首先用书上的脚本尝试,失败。 之后根据源文件的 README 编译,抛出: root@linux:/opt/openjdk# sh ./get_source.sh ERROR: Need initial repository to use this script 采用下面的方案解决: 你jdk8版本 阅读全文
Alvin Irby: How to inspire every child to be a lifelong reader Prepare elementarykitchen tableforced reading lessonsOut of sheer boredomI asked to be 阅读全文
Stephen Hawking: Questioning the universe 1. 第一段: There is nothing bigger or older than the universe. The questions I would like to talk about are: on 阅读全文
HTTP Status 500 ※ jsp 放在 WEB-INF 外面 ※ 使用 JDBC 时需要 close 什么 ※ execute 和 executeUpdate ※ How can I read context parameter/web.xml values in a non-servle 阅读全文
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks: How we can face the future without fear, together 1. what was it like being in America during the recent presidential elect 阅读全文
Christopher Ategeka: How adoption worked for me 1. I experienced all the negative effects of poverty, from homelessness, eating out of trash piles, yo 阅读全文
scss 是什么? 一些 css 编码规范 SCSS 有那些优势,是否可以全面取代CSS? CSS的华丽转身:SASS/SCSS浅述及入门 效果 如右 My Console display My Console display 源代码 补充固定在视窗的某个角落(来自网络): 阅读全文
Teach you how to talk and how to listen Many of you have already heard a lot of advice on this, things like look the person in the eye, think of inter 阅读全文
Amanda Palmer: The art of asking 1. I think people have been obsessed with the wrong question, which is, "How do we make people pay for music?" What i 阅读全文
参照物 v1 应该用 class .... tips: 始终优先考虑使用 class 而不是 id ,除非只使用一次 v2 看上去好像是这么回事,实际上。。。 (手动捂脸 阅读全文