02 2017 档案
摘要:Nginx 是一个免费的,开源的,高性能的HTTP服务器和反向代理,以及IMAP / POP3代理服务器。 Nginx 以其高性能,稳定性,丰富的功能,简单的配置和低资源消耗而闻名。很多高知名度的网站都使用 Nginx,如:Netflix,GitHub,SoundCloud,MaxCDN 等。 Nginx 有一个主线程( master process)和几个工作线程(worker process...
摘要:SSH error ( Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer ) and it's solution ssh cann't connected ,event in localhost[root@localhost ssh]# ssh from socket failed: Connection reset b...
摘要:Posted on March 21, 2012 by Moto Just like MPEG-2 video uses VBV (Video Buffer Verifier), H.264 standard uses HRD (Hypothetical Reference Decoder) to define correctness of streams. One of the verifica...
摘要:Part 1 Manao | he is negating a float by printing it, adding a "-" to the string, and converting it back to float Manao | in the process, of course, he doesn't free the allocated string dynaflash ...
摘要:XSplit uses the x264 encoder, so let’s start off by saying that parameters mentioned in the title, with the exception of the quality parameters, mean the same as the parameters in the x264 wiki here:h...
摘要:这40项IT技能都能帮你年薪超过12万美元_求职招聘_酷勤网如何在三年之内成长为顶级 Coder?_修炼之道_酷勤网你第一要做的是开始去做_项目管理_酷勤网怎样阅读源代码_项目管理_酷勤网你是码农 还是优秀程序员?_程序人生_酷勤网技术人员的发展之路 | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell如何在面试