return 获取模块类实例对象
public <T extends IModule> T getModule(Class<T> moduleClass) {
return __moduleFactory.getBean(moduleClass);

* @return 获取事件管理器
public Events getEvents() {
return __events;

* @param targetFactory 目标对象工厂
* @param <T> 对象工厂类型
* @return 将目标对象工厂的Parent设置为当前YMP容器的对象工厂
public <T extends IBeanFactory> T bindBeanFactory(T targetFactory) {
return targetFactory;

* YMP框架根对象工厂类
private static class BeanFactory extends DefaultBeanFactory {
private final YMP __owner;

public BeanFactory(YMP owner) {
this.__owner = owner;

public <T> T getBean(Class<T> clazz) {
T _bean = super.getBean(clazz);
// 重写此方法是为了在获取模块对象时始终保证其已被初始化
if (_bean instanceof IModule) {
IModule _module = (IModule) _bean;
if (!_module.isInited()) {
if (__owner.getConfig().getExcludedModules().contains(_module.getName())) {
return null;
try {
// 触发模块初始化完成事件
__owner.getEvents().fireEvent(new ModuleEvent(_module, ModuleEvent.EVENT.MODULE_INITED));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(RuntimeUtils.unwrapThrow(e));
return _bean;
posted @ 2017-09-06 18:19  托马斯布莱克  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报