/* Notes:
 * Adapters are often used when client code is written to expect classes
 * from one framework, and it meant to work with classes from a totally
 * different framework. Assume you cannot change the code of either framework.
 * the solution is for you to write an adapter, which appears like a
 * native class to each framework. 
 * There are two different types of adapters - class adapter and object
 * adapter. Class adapters are based on multiple inheritance - specifically
 * the interface of the target class and the implementation of the adaptee.
 * Unfortunately C# supports multiple inheritance for interfaces but not
 * for classes. Object adapters derive from the target (single inheritance)
 * and maintain a private instance of the adoptee.
 * The sample code here shows an object adapter. We have a class called
 * FrameworkYAdaptee which we wish to use, yet the (bulk of) the client code
 * (in GenericClientCode) is written to expect a class called FrameworkXTarget.
 * To solve the probelm we create an Adapter class, which it a FrameworkXTarget
 * to the client, and calls FrameworkYAdaptee.
namespace Adapter_DesignPattern
    using System;

 class FrameworkXTarget
  virtual public void SomeRequest(int x)
   // normal implementation of SomeRequest goes here     

 class FrameworkYAdaptee
  public void QuiteADifferentRequest(string str)
   Console.WriteLine("QuiteADifferentRequest = {0}", str);

 class OurAdapter : FrameworkXTarget
  private FrameworkYAdaptee adaptee = new FrameworkYAdaptee();
  override public void SomeRequest(int a)
   string b;
   b = a.ToString();

    /// <summary>
    ///    Summary description for Client.
    /// </summary>
    public class Client
        void GenericClientCode(FrameworkXTarget x)
   // We assume this function contains client-side code that only
   // knows about FrameworkXTarget.
   // other calls to FrameworkX go here
   // ...
  public static int Main(string[] args)
   Client c = new Client();
            FrameworkXTarget x = new OurAdapter();
            return 0;

posted on 2004-06-03 14:51  hi-justin  阅读(445)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报