ffdshow 源代码分析
FFDShow可以称得上是全能的解码、编码器.最初FFDShow只是mpeg视频解码器,不过现在他能做到的远不止于此.它能够解码的视频格式已经远远超出了mpeg4的范围,包括indeo video,WMV,mpeg2等等.同时,它也提供了丰富的加工处理选项,可以锐化画面,调节画面的亮度等等.不止是视频,FFDShow现在同样可以解码音频,AC3、MP3等音频格式都可支持.并且可以外挂winamp 的DSP插件,来改善听觉效果.可以说现在的FFDShow已经是windows平台多媒体播放的非常出色的工具了。
1 : 整体结构
ffdshow是一个非常强大的DirectShow解码器,封装了ffmpeg,libmpeg2等解码库。它也提供了丰富的加工处理选项,可以锐化画面,调节画面的亮度等等。不止是视频,FFDShow现在同样可以解码音频,AC3、MP3等音频格式都可支持。并且可以外挂winamp 的DSP插件,来改善听觉效果。一个词形容:强大。
编译完成后我们就可以打开源代码根目录里的工程了。我自己的开发环境是VC2010,打开后工程如下图所示(解决方案的名字被我修改了= =):
Header Files:核心代码的头文件
Resource Files:资源文件
Source Files:核心代码的源文件
2: 位图覆盖滤镜(对话框部分Dialog)
编译完ffdshow之后,在“项目属性->调试->命令”里面将GraphEdit.exe所在位置设置为调试程序,例如在这里我设置了《终极解码》里面自带GraphEdit.exe,路径为“C:\Program Files\Final Codecs\Codecs\GraphEdit.exe”。这样就可以使用GraphEdit.exe调试ffdshow了。
向GraphEdit.exe里面拖入一个文件“五月天 咸鱼.mp4”,结果如下图所示:
需要注意的是,里面类的名字居然叫TbitmapPage,而没有和头文件名字一致。= =
#ifndef _CBITMAPPAGE_H_ #define _CBITMAPPAGE_H_ #include "TconfPageDecVideo.h" //Bitmap配置页面 class TbitmapPage : public TconfPageDecVideo { private: void pos2dlg(void), opacity2dlg(void); //设置文件路径 void onFlnm(void); protected: virtual INT_PTR msgProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); public: //构造函数 TbitmapPage(TffdshowPageDec *Iparent, const TfilterIDFF *idff); //初始化 virtual void init(void); //配置数据传入到对话框界面 virtual void cfg2dlg(void); virtual void translate(void); }; #endif
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Milan Cutka * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ //Bitmap配置页面 #include "stdafx.h" #include "TsubtitlesSettings.h" #include "TbitmapSettings.h" #include "Cbitmap.h" //初始化 void TbitmapPage::init(void) { //设置滑动条范围 edLimitText(IDC_ED_BITMAP_FLNM, MAX_PATH); tbrSetRange(IDC_TBR_BITMAP_POSX, 0, 100, 10); tbrSetRange(IDC_TBR_BITMAP_POSY, 0, 100, 10); tbrSetRange(IDC_TBR_BITMAP_OPACITY, 0, 256); } //配置数据传入到对话框界面 void TbitmapPage::cfg2dlg(void) { //各种设置 //EditControl设置 setDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_ED_BITMAP_FLNM, cfgGetStr(IDFF_bitmapFlnm)); pos2dlg(); cbxSetCurSel(IDC_CBX_BITMAP_ALIGN, cfgGet(IDFF_bitmapAlign)); cbxSetCurSel(IDC_CBX_BITMAP_MODE, cfgGet(IDFF_bitmapMode)); opacity2dlg(); } //Bitmap位置信息 void TbitmapPage::pos2dlg(void) { char_t s[260]; int x; //获取 x = cfgGet(IDFF_bitmapPosx); TsubtitlesSettings::getPosHoriz(x, s, this, IDC_LBL_BITMAP_POSX, countof(s)); setDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_LBL_BITMAP_POSX, s); //设置 tbrSet(IDC_TBR_BITMAP_POSX, x); x = cfgGet(IDFF_bitmapPosy); TsubtitlesSettings::getPosVert(x, s, this, IDC_LBL_BITMAP_POSY, countof(s)); setDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_LBL_BITMAP_POSY, s); tbrSet(IDC_TBR_BITMAP_POSY, x); } void TbitmapPage::opacity2dlg(void) { int o = cfgGet(IDFF_bitmapStrength); tbrSet(IDC_TBR_BITMAP_OPACITY, o); setText(IDC_LBL_BITMAP_OPACITY, _l("%s %i%%"), _(IDC_LBL_BITMAP_OPACITY), 100 * o / 256); } INT_PTR TbitmapPage::msgProc(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_ED_BITMAP_FLNM: if (HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE && !isSetWindowText) { char_t flnm[MAX_PATH]; GetDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_ED_BITMAP_FLNM, flnm, MAX_PATH); cfgSet(IDFF_bitmapFlnm, flnm); } return TRUE; } break; } return TconfPageDecVideo::msgProc(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } //设置文件路径 void TbitmapPage::onFlnm(void) { char_t flnm[MAX_PATH]; cfgGet(IDFF_bitmapFlnm, flnm, MAX_PATH); if (dlgGetFile(false, m_hwnd, _(-IDD_BITMAP, _l("Load image file")), _l("All supported (*.jpg,*.bmp,*.gif,*.png)\0*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif;*.png\0Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)\0*.bmp\0JPEG (*.jpg)\0*.jpg\0Compuserve Graphics Interchange (*.gif)\0*.gif\0Portable Network Graphics (*.png)\0*.png"), _l("bmp"), flnm, _l("."), 0)) { setDlgItemText(m_hwnd, IDC_ED_BITMAP_FLNM, flnm); //设置 cfgSet(IDFF_bitmapFlnm, flnm); } } void TbitmapPage::translate(void) { TconfPageBase::translate(); cbxTranslate(IDC_CBX_BITMAP_ALIGN, TsubtitlesSettings::alignments); cbxTranslate(IDC_CBX_BITMAP_MODE, TbitmapSettings::modes); } //构造函数 TbitmapPage::TbitmapPage(TffdshowPageDec *Iparent, const TfilterIDFF *idff): TconfPageDecVideo(Iparent, idff) { //各种绑定 resInter = IDC_CHB_BITMAP; static const TbindTrackbar<TbitmapPage> htbr[] = { IDC_TBR_BITMAP_POSX, IDFF_bitmapPosx, &TbitmapPage::pos2dlg, IDC_TBR_BITMAP_POSY, IDFF_bitmapPosy, &TbitmapPage::pos2dlg, IDC_TBR_BITMAP_OPACITY, IDFF_bitmapStrength, &TbitmapPage::opacity2dlg, 0, 0, NULL }; bindHtracks(htbr); static const TbindCombobox<TbitmapPage> cbx[] = { IDC_CBX_BITMAP_ALIGN, IDFF_bitmapAlign, BINDCBX_SEL, NULL, IDC_CBX_BITMAP_MODE, IDFF_bitmapMode, BINDCBX_SEL, NULL, 0 }; bindComboboxes(cbx); static const TbindButton<TbitmapPage> bt[] = { IDC_BT_BITMAP_FLNM, &TbitmapPage::onFlnm, 0, NULL }; bindButtons(bt); }
看 ffdshow源代码的时候,开始会比较费劲。为什么?因为它使用了大量自己写的API函数,以及自己定义的结构体。这些API函数的种类繁多,如果一个一个都看完,估计就精疲力竭了。经过一段时间的学习之后,我发现最方便的方法还是根据函数名字推测其用法。因此我就不深入剖析ffdshow的API函数了。
edLimitText();//限制输入字符串长度 tbrSetRange();//设置滑动条范围 setDlgItemText();//设置组件名称 cbxSetCurSel();//设置下拉框当前选项 cfgGet();//从注册表中读取变量的值 tbrSet();//设置滑动条的值 bindHtracks();//绑定注册表变量和滑动条 bindComboboxes();//绑定注册表变量和下拉框 bindButtons();//绑定函数和按钮
从以上函数大致可以看出tbr***()基本上都是操作滑动条的,cbx***()基本上都是操作下拉框的,函数基本上可以从名称上理解其的意思。 bind***()就是绑定注册表变量和控件的。注意ffdshow里面有注册表变量这么一个概念。这些变量的值存在系统的注册表里面,不会因为程序结束运行而消失。就目前我的观察来看,绝大部分注册表变量存的是一个整数值。这些注册表变量都以IDFF_xxx的名称预编译定义在 ffdshow_constants.h头文件中。与MFC控件可以直接与CString,int等变量绑定不同,ffdshow控件只可以和注册表变量绑定。即每次运行的时候都从注册表加载变量的值到界面上。存储的时候把界面上的值存储到注册表中。
#define IDFF_filterBitmap 1650 #define IDFF_isBitmap 1651 #define IDFF_showBitmap 1652 #define IDFF_orderBitmap 1653 #define IDFF_fullBitmap 1654 #define IDFF_bitmapFlnm 1655 #define IDFF_bitmapPosx 1656 #define IDFF_bitmapPosy 1657 #define IDFF_bitmapPosmode 1658 #define IDFF_bitmapAlign 1659 #define IDFF_bitmapMode 1660 #define IDFF_bitmapStrength 1661
3: 位图覆盖滤镜(设置部分Settings)
上一篇文章介绍了ffdshow的位图覆盖滤镜的对话框(Dialog)部分:ffdshow 源代码分析2 : 位图覆盖滤镜(对话框部分Dialog)
此外,有两个函数至关重要。createFilters()用于创建滤镜(Filter)。 createPages()用于创建滤镜的配置对话框(Dialog)。
#ifndef _TBITMAPSETTINGS_H_ #define _TBITMAPSETTINGS_H_ //各个Filter预设值 #include "TfilterSettings.h" #include "Tfont.h" //Bitmap的配置信息 struct TbitmapSettings : TfilterSettingsVideo { private: static const TfilterIDFF idffs; protected: virtual const int *getResets(unsigned int pageId); public: TbitmapSettings(TintStrColl *Icoll = NULL, TfilterIDFFs *filters = NULL); //Bitmap文件路径 char_t flnm[MAX_PATH]; //x,y坐标,以及坐标的模式 int posx, posy, posmode; int align; //叠加方式 enum { MODE_BLEND = 0, MODE_DARKEN = 1, MODE_LIGHTEN = 2, MODE_ADD = 3, MODE_SOFTLIGHT = 4, MODE_EXCLUSION = 5 }; int mode; static const char_t *modes[]; int strength; //创建Filter virtual void createFilters(size_t filtersorder, Tfilters *filters, TfilterQueue &queue) const; //创建属性页面 virtual void createPages(TffdshowPageDec *parent) const; virtual bool getTip(unsigned int pageId, char_t *buf, size_t buflen); }; #endif
