
create table T(
t_id number(4) primary key,
t_name varchar2(20)); 
create table S(
s_id number(4) primary key,
s_name varchar2(20));
 create table C(
 t_id number(4) references T(t_id),
 s_id number(4) references S(s_id),
 c_name char(6) check(c_name in ('大班','小班')));
 insert into T values(1,'A');
 insert into T values(2,'B');
 insert into S values(11,'1A');
 insert into S values(12,'1B');
 insert into S values(13,'1C');
 insert into S values(14,'1D');
 insert into S values(15,'1E');
 insert into S values(16,'1F');
 insert into S values(17,'1G');
 insert into S values(18,'1H');
 insert into C values(1,11,'大班');
 insert into C values(1,12,'大班');
 insert into C values(1,17,'大班');
 insert into C values(1,16,'大班');
 insert into C values(1,13,'小班');
 insert into C values(1,14,'小班');
 insert into C values(1,15,'小班');
 insert into C values(2,18,'小班');
from t 
where t_id in (
      select distinct c1.t_id from c c1
       (select count(*) from c c2 
               where c2.t_id = c1.t_id and c2.c_name='大班')
       >(select count(*) from c c3 
               where c3.t_id = c1.t_id and c3.c_name='小班'))


 posted on 2015-08-27 18:13  码农xk  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报