
Posted on 2018-01-14 22:16  xl_phoenix  阅读(1204)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报



CoordinatorLayout is a super-powered FrameLayout.


CoordinatorLayout is intended for two primary use cases:


  • As a top-level application decor or chrome layout
  • 作为顶级应用程序装饰或镀铬布局
  • As a container for a specific interaction with one or more child views
  • 作为与一个或多个子视图进行特定交互的容器

By specifying Behaviors for child views of a CoordinatorLayout you can provide many different interactions within a single parent and those views can also interact with one another. View classes can specify a default behavior when used as a child of a CoordinatorLayout using the DefaultBehavior annotation.


Behaviors may be used to implement a variety of interactions and additional layout modifications ranging from sliding drawers and panels to swipe-dismissable elements and buttons that stick to other elements as they move and animate.


Children of a CoordinatorLayout may have an anchor. This view id must correspond to an arbitrary descendant of the CoordinatorLayout, but it may not be the anchored child itself or a descendant of the anchored child. This can be used to place floating views relative to other arbitrary content panes.


Children can specify insetEdge to describe how the view insets the CoordinatorLayout. Any child views which are set to dodge the same inset edges by dodgeInsetEdges will be moved appropriately so that the views do not overlap.

子控件可以指定insetEdge(描述此子视图如何插入CoordinatorLayout的重力值。 其他被设置为闪避的相同边缘的子视图将被适当地移动,以使视图不重叠。)来描述如何插入CoordinatorLayout。任何通过dodgeInserEdges设置了相同插入边缘的子视图将被适当的移动,以便视图不重叠。

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