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Milan Cutka * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "stdafx.h" #include "TbitmapSettings.h" #include "TimgFilterBitmap.h" #include "Cbitmap.h" #include "TffdshowPageDec.h" #include "TsubtitlesSettings.h" //几种叠加方式 const char_t* TbitmapSettings::modes[] = { _l("blend"), _l("darken"), _l("lighten"), _l("add"), _l("softlight"), _l("exclusion"), NULL }; //Filter属性 const TfilterIDFF TbitmapSettings::idffs = { /*name*/ _l("Bitmap overlay"), /*id*/ IDFF_filterBitmap, /*is*/ IDFF_isBitmap, /*order*/ IDFF_orderBitmap, /*show*/ IDFF_showBitmap, /*full*/ IDFF_fullBitmap, /*half*/ 0, /*dlgId*/ IDD_BITMAP, }; //构造函数 TbitmapSettings::TbitmapSettings(TintStrColl *Icoll, TfilterIDFFs *filters): TfilterSettingsVideo(sizeof(*this), Icoll, filters, &idffs) { half = 0; memset(flnm, 0, sizeof(flnm)); //绑定变量 static const TintOptionT<TbitmapSettings> iopts[] = { IDFF_isBitmap , &TbitmapSettings::is , 0, 0, _l(""), 1, _l("isBitmap"), 0, IDFF_showBitmap , &TbitmapSettings::show , 0, 0, _l(""), 1, _l("showBitmap"), 1, IDFF_orderBitmap , &TbitmapSettings::order , 1, 1, _l(""), 1, _l("orderBitmap"), 0, IDFF_fullBitmap , &TbitmapSettings::full , 0, 0, _l(""), 1, _l("fullBitmap"), 0, IDFF_bitmapPosx , &TbitmapSettings::posx , -4096, 4096, _l(""), 1, _l("bitmapPosX"), 50, IDFF_bitmapPosy , &TbitmapSettings::posy , -4096, 4096, _l(""), 1, _l("bitmapPosY"), 50, IDFF_bitmapPosmode , &TbitmapSettings::posmode , 0, 1, _l(""), 1, _l("bitmapPosMode"), 0, IDFF_bitmapAlign , &TbitmapSettings::align , 0, 3, _l(""), 1, _l("bitmapAlign"), ALIGN_CENTER, IDFF_bitmapMode , &TbitmapSettings::mode , 0, 5, _l(""), 1, _l("bitmapMode"), 0, IDFF_bitmapStrength , &TbitmapSettings::strength , 0, 256, _l(""), 1, _l("bitmapStrength"), 128, 0 }; addOptions(iopts); static const TstrOption sopts[] = { IDFF_bitmapFlnm , (TstrVal)&TbitmapSettings::flnm , MAX_PATH, 0, _l(""), 1, _l("bitmapFlnm"), _l(""), 0 }; addOptions(sopts); static const TcreateParamList1 listMode(modes); setParamList(IDFF_bitmapMode, &listMode); static const TcreateParamList1 listAlign(TsubtitlesSettings::alignments); setParamList(IDFF_bitmapAlign, &listAlign); } //创建Filter void TbitmapSettings::createFilters(size_t filtersorder, Tfilters *filters, TfilterQueue &queue) const { idffOnChange(idffs, filters, queue.temporary); if (is && show) { queueFilter<TimgFilterBitmap>(filtersorder, filters, queue); } } //创建属性页面 void TbitmapSettings::createPages(TffdshowPageDec *parent) const { parent->addFilterPage<TbitmapPage>(&idffs); } const int* TbitmapSettings::getResets(unsigned int pageId) { static const int idResets[] = { IDFF_bitmapPosx, IDFF_bitmapPosy, IDFF_bitmapPosmode, IDFF_bitmapAlign, IDFF_bitmapMode, IDFF_bitmapStrength, 0 }; return idResets; } bool TbitmapSettings::getTip(unsigned int pageId, char_t *tipS, size_t len) { if (flnm[0]) { tsnprintf_s(tipS, len, _TRUNCATE, _l("%s %s"), modes[mode], flnm); tipS[len - 1] = '\0'; } else { tipS[0] = '\0'; } return true; }
4: 位图覆盖滤镜(滤镜部分Filter)
第一篇文章介绍了ffdshow的位图覆盖滤镜的对话框(Dialog)部分:ffdshow 源代码分析2 : 位图覆盖滤镜(对话框部分Dialog)
第二篇文章介绍了ffdshow的位图覆盖滤镜的设置(Settings)部分:ffdshow 源代码分析 3: 位图覆盖滤镜(设置部分Settings)
ffdshow的滤镜的滤镜部分(怎么感觉名字有点重复 = =,算了先这么叫吧)的功能主要用于完成具体的图像处理功能。具体到位图覆盖滤镜的话,就是用于把图片覆盖到视频上面,他是ffdshow滤镜的核心。
这里要注意一下,该类的名字叫TimgFilterBitmap。它的声明方式确实比较奇怪:DECLARE_FILTER(TimgFilterBitmap, public, TimgFilter)
/* *雷霄骅 *leixiaohua1020@126.com *中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 */ #ifndef _TIMGFILTERBITMAP_H_ #define _TIMGFILTERBITMAP_H_ //叠加一张位图 #include "TimgFilter.h" #include "Tfont.h" struct TffPict; struct TbitmapSettings; //特别的声明方式 = = DECLARE_FILTER(TimgFilterBitmap, public, TimgFilter) private: //图像 TffPict *bitmap; //内存 Tbuffer bitmapbuf; char_t oldflnm[MAX_PATH]; typedef void (*Tblendplane)(const TcspInfo &cspInfo, const unsigned int dx[3], const unsigned int dy[3], unsigned char *dst[3], const stride_t dststride[3], const unsigned char *src[3], const stride_t srcstride[3], int strength, int invstrength); //注意 这个类有一个实例,名字叫w class TrenderedSubtitleLineBitmap : public TrenderedSubtitleWordBase { public: TrenderedSubtitleLineBitmap(void): TrenderedSubtitleWordBase(false) {} TffPict *pict; const TbitmapSettings *cfg; //叠加 Tblendplane blend; //打印 virtual void print(int startx, int starty /* not used */, unsigned int dx[3], int dy1[3], unsigned char *dstLn[3], const stride_t stride[3], const unsigned char *bmp[3], const unsigned char *msk[3], REFERENCE_TIME rtStart = REFTIME_INVALID) const; } w; TrenderedSubtitleLine l; //是TrenderedSubtitleLine的一个vector TrenderedSubtitleLines ls; int oldmode; //几种叠加方式 template<class _mm> static void blend(const TcspInfo &cspInfo, const unsigned int dx[3], const unsigned int dy[3], unsigned char *dst[3], const stride_t dststride[3], const unsigned char *src[3], const stride_t srcstride[3], int strength, int invstrength); template<class _mm> static void add(const TcspInfo &cspInfo, const unsigned int dx[3], const unsigned int dy[3], unsigned char *dst[3], const stride_t dststride[3], const unsigned char *src[3], const stride_t srcstride[3], int strength, int invstrength); template<class _mm> static void darken(const TcspInfo &cspInfo, const unsigned int dx[3], const unsigned int dy[3], unsigned char *dst[3], const stride_t dststride[3], const unsigned char *src[3], const stride_t srcstride[3], int strength, int invstrength); template<class _mm> static void lighten(const TcspInfo &cspInfo, const unsigned int dx[3], const unsigned int dy[3], unsigned char *dst[3], const stride_t dststride[3], const unsigned char *src[3], const stride_t srcstride[3], int strength, int invstrength); template<class _mm> static void softlight(const TcspInfo &cspInfo, const unsigned int dx[3], const unsigned int dy[3], unsigned char *dst[3], const stride_t dststride[3], const unsigned char *src[3], const stride_t srcstride[3], int strength, int invstrength); template<class _mm> static void exclusion(const TcspInfo &cspInfo, const unsigned int dx[3], const unsigned int dy[3], unsigned char *dst[3], const stride_t dststride[3], const unsigned char *src[3], const stride_t srcstride[3], int strength, int invstrength); //获取叠加方式 template<class _mm> static Tblendplane getBlend(int mode); protected: virtual bool is(const TffPictBase &pict, const TfilterSettingsVideo *cfg); virtual uint64_t getSupportedInputColorspaces(const TfilterSettingsVideo *cfg) const { return FF_CSPS_MASK_YUV_PLANAR; } public: TimgFilterBitmap(IffdshowBase *Ideci, Tfilters *Iparent); virtual ~TimgFilterBitmap(); //核心函数(Filter配置信息队列,图像,配置信息) virtual HRESULT process(TfilterQueue::iterator it, TffPict &pict, const TfilterSettingsVideo *cfg0); }; #endif
//核心函数(Filter配置信息队列,图像,配置信息) HRESULT TimgFilterBitmap::process(TfilterQueue::iterator it, TffPict &pict, const TfilterSettingsVideo *cfg0) { //都有这一句= = if (is(pict, cfg0)) { //Bitmap的配置信息 const TbitmapSettings *cfg = (const TbitmapSettings*)cfg0; init(pict, cfg->full, cfg->half); unsigned char *dst[4]; bool cspChanged = getCurNext(FF_CSPS_MASK_YUV_PLANAR, pict, cfg->full, COPYMODE_DEF, dst); //处理 if (!bitmap || cspChanged || stricmp(oldflnm, cfg->flnm) != 0) { ff_strncpy(oldflnm, cfg->flnm, countof(oldflnm)); if (bitmap) { delete bitmap; } //新建一张图 //通过cfg->flnm路径 //载入bitmapbuf bitmap = new TffPict(csp2, cfg->flnm, bitmapbuf, deci); //3个颜色分量? for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { w.dx[i] = bitmap->rectFull.dx >> bitmap->cspInfo.shiftX[i]; w.dy[i] = bitmap->rectFull.dy >> bitmap->cspInfo.shiftY[i]; w.bmp[i] = bitmap->data[i]; w.bmpmskstride[i] = bitmap->stride[i]; } w.dxChar = w.dx[0]; w.dyChar = w.dy[0]; } if (bitmap->rectFull.dx != 0) { if (oldmode != cfg->mode) if (Tconfig::cpu_flags & FF_CPU_SSE2) { //获取叠加方式(SSE2) //在cfg的mode里 w.blend = getBlend<Tsse2>(oldmode = cfg->mode); } else { //获取叠加方式(MMX) w.blend = getBlend<Tmmx>(oldmode = cfg->mode); } //输出到屏幕上的设置 TprintPrefs prefs(deci, NULL); //各种参数 prefs.dx = dx2[0]; prefs.dy = dy2[0]; prefs.xpos = cfg->posx; prefs.ypos = cfg->posy; //模式不同的话 if (cfg->posmode == 1) { prefs.xpos *= -1; prefs.ypos *= -1; } prefs.align = cfg->align; prefs.linespacing = 100; prefs.csp = pict.csp; w.pict = &pict; w.cfg = cfg; //打印,需要用到TprintPrefs ls.print(prefs, dst, stride2); } } //最后都是这一句? return parent->processSample(++it, pict); }
5: 位图覆盖滤镜(总结)
前面写了三篇文章,介绍了 位图覆盖滤镜的3个部分:
第一篇文章介绍了ffdshow的位图覆盖滤镜的对话框(Dialog)部分:ffdshow 源代码分析2 : 位图覆盖滤镜(对话框部分Dialog)
第二篇文章介绍了ffdshow的位图覆盖滤镜的设置(Settings)部分:ffdshow 源代码分析 3: 位图覆盖滤镜(设置部分Settings)
第三篇文章介绍了ffdshow的位图覆盖滤镜的滤镜(Filter)部分:ffdshow 源代码分析 4: 位图覆盖滤镜(滤镜部分Filter)
6: 对解码器的dll的封装(libavcodec)
ffdshow封装了多个视音频解码器,比如libmpeg2,libavcodec,xvid等等。其中最重要的是libavcodec,这个是 ffmpeg提供的解码器,在ffdshow中起到了“挑大梁”的作用。本文分析ffdshow对解码器的封装方式,就以libavcodec为例。
/* *雷霄骅 *leixiaohua1020@126.com *中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 */ #ifndef _TLIBAVCODEC_H_ #define _TLIBAVCODEC_H_ //将FFmpeg的Dll中的方法封装到一个类中,以供使用 #include "../codecs/ffcodecs.h" #include <dxva.h> #include "TpostprocSettings.h" #include "ffImgfmt.h" #include "libavfilter/vf_yadif.h" #include "libavfilter/gradfun.h" #include "libswscale/swscale.h" struct AVCodecContext; struct AVCodec; struct AVFrame; struct AVPacket; struct AVCodecParserContext; struct SwsContext; struct SwsParams; struct PPMode; struct AVDictionary; struct Tconfig; class Tdll; struct DSPContext; struct TlibavcodecExt; //封装FFMPEG //里面的函数基本上是FFMPEG的API struct Tlibavcodec { private: int (*libswscale_sws_scale)(struct SwsContext *context, const uint8_t* const srcSlice[], const int srcStride[], int srcSliceY, int srcSliceH, uint8_t* const dst[], const int dstStride[]); //加载DLL的类 Tdll *dll; int refcount; static int get_buffer(AVCodecContext *c, AVFrame *pic); CCritSec csOpenClose; public: Tlibavcodec(const Tconfig *config); ~Tlibavcodec(); static void avlog(AVCodecContext*, int, const char*, va_list); static void avlogMsgBox(AVCodecContext*, int, const char*, va_list); void AddRef(void) { refcount++; } void Release(void) { if (--refcount < 0) { delete this; } } static bool getVersion(const Tconfig *config, ffstring &vers, ffstring &license); static bool check(const Tconfig *config); static int ppCpuCaps(uint64_t csp); static void pp_mode_defaults(PPMode &ppMode); static int getPPmode(const TpostprocSettings *cfg, int currentq); static void swsInitParams(SwsParams *params, int resizeMethod); static void swsInitParams(SwsParams *params, int resizeMethod, int flags); bool ok; AVCodecContext* avcodec_alloc_context(AVCodec *codec, TlibavcodecExt *ext = NULL); void (*avcodec_register_all)(void); AVCodecContext* (*avcodec_alloc_context0)(AVCodec *codec); AVCodec* (*avcodec_find_decoder)(AVCodecID codecId); AVCodec* (*avcodec_find_encoder)(AVCodecID id); int (*avcodec_open0)(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVCodec *codec, AVDictionary **options); int avcodec_open(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVCodec *codec); AVFrame* (*avcodec_alloc_frame)(void); int (*avcodec_decode_video2)(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *picture, int *got_picture_ptr, AVPacket *avpkt); int (*avcodec_decode_audio3)(AVCodecContext *avctx, int16_t *samples, int *frame_size_ptr, AVPacket *avpkt); int (*avcodec_encode_video)(AVCodecContext *avctx, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, const AVFrame *pict); int (*avcodec_encode_audio)(AVCodecContext *avctx, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, const short *samples); void (*avcodec_flush_buffers)(AVCodecContext *avctx); int (*avcodec_close0)(AVCodecContext *avctx); int avcodec_close(AVCodecContext *avctx); void (*av_log_set_callback)(void (*)(AVCodecContext*, int, const char*, va_list)); void* (*av_log_get_callback)(void); int (*av_log_get_level)(void); void (*av_log_set_level)(int); void (*av_set_cpu_flags_mask)(int mask); int (*avcodec_default_get_buffer)(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); void (*avcodec_default_release_buffer)(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); int (*avcodec_default_reget_buffer)(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); const char* (*avcodec_get_current_idct)(AVCodecContext *avctx); void (*avcodec_get_encoder_info)(AVCodecContext *avctx, int *xvid_build, int *divx_version, int *divx_build, int *lavc_build); void* (*av_mallocz)(size_t size); void (*av_free)(void *ptr); AVCodecParserContext* (*av_parser_init)(int codec_id); int (*av_parser_parse2)(AVCodecParserContext *s, AVCodecContext *avctx, uint8_t **poutbuf, int *poutbuf_size, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int64_t pts, int64_t dts, int64_t pos); void (*av_parser_close)(AVCodecParserContext *s); void (*av_init_packet)(AVPacket *pkt); uint8_t* (*av_packet_new_side_data)(AVPacket *pkt, enum AVPacketSideDataType type, int size); int (*avcodec_h264_search_recovery_point)(AVCodecContext *avctx, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_size, int *recovery_frame_cnt); static const char_t *idctNames[], *errorRecognitions[], *errorConcealments[]; struct Tdia_size { int size; const char_t *descr; }; static const Tdia_size dia_sizes[]; //libswscale imports SwsContext* (*sws_getCachedContext)(struct SwsContext *context, int srcW, int srcH, enum PixelFormat srcFormat, int dstW, int dstH, enum PixelFormat dstFormat, int flags, SwsFilter *srcFilter, SwsFilter *dstFilter, const double *param, SwsParams *ffdshow_params); void (*sws_freeContext)(SwsContext *c); SwsFilter* (*sws_getDefaultFilter)(float lumaGBlur, float chromaGBlur, float lumaSharpen, float chromaSharpen, float chromaHShift, float chromaVShift, int verbose); void (*sws_freeFilter)(SwsFilter *filter); int sws_scale(struct SwsContext *context, const uint8_t* const srcSlice[], const stride_t srcStride[], int srcSliceY, int srcSliceH, uint8_t* const dst[], const stride_t dstStride[]); SwsVector *(*sws_getConstVec)(double c, int length); SwsVector *(*sws_getGaussianVec)(double variance, double quality); void (*sws_normalizeVec)(SwsVector *a, double height); void (*sws_freeVec)(SwsVector *a); int (*sws_setColorspaceDetails)(struct SwsContext *c, const int inv_table[4], int srcRange, const int table[4], int dstRange, int brightness, int contrast, int saturation); const int* (*sws_getCoefficients)(int colorspace); int (*GetCPUCount)(void); //libpostproc imports void (*pp_postprocess)(const uint8_t * src[3], const stride_t srcStride[3], uint8_t * dst[3], const stride_t dstStride[3], int horizontalSize, int verticalSize, const /*QP_STORE_T*/int8_t *QP_store, int QP_stride, /*pp_mode*/void *mode, /*pp_context*/void *ppContext, int pict_type); /*pp_context*/ void *(*pp_get_context)(int width, int height, int flags); void (*pp_free_context)(/*pp_context*/void *ppContext); void (*ff_simple_idct_mmx)(int16_t *block); // DXVA imports int (*av_h264_decode_frame)(struct AVCodecContext* avctx, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size); int (*av_vc1_decode_frame)(struct AVCodecContext* avctx, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size); // === H264 functions int (*FFH264CheckCompatibility)(int nWidth, int nHeight, struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx, BYTE* pBuffer, UINT nSize, int nPCIVendor, int nPCIDevice, LARGE_INTEGER VideoDriverVersion); int (*FFH264DecodeBuffer)(struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx, BYTE* pBuffer, UINT nSize, int* pFramePOC, int* pOutPOC, REFERENCE_TIME* pOutrtStart); HRESULT(*FFH264BuildPicParams)(DXVA_PicParams_H264* pDXVAPicParams, DXVA_Qmatrix_H264* pDXVAScalingMatrix, int* nFieldType, int* nSliceType, struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx, int nPCIVendor); void (*FFH264SetCurrentPicture)(int nIndex, DXVA_PicParams_H264* pDXVAPicParams, struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx); void (*FFH264UpdateRefFramesList)(DXVA_PicParams_H264* pDXVAPicParams, struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx); BOOL (*FFH264IsRefFrameInUse)(int nFrameNum, struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx); void (*FF264UpdateRefFrameSliceLong)(DXVA_PicParams_H264* pDXVAPicParams, DXVA_Slice_H264_Long* pSlice, struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx); void (*FFH264SetDxvaSliceLong)(struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx, void* pSliceLong); // === VC1 functions HRESULT(*FFVC1UpdatePictureParam)(DXVA_PictureParameters* pPicParams, struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx, int* nFieldType, int* nSliceType, BYTE* pBuffer, UINT nSize, UINT* nFrameSize, BOOL b_SecondField, BOOL* b_repeat_pict); int (*FFIsSkipped)(struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx); // === Common functions char* (*GetFFMpegPictureType)(int nType); unsigned long(*FFGetMBNumber)(struct AVCodecContext* pAVCtx); // yadif void (*yadif_init)(YADIFContext *yadctx); void (*yadif_uninit)(YADIFContext *yadctx); void (*yadif_filter)(YADIFContext *yadctx, uint8_t *dst[3], stride_t dst_stride[3], int width, int height, int parity, int tff); // gradfun int (*gradfunInit)(GradFunContext *ctx, const char *args, void *opaque); void (*gradfunFilter)(GradFunContext *ctx, uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, int width, int height, int dst_linesize, int src_linesize, int r); }; #endif
在Tlibavcodec的定义中,有一个变量:Tdll *dll,通过该变量,就可以加载ffmpeg.dll中的方法。
/* *雷霄骅 *leixiaohua1020@126.com *中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 */ #ifndef _TDLL_H_ #define _TDLL_H_ #include "Tconfig.h" //操作Dll的类 class Tdll { public: bool ok; Tdll(const char_t *dllName1, const Tconfig *config, bool explicitFullPath = false) { char_t name[MAX_PATH], ext[MAX_PATH]; _splitpath_s(dllName1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, name, countof(name), ext, countof(ext)); if (config && !explicitFullPath) { char_t dllName2[MAX_PATH]; //installdir+filename+ext _makepath_s(dllName2, countof(dllName2), NULL, config->pth, name, ext); hdll = LoadLibrary(dllName2); } else { hdll = NULL; } if (!hdll) { hdll = LoadLibrary(dllName1); if (!hdll && !explicitFullPath) { if (config) { char_t dllName3[MAX_PATH]; //ffdshow.ax_path+filename+ext _makepath_s(dllName3, countof(dllName3), NULL, config->epth, name, ext); hdll = LoadLibrary(dllName3); } if (!hdll) { char_t dllName0[MAX_PATH]; //only filename+ext - let Windows find it _makepath_s(dllName0, countof(dllName0), NULL, NULL, name, ext); hdll = LoadLibrary(dllName0); } } } ok = (hdll != NULL); } ~Tdll() { if (hdll) { FreeLibrary(hdll); } } HMODULE hdll; //封装一下直接加载Dll的GetProcAddress template<class T> __forceinline void loadFunction(T &fnc, const char *name) { fnc = hdll ? (T)GetProcAddress(hdll, name) : NULL; ok &= (fnc != NULL); } template<class T> __forceinline void loadFunctionByIndex(T &fnc, uint16_t id) { uint32_t id32 = uint32_t(id); fnc = hdll ? (T) GetProcAddress(hdll, (LPCSTR)id32) : NULL; ok &= (fnc != NULL); } //检查Dll的状态是否正常 static bool check(const char_t *dllName1, const Tconfig *config) { char_t name[MAX_PATH], ext[MAX_PATH]; _splitpath_s(dllName1, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, name, countof(name), ext, countof(ext)); if (config) { char_t dllName2[MAX_PATH]; //installdir+filename+ext _makepath_s(dllName2, countof(dllName2), NULL, config->pth, name, ext); if (fileexists(dllName2)) { return true; } } if (fileexists(dllName1)) { return true; } if (config) { char_t dllName3[MAX_PATH]; //ffdshow.ax_path+filename+ext _makepath_s(dllName3, MAX_PATH, NULL, config->epth, name, ext); if (fileexists(dllName3)) { return true; } } char_t dllName0[MAX_PATH]; //only filename+ext - let Windows find it _makepath_s(dllName0, countof(dllName0), NULL, NULL, name, ext); char_t dir0[MAX_PATH], *dir0flnm; if (SearchPath(NULL, dllName0, NULL, MAX_PATH, dir0, &dir0flnm)) { return true; } return false; } }; #endif
//===================================== Tlibavcodec ==================================== //FFMPEG封装类的构造函数 Tlibavcodec::Tlibavcodec(const Tconfig *config): refcount(0) { //加载FFMPEG的Dll dll = new Tdll(_l("ffmpeg.dll"), config); //加载各个函数 dll->loadFunction(avcodec_register_all, "avcodec_register_all"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_find_decoder, "avcodec_find_decoder"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_open0, "avcodec_open2"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_alloc_context0, "avcodec_alloc_context3"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_alloc_frame, "avcodec_alloc_frame"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_decode_video2, "avcodec_decode_video2"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_flush_buffers, "avcodec_flush_buffers"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_close0, "avcodec_close"); dll->loadFunction(av_log_set_callback, "av_log_set_callback"); dll->loadFunction(av_log_get_callback, "av_log_get_callback"); dll->loadFunction(av_log_get_level, "av_log_get_level"); dll->loadFunction(av_log_set_level, "av_log_set_level"); dll->loadFunction(av_set_cpu_flags_mask, "av_set_cpu_flags_mask"); dll->loadFunction(av_mallocz, "av_mallocz"); dll->loadFunction(av_free, "av_free"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_default_get_buffer, "avcodec_default_get_buffer"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_default_release_buffer, "avcodec_default_release_buffer"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_default_reget_buffer, "avcodec_default_reget_buffer"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_get_current_idct, "avcodec_get_current_idct"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_get_encoder_info, "avcodec_get_encoder_info"); dll->loadFunction(av_init_packet, "av_init_packet"); dll->loadFunction(av_packet_new_side_data, "av_packet_new_side_data"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_h264_search_recovery_point, "avcodec_h264_search_recovery_point"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_decode_audio3, "avcodec_decode_audio3"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_find_encoder, "avcodec_find_encoder"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_encode_video, "avcodec_encode_video"); dll->loadFunction(avcodec_encode_audio, "avcodec_encode_audio"); dll->loadFunction(av_parser_init, "av_parser_init"); dll->loadFunction(av_parser_parse2, "av_parser_parse2"); dll->loadFunction(av_parser_close, "av_parser_close"); //libswscale methods dll->loadFunction(sws_getCachedContext, "sws_getCachedContext"); dll->loadFunction(sws_freeContext, "sws_freeContext"); dll->loadFunction(sws_getDefaultFilter, "sws_getDefaultFilter"); dll->loadFunction(sws_freeFilter, "sws_freeFilter"); dll->loadFunction(libswscale_sws_scale, "sws_scale"); dll->loadFunction(GetCPUCount, "GetCPUCount"); dll->loadFunction(sws_getConstVec, "sws_getConstVec"); dll->loadFunction(sws_getGaussianVec, "sws_getGaussianVec"); dll->loadFunction(sws_normalizeVec, "sws_normalizeVec"); dll->loadFunction(sws_freeVec, "sws_freeVec"); dll->loadFunction(sws_setColorspaceDetails, "sws_setColorspaceDetails"); dll->loadFunction(sws_getCoefficients, "sws_getCoefficients"); //libpostproc methods dll->loadFunction(pp_postprocess, "pp_postprocess"); dll->loadFunction(pp_get_context, "pp_get_context"); dll->loadFunction(pp_free_context, "pp_free_context"); dll->loadFunction(ff_simple_idct_mmx, "ff_simple_idct_mmx"); //DXVA methods dll->loadFunction(av_h264_decode_frame, "av_h264_decode_frame"); dll->loadFunction(av_vc1_decode_frame, "av_vc1_decode_frame"); dll->loadFunction(FFH264CheckCompatibility, "FFH264CheckCompatibility"); dll->loadFunction(FFH264DecodeBuffer, "FFH264DecodeBuffer"); dll->loadFunction(FFH264BuildPicParams, "FFH264BuildPicParams"); dll->loadFunction(FFH264SetCurrentPicture, "FFH264SetCurrentPicture"); dll->loadFunction(FFH264UpdateRefFramesList, "FFH264UpdateRefFramesList"); dll->loadFunction(FFH264IsRefFrameInUse, "FFH264IsRefFrameInUse"); dll->loadFunction(FF264UpdateRefFrameSliceLong, "FF264UpdateRefFrameSliceLong"); dll->loadFunction(FFH264SetDxvaSliceLong, "FFH264SetDxvaSliceLong"); dll->loadFunction(FFVC1UpdatePictureParam, "FFVC1UpdatePictureParam"); dll->loadFunction(FFIsSkipped, "FFIsSkipped"); dll->loadFunction(GetFFMpegPictureType, "GetFFMpegPictureType"); dll->loadFunction(FFGetMBNumber, "FFGetMBNumber"); //yadif methods dll->loadFunction(yadif_init, "yadif_init"); dll->loadFunction(yadif_uninit, "yadif_uninit"); dll->loadFunction(yadif_filter, "yadif_filter"); //gradfun dll->loadFunction(gradfunInit, "gradfunInit"); dll->loadFunction(gradfunFilter, "gradfunFilter"); ok = dll->ok; //加载完毕后,进行注册 if (ok) { avcodec_register_all(); av_log_set_callback(avlog); } }
1. 创建一个Tdll类的对象,加载“ffmpeg.dll”。
2. 使用loadFunction()加载各种函数。
3. 最后调用avcodec_register_all()注册各种解码器。
Tlibavcodec::~Tlibavcodec() { delete dll; }
bool Tlibavcodec::check(const Tconfig *config) { return Tdll::check(_l("ffmpeg.dll"), config); }
bool Tlibavcodec::getVersion(const Tconfig *config, ffstring &vers, ffstring &license) { Tdll *dl = new Tdll(_l("ffmpeg.dll"), config); void (*av_getVersion)(char **version, char **build, char **datetime, const char* *license); dl->loadFunction(av_getVersion, "getVersion"); bool res; if (av_getVersion) { res = true; char *version, *build, *datetime; const char *lic; av_getVersion(&version, &build, &datetime, &lic); vers = (const char_t*)text<char_t>(version) + ffstring(_l(" (")) + (const char_t*)text<char_t>(datetime) + _l(")"); license = text<char_t>(lic); } else { res = false; vers.clear(); license.clear(); } delete dl; return res; }
7: libavcodec视频解码器类(TvideoCodecLibavcodec)
在这里我们进一步介绍一下其libavcodec解码器类。注意前一篇文章介绍的类Tlibavcodec仅仅是对 libavcodec所在的“ffmpeg.dll”的函数进行封装的类。但Tlibavcodec并不是一个解码器类,其没有继承任何类,还不能为 ffdshow所用。本文介绍的TvideoCodecLibavcodec才是libavcodec解码器类,其继承了TvideoCodecDec。
先来看一看TvideoCodecLibavcodec的定义吧,位于codecs-> TvideoCodecLibavcodec.h中。
/* *雷霄骅 *leixiaohua1020@126.com *中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 */ #ifndef _TVIDEOCODECLIBAVCODEC_H_ #define _TVIDEOCODECLIBAVCODEC_H_ #include "TvideoCodec.h" #include "ffmpeg/Tlibavcodec.h" #include "ffmpeg/libavcodec/avcodec.h" #define MAX_THREADS 8 // FIXME: This is defined in mpegvideo.h. struct Textradata; class TccDecoder; //libavcodec解码器(视频) struct TlibavcodecExt { private: static int get_buffer(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); int (*default_get_buffer)(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); static void release_buffer(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); void (*default_release_buffer)(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); static int reget_buffer(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); int (*default_reget_buffer)(AVCodecContext *s, AVFrame *pic); static void handle_user_data0(AVCodecContext *c, const uint8_t *buf, int buf_len); public: virtual ~TlibavcodecExt() {} void connectTo(AVCodecContext *ctx, Tlibavcodec *libavcodec); virtual void onGetBuffer(AVFrame *pic) {} virtual void onRegetBuffer(AVFrame *pic) {} virtual void onReleaseBuffer(AVFrame *pic) {} virtual void handle_user_data(const uint8_t *buf, int buf_len) {} }; //libavcodec解码,不算是Filter? class TvideoCodecLibavcodec : public TvideoCodecDec, public TvideoCodecEnc, public TlibavcodecExt { friend class TDXVADecoderVC1; friend class TDXVADecoderH264; protected: //各种信息(源自AVCodecContext中) Tlibavcodec *libavcodec; void create(void); AVCodec *avcodec; mutable char_t codecName[100]; AVCodecContext *avctx; uint32_t palette[AVPALETTE_COUNT]; int palette_size; AVFrame *frame; FOURCC fcc; FILE *statsfile; int cfgcomode; int psnr; bool isAdaptive; int threadcount; bool dont_use_rtStop_from_upper_stream; // and reordering of timpestams is justified. bool theorart; bool codecinited, ownmatrices; REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtStop, avgTimePerFrame, segmentTimeStart; REFERENCE_TIME prior_in_rtStart, prior_in_rtStop; REFERENCE_TIME prior_out_rtStart, prior_out_rtStop; struct { REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtStop; unsigned int srcSize; } b[MAX_THREADS + 1]; int inPosB; Textradata *extradata; bool sendextradata; unsigned int mb_width, mb_height, mb_count; static void line(unsigned char *dst, unsigned int _x0, unsigned int _y0, unsigned int _x1, unsigned int _y1, stride_t strideY); static void draw_arrow(uint8_t *buf, int sx, int sy, int ex, int ey, stride_t stride, int mulx, int muly, int dstdx, int dstdy); unsigned char *ffbuf; unsigned int ffbuflen; bool wasKey; virtual void handle_user_data(const uint8_t *buf, int buf_len); TccDecoder *ccDecoder; bool autoSkipingLoopFilter; enum AVDiscard initialSkipLoopFilter; int got_picture; bool firstSeek; // firstSeek means start of palyback. bool mpeg2_in_doubt; bool mpeg2_new_sequence; bool bReorderBFrame; //时长(AVCodecContext中) REFERENCE_TIME getDuration(); int isReallyMPEG2(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcLen); protected: virtual LRESULT beginCompress(int cfgcomode, uint64_t csp, const Trect &r); virtual bool beginDecompress(TffPictBase &pict, FOURCC infcc, const CMediaType &mt, int sourceFlags); virtual HRESULT flushDec(void); AVCodecParserContext *parser; public: TvideoCodecLibavcodec(IffdshowBase *Ideci, IdecVideoSink *IsinkD); TvideoCodecLibavcodec(IffdshowBase *Ideci, IencVideoSink *IsinkE); virtual ~TvideoCodecLibavcodec(); virtual int getType(void) const { return IDFF_MOVIE_LAVC; } virtual const char_t* getName(void) const; virtual int caps(void) const { return CAPS::VIS_MV | CAPS::VIS_QUANTS; } virtual void end(void); virtual void getCompressColorspaces(Tcsps &csps, unsigned int outDx, unsigned int outDy); virtual bool supExtradata(void); //获得ExtraData(AVCodecContext中) virtual bool getExtradata(const void* *ptr, size_t *len); virtual HRESULT compress(const TffPict &pict, TencFrameParams ¶ms); virtual HRESULT flushEnc(const TffPict &pict, TencFrameParams ¶ms) { return compress(pict, params); } virtual HRESULT decompress(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcLen, IMediaSample *pIn); virtual void onGetBuffer(AVFrame *pic); virtual bool onSeek(REFERENCE_TIME segmentStart); virtual bool onDiscontinuity(void); //画出运动矢量(AVCodecContext中) virtual bool drawMV(unsigned char *dst, unsigned int dx, stride_t stride, unsigned int dy) const; //编码器信息(AVCodecContext中) virtual void getEncoderInfo(char_t *buf, size_t buflen) const; virtual const char* get_current_idct(void); virtual HRESULT BeginFlush(); bool isReorderBFrame() { return bReorderBFrame; }; virtual void reorderBFrames(REFERENCE_TIME& rtStart, REFERENCE_TIME& rtStop); class Th264RandomAccess { friend class TvideoCodecLibavcodec; private: TvideoCodecLibavcodec* parent; int recovery_mode; // 0:OK, 1:searching 2: found, 3:waiting for frame_num decoded, 4:waiting for POC outputed int recovery_frame_cnt; int recovery_poc; int thread_delay; public: Th264RandomAccess(TvideoCodecLibavcodec* Iparent); int search(uint8_t* buf, int buf_size); void onSeek(void); void judgeUsability(int *got_picture_ptr); } h264RandomAccess; }; #endif
Tlibavcodec *libavcodec:该类封装了libavcodec的各种函数,在前一篇文章中已经做过介绍,在此不再重复叙述了。可以认为该变量是 TvideoCodecLibavcodec类的灵魂,所有libavcodec中的函数都是通过该类调用的。
AVCodec *avcodec:FFMPEG中的结构体,解码器
AVCodecContext *avctx:FFMPEG中的结构体,解码器上下文
AVFrame *frame FFMPEG中的结构体,视频帧
mutable char_t codecName[100]:解码器名称
Textradata *extradata:附加数据
//libavcodec解码器(视频) //内容大部分都很熟悉,因为是FFmpeg的API TvideoCodecLibavcodec::TvideoCodecLibavcodec(IffdshowBase *Ideci, IdecVideoSink *IsinkD): Tcodec(Ideci), TcodecDec(Ideci, IsinkD), TvideoCodec(Ideci), TvideoCodecDec(Ideci, IsinkD), TvideoCodecEnc(Ideci, NULL), h264RandomAccess(this), bReorderBFrame(true) { create(); }
void TvideoCodecLibavcodec::create(void) { ownmatrices = false; deci->getLibavcodec(&libavcodec); ok = libavcodec ? libavcodec->ok : false; avctx = NULL; avcodec = NULL; frame = NULL; quantBytes = 1; statsfile = NULL; threadcount = 0; codecinited = false; extradata = NULL; theorart = false; ffbuf = NULL; ffbuflen = 0; codecName[0] = '\0'; ccDecoder = NULL; autoSkipingLoopFilter = false; inPosB = 1; firstSeek = true; mpeg2_new_sequence = true; parser = NULL; }
REFERENCE_TIME TvideoCodecLibavcodec::getDuration() { REFERENCE_TIME duration = REF_SECOND_MULT / 100; if (avctx && avctx->time_base.num && avctx->time_base.den) { duration = REF_SECOND_MULT * avctx->time_base.num / avctx->time_base.den; if (codecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) { duration *= 2; } } if (duration == 0) { return REF_SECOND_MULT / 100; } return duration; }
bool TvideoCodecLibavcodec::getExtradata(const void* *ptr, size_t *len) { if (!avctx || !len) { return false; } *len = avctx->extradata_size; if (ptr) { *ptr = avctx->extradata; } return true; }
//画出运动矢量 bool TvideoCodecLibavcodec::drawMV(unsigned char *dst, unsigned int dstdx, stride_t stride, unsigned int dstdy) const { if (!frame->motion_val || !frame->mb_type || !frame->motion_val[0]) { return false; } #define IS_8X8(a) ((a)&MB_TYPE_8x8) #define IS_16X8(a) ((a)&MB_TYPE_16x8) #define IS_8X16(a) ((a)&MB_TYPE_8x16) #define IS_INTERLACED(a) ((a)&MB_TYPE_INTERLACED) #define USES_LIST(a, list) ((a) & ((MB_TYPE_P0L0|MB_TYPE_P1L0)<<(2*(list)))) const int shift = 1 + ((frame->play_flags & CODEC_FLAG_QPEL) ? 1 : 0); const int mv_sample_log2 = 4 - frame->motion_subsample_log2; const int mv_stride = (frame->mb_width << mv_sample_log2) + (avctx->codec_id == AV_CODEC_ID_H264 ? 0 : 1); int direction = 0; int mulx = (dstdx << 12) / avctx->width; int muly = (dstdy << 12) / avctx->height; //提取两个方向上的运动矢量信息(根据不同的宏块划分,可以分成几种情况) //在AVCodecContext的motion_val中 for (int mb_y = 0; mb_y < frame->mb_height; mb_y++) for (int mb_x = 0; mb_x < frame->mb_width; mb_x++) { const int mb_index = mb_x + mb_y * frame->mb_stride; if (!USES_LIST(frame->mb_type[mb_index], direction)) { continue; } …此处代码太长,略 } #undef IS_8X8 #undef IS_16X8 #undef IS_8X16 #undef IS_INTERLACED #undef USES_LIST return true; }
//----------------------------- decompression ----------------------------- bool TvideoCodecLibavcodec::beginDecompress(TffPictBase &pict, FOURCC fcc, const CMediaType &mt, int sourceFlags) { palette_size = 0; prior_out_rtStart = REFTIME_INVALID; prior_out_rtStop = 0; rtStart = rtStop = REFTIME_INVALID; prior_in_rtStart = prior_in_rtStop = REFTIME_INVALID; mpeg2_in_doubt = codecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO; int using_dxva = 0; int numthreads = deci->getParam2(IDFF_numLAVCdecThreads); int thread_type = 0; if (numthreads > 1 && sup_threads_dec_frame(codecId)) { thread_type = FF_THREAD_FRAME; } else if (numthreads > 1 && sup_threads_dec_slice(codecId)) { thread_type = FF_THREAD_SLICE; } if (numthreads > 1 && thread_type != 0) { threadcount = numthreads; } else { threadcount = 1; } if (codecId == CODEC_ID_H264_DXVA) { codecId = AV_CODEC_ID_H264; using_dxva = 1; } else if (codecId == CODEC_ID_VC1_DXVA) { codecId = AV_CODEC_ID_VC1; using_dxva = 1; } avcodec = libavcodec->avcodec_find_decoder(codecId); if (!avcodec) { return false; } avctx = libavcodec->avcodec_alloc_context(avcodec, this); avctx->thread_type = thread_type; avctx->thread_count = threadcount; avctx->h264_using_dxva = using_dxva; if (codecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) { // If we do not set this, first B-frames before the IDR pictures are dropped. avctx->has_b_frames = 1; } frame = libavcodec->avcodec_alloc_frame(); avctx->width = pict.rectFull.dx; avctx->height = pict.rectFull.dy; intra_matrix = avctx->intra_matrix = (uint16_t*)calloc(sizeof(uint16_t), 64); inter_matrix = avctx->inter_matrix = (uint16_t*)calloc(sizeof(uint16_t), 64); ownmatrices = true; // Fix for new Haali custom media type and fourcc. ffmpeg does not understand it, we have to change it to FOURCC_AVC1 if (fcc == FOURCC_CCV1) { fcc = FOURCC_AVC1; } avctx->codec_tag = fcc; avctx->workaround_bugs = deci->getParam2(IDFF_workaroundBugs); #if 0 avctx->error_concealment = FF_EC_GUESS_MVS | FF_EC_DEBLOCK; avctx->err_recognition = AV_EF_CRCCHECK | AV_EF_BITSTREAM | AV_EF_BUFFER | AV_EF_COMPLIANT | AV_EF_AGGRESSIVE; #endif if (codecId == AV_CODEC_ID_MJPEG) { avctx->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_TRUNCATED; } if (mpeg12_codec(codecId) && deci->getParam2(IDFF_fastMpeg2)) { avctx->flags2 = CODEC_FLAG2_FAST; } if (codecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) if (int skip = deci->getParam2(IDFF_fastH264)) { avctx->skip_loop_filter = skip & 2 ? AVDISCARD_ALL : AVDISCARD_NONREF; } initialSkipLoopFilter = avctx->skip_loop_filter; avctx->debug_mv = !using_dxva; //(deci->getParam2(IDFF_isVis) & deci->getParam2(IDFF_visMV)); avctx->idct_algo = limit(deci->getParam2(IDFF_idct), 0, 6); if (extradata) { delete extradata; } extradata = new Textradata(mt, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); 此处代码太长,略… }
begin decompress()用于解码器的初始化。 注:这个函数的代码太长了,因此只选择一点关键的代码。
HRESULT TvideoCodecLibavcodec::decompress(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcLen0, IMediaSample *pIn) { 代码太长,略… AVPacket avpkt; libavcodec->av_init_packet(&avpkt); if (palette_size) { uint32_t *pal = (uint32_t *)libavcodec->av_packet_new_side_data(&avpkt, AV_PKT_DATA_PALETTE, AVPALETTE_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < palette_size / 4; i++) { pal[i] = 0xFF << 24 | AV_RL32(palette + i); } } while (!src || size > 0) { int used_bytes; avctx->reordered_opaque = rtStart; avctx->reordered_opaque2 = rtStop; avctx->reordered_opaque3 = size; if (sendextradata && extradata->data && extradata->size > 0) { avpkt.data = (uint8_t *)extradata->data; avpkt.size = (int)extradata->size; used_bytes = libavcodec->avcodec_decode_video2(avctx, frame, &got_picture, &avpkt); sendextradata = false; if (used_bytes > 0) { used_bytes = 0; } if (mpeg12_codec(codecId)) { avctx->extradata = NULL; avctx->extradata_size = 0; } } else { unsigned int neededsize = size + FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE; if (ffbuflen < neededsize) { ffbuf = (unsigned char*)realloc(ffbuf, ffbuflen = neededsize); } if (src) { memcpy(ffbuf, src, size); memset(ffbuf + size, 0, FF_INPUT_BUFFER_PADDING_SIZE); } if (parser) { uint8_t *outBuf = NULL; int out_size = 0; used_bytes = libavcodec->av_parser_parse2(parser, avctx, &outBuf, &out_size, src ? ffbuf : NULL, size, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, AV_NOPTS_VALUE, 0); if (prior_in_rtStart == REFTIME_INVALID) { prior_in_rtStart = rtStart; prior_in_rtStop = rtStop; } if (out_size > 0 || !src) { mpeg2_in_doubt = false; avpkt.data = out_size > 0 ? outBuf : NULL; avpkt.size = out_size; if (out_size > used_bytes) { avctx->reordered_opaque = prior_in_rtStart; avctx->reordered_opaque2 = prior_in_rtStop; } else { avctx->reordered_opaque = rtStart; avctx->reordered_opaque2 = rtStop; } prior_in_rtStart = rtStart; prior_in_rtStop = rtStop; avctx->reordered_opaque3 = out_size; if (h264RandomAccess.search(avpkt.data, avpkt.size)) { libavcodec->avcodec_decode_video2(avctx, frame, &got_picture, &avpkt); h264RandomAccess.judgeUsability(&got_picture); } else { got_picture = 0; } } else { got_picture = 0; } } else { avpkt.data = src ? ffbuf : NULL; avpkt.size = size; if (codecId == AV_CODEC_ID_H264) { if (h264RandomAccess.search(avpkt.data, avpkt.size)) { used_bytes = libavcodec->avcodec_decode_video2(avctx, frame, &got_picture, &avpkt); if (used_bytes < 0) { return S_OK; } h264RandomAccess.judgeUsability(&got_picture); } else { got_picture = 0; return S_OK; } } else { used_bytes = libavcodec->avcodec_decode_video2(avctx, frame, &got_picture, &avpkt); } } } 代码太长,略… }
1.AVPacket avpkt;
8: 视频解码器类(TvideoCodecDec)
ffdshow 源代码分析 6: 对解码器的dll的封装(libavcodec)
ffdshow 源代码分析 7: 解码器类(TvideoCodecLibavcodec)
/* *雷霄骅 *leixiaohua1020@126.com *中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 */ #ifndef _TVIDEOCODECLIBMPEG2_H_ #define _TVIDEOCODECLIBMPEG2_H_ #include "TvideoCodec.h" #include "libmpeg2/include/mpeg2.h" class Tdll; struct Textradata; class TccDecoder; //libmpeg2解码器 class TvideoCodecLibmpeg2 : public TvideoCodecDec { private: Tdll *dll; uint32_t (*mpeg2_set_accel)(uint32_t accel); mpeg2dec_t* (*mpeg2_init)(void); const mpeg2_info_t* (*mpeg2_info)(mpeg2dec_t *mpeg2dec); mpeg2_state_t (*mpeg2_parse)(mpeg2dec_t *mpeg2dec); void (*mpeg2_buffer)(mpeg2dec_t *mpeg2dec, const uint8_t *start, const uint8_t *end); void (*mpeg2_close)(mpeg2dec_t *mpeg2dec); void (*mpeg2_reset)(mpeg2dec_t *mpeg2dec, int full_reset); void (*mpeg2_set_rtStart)(mpeg2dec_t *mpeg2dec, int64_t rtStart); int (*mpeg2_guess_aspect)(const mpeg2_sequence_t * sequence, unsigned int * pixel_width, unsigned int * pixel_height); mpeg2dec_t *mpeg2dec; const mpeg2_info_t *info; bool wait4Iframe; int sequenceFlag; REFERENCE_TIME avgTimePerFrame; TffPict oldpict; Textradata *extradata; TccDecoder *ccDecoder; Tbuffer *buffer; uint32_t oldflags; bool m_fFilm; int SetDeinterlaceMethod(void); void init(void); HRESULT decompressI(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcLen, IMediaSample *pIn); protected: virtual bool beginDecompress(TffPictBase &pict, FOURCC infcc, const CMediaType &mt, int sourceFlags); public: TvideoCodecLibmpeg2(IffdshowBase *Ideci, IdecVideoSink *Isink); virtual ~TvideoCodecLibmpeg2(); static const char_t *dllname; virtual int getType(void) const { return IDFF_MOVIE_LIBMPEG2; } virtual int caps(void) const { return CAPS::VIS_QUANTS; } virtual void end(void); virtual HRESULT decompress(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcLen, IMediaSample *pIn); virtual bool onSeek(REFERENCE_TIME segmentStart); virtual HRESULT BeginFlush(); }; #endif
/* *雷霄骅 *leixiaohua1020@126.com *中国传媒大学/数字电视技术 */ #ifndef _TVIDEOCODECXVID4_H_ #define _TVIDEOCODECXVID4_H_ #include "TvideoCodec.h" class Tdll; struct Textradata; //xvid解码器 class TvideoCodecXviD4 : public TvideoCodecDec { private: void create(void); Tdll *dll; public: TvideoCodecXviD4(IffdshowBase *Ideci, IdecVideoSink *IsinkD); virtual ~TvideoCodecXviD4(); int (*xvid_global)(void *handle, int opt, void *param1, void *param2); int (*xvid_decore)(void *handle, int opt, void *param1, void *param2); int (*xvid_plugin_single)(void *handle, int opt, void *param1, void *param2); int (*xvid_plugin_lumimasking)(void *handle, int opt, void *param1, void *param2); static const char_t *dllname; private: void *enchandle, *dechandle; int psnr; TffPict pict; Tbuffer pictbuf; static int me_hq(int rd3), me_(int me3); Textradata *extradata; REFERENCE_TIME rtStart, rtStop; protected: virtual bool beginDecompress(TffPictBase &pict, FOURCC infcc, const CMediaType &mt, int sourceFlags); virtual HRESULT flushDec(void); public: virtual int getType(void) const { return IDFF_MOVIE_XVID4; } virtual int caps(void) const { return CAPS::VIS_QUANTS; } virtual HRESULT decompress(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcLen, IMediaSample *pIn); }; #endif
1. 都有Tdll *dll这个变量,用于加载视频解码器的dll
2. 都有beginDecompress()函数,用于初始化解码器
3. 都有decompress()函数,用于解码
//具体 视频 解码器的父类,存一些公共信息 class TvideoCodecDec : virtual public TvideoCodec, virtual public TcodecDec { protected: bool isdvdproc; comptrQ<IffdshowDecVideo> deciV; IdecVideoSink *sinkD; TvideoCodecDec(IffdshowBase *Ideci, IdecVideoSink *Isink); Rational guessMPEG2sar(const Trect &r, const Rational &sar2, const Rational &containerSar); class TtelecineManager { private: TvideoCodecDec* parent; int segment_count; int pos_in_group; struct { int fieldtype; int repeat_pict; REFERENCE_TIME rtStart; } group[2]; // store information about 2 recent frames. REFERENCE_TIME group_rtStart; bool film; int cfg_softTelecine; public: TtelecineManager(TvideoCodecDec* Iparent); void get_timestamps(TffPict &pict); void get_fieldtype(TffPict &pict); void new_frame(int top_field_first, int repeat_pict, const REFERENCE_TIME &rtStart, const REFERENCE_TIME &rtStop); void onSeek(void); } telecineManager; public: static TvideoCodecDec* initDec(IffdshowBase *deci, IdecVideoSink *Isink, AVCodecID codecId, FOURCC fcc, const CMediaType &mt); virtual ~TvideoCodecDec(); virtual int caps(void) const { return CAPS::NONE; } virtual bool testMediaType(FOURCC fcc, const CMediaType &mt) { return true; } virtual void forceOutputColorspace(const BITMAPINFOHEADER *hdr, int *ilace, TcspInfos &forcedCsps) { *ilace = 0; //cspInfos of forced output colorspace, empty when entering function } enum {SOURCE_REORDER = 1}; virtual bool beginDecompress(TffPictBase &pict, FOURCC infcc, const CMediaType &mt, int sourceFlags) = 0; virtual HRESULT decompress(const unsigned char *src, size_t srcLen, IMediaSample *pIn) = 0; virtual bool onDiscontinuity(void) { return false; } virtual HRESULT onEndOfStream(void) { return S_OK; } unsigned int quantsDx, quantsStride, quantsDy, quantBytes, quantType; //QP表 void *quants; uint16_t *intra_matrix, *inter_matrix; //计算平均QP float calcMeanQuant(void); //画运动矢量 virtual bool drawMV(unsigned char *dst, unsigned int dx, stride_t stride, unsigned int dy) const { return false; } virtual const char* get_current_idct(void) { return NULL; } virtual int useDXVA(void) { return 0; }; virtual void setOutputPin(IPin * /*pPin*/) {} };
IdecVideoSink *sinkD:重要性不言而喻,回头介绍
void *quants:QP表(为什么要存在这里还没搞清)
TvideoCodecDec* TvideoCodecDec::initDec(IffdshowBase *deci, IdecVideoSink *sink, AVCodecID codecId, FOURCC fcc, const CMediaType &mt) { // DXVA mode is a preset setting switch (codecId) { case AV_CODEC_ID_H264: if (deci->getParam2(IDFF_filterMode) & IDFF_FILTERMODE_VIDEODXVA) { if (deci->getParam2(IDFF_dec_DXVA_H264)) { codecId = CODEC_ID_H264_DXVA; } else { return NULL; } } break; case AV_CODEC_ID_VC1: case CODEC_ID_WMV9_LIB: if (deci->getParam2(IDFF_filterMode) & IDFF_FILTERMODE_VIDEODXVA) { if (deci->getParam2(IDFF_dec_DXVA_VC1)) { codecId = CODEC_ID_VC1_DXVA; } else { return NULL; } } break; default: break; } TvideoCodecDec *movie = NULL; if (is_quicksync_codec(codecId)) { movie = new TvideoCodecQuickSync(deci, sink, codecId); } else if (lavc_codec(codecId)) { movie = new TvideoCodecLibavcodec(deci, sink); } else if (raw_codec(codecId)) { movie = new TvideoCodecUncompressed(deci, sink); } else if (wmv9_codec(codecId)) { movie = new TvideoCodecWmv9(deci, sink); } else if (codecId == CODEC_ID_XVID4) { movie = new TvideoCodecXviD4(deci, sink); } else if (codecId == CODEC_ID_LIBMPEG2) { movie = new TvideoCodecLibmpeg2(deci, sink); } else if (codecId == CODEC_ID_AVISYNTH) { movie = new TvideoCodecAvisynth(deci, sink); } else if (codecId == CODEC_ID_H264_DXVA || codecId == CODEC_ID_VC1_DXVA) { movie = new TvideoCodecLibavcodecDxva(deci, sink, codecId); } else { return NULL; } if (!movie) { return NULL; } if (movie->ok && movie->testMediaType(fcc, mt)) { movie->codecId = codecId; return movie; } else if (is_quicksync_codec(codecId)) { // QuickSync decoder init failed, revert to internal decoder. switch (codecId) { case CODEC_ID_H264_QUICK_SYNC: codecId = AV_CODEC_ID_H264; break; case CODEC_ID_MPEG2_QUICK_SYNC: codecId = CODEC_ID_LIBMPEG2; break; case CODEC_ID_VC1_QUICK_SYNC: codecId = CODEC_ID_WMV9_LIB; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); // this shouldn't happen! } delete movie; // Call this function again with the new codecId. return initDec(deci, sink, codecId, fcc, mt); } else { delete movie; return NULL; } }
//计算平均QP float TvideoCodecDec::calcMeanQuant(void) { if (!quants || !quantsDx || !quantsDy) { return 0; } unsigned int sum = 0, num = quantsDx * quantsDy; unsigned char *quants1 = (unsigned char*)quants; for (unsigned int y = 0; y < quantsDy; y++) for (unsigned int x = 0; x < quantsDx; x++) { sum += quants1[(y * quantsStride + x) * quantBytes]; } return float(sum) / num; }
9: 编解码器有关类的总结
//编解码器的父类 class TvideoCodec : virtual public Tcodec { public: TvideoCodec(IffdshowBase *Ideci); virtual ~TvideoCodec(); bool ok; int connectedSplitter; bool isInterlacedRawVideo; Rational containerSar; struct CAPS { enum { NONE = 0, VIS_MV = 1, VIS_QUANTS = 2 }; }; virtual void end(void) {} };
//实现了解码器的祖父类 class TcodecDec : virtual public Tcodec { private: IdecSink *sink; protected: comptrQ<IffdshowDec> deciD; TcodecDec(IffdshowBase *Ideci, IdecSink *Isink); virtual ~TcodecDec(); virtual HRESULT flushDec(void) { return S_OK; } public: virtual HRESULT flush(void); };
IdecSink *sink;
comptrQ<IffdshowDec> deciD;
//编解码器的祖父类,都是虚函数 class Tcodec { protected: const Tconfig *config; comptr<IffdshowBase> deci; Tcodec(IffdshowBase *Ideci); virtual ~Tcodec(); public: AVCodecID codecId; virtual int getType(void) const = 0; virtual const char_t* getName(void) const { return getMovieSourceName(getType()); } virtual void getEncoderInfo(char_t *buf, size_t buflen) const { ff_strncpy(buf, _l("unknown"), buflen); buf[buflen - 1] = '\0'; } static const char_t* getMovieSourceName(int source); virtual HRESULT flush() { return S_OK; } virtual HRESULT BeginFlush() { return S_OK; } virtual HRESULT EndFlush() { return S_OK; } virtual bool onSeek(REFERENCE_TIME segmentStart) { return false; } };
const Tconfig *config;
comptr<IffdshowBase> deci;
Tcodec(IffdshowBