当调用方可能被另一种编译器或语言编译的时候,使用一定的调用惯例将class"flatten"到“extern C”接口。
// class widget {
// widget();
// ~widget();
// double method(int, gadget&);
// };
extern "C" { // functions using explicit "this"
struct widget; // + opaque type (fwd decl only)
widget* STDCALL widget_create(); // ctor → create new "this"
void STDCALL widget_destroy(widget*); // dtor → consume "this"
double STDCALL widget_method(widget*, int, gadget*); // method → use "this"
这个转化实际上相当于将class定义的数据和接口分离为C struct和对应的一组接口,显示使用class的this指针
Portability At ABI Boundaries (Modern C++)
Use sufficiently portable types and conventions at binary interface boundaries. A “portable type” is a C built-in type or a struct that contains only C built-in types. Class types can only be used when caller and callee agree on layout, calling convention, etc. This is only possible when both are compiled with the same compiler and compiler settings.
How to flatten a class for C portability
When callers may be compiled with another compiler/language, then “flatten” to an “extern C” API with a specific calling convention:
Visual C++
// class widget {
// widget();
// ~widget();
// double method(int, gadget&);
// };
extern "C" { // functions using explicit "this"
struct widget; // + opaque type (fwd decl only)
widget* STDCALL widget_create(); // ctor → create new "this"
void STDCALL widget_destroy(widget*); // dtor → consume "this"
double STDCALL widget_method(widget*, int, gadget*); // method → use "this"
posted on 2013-06-15 21:26 FlowingCloud 阅读(154) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报
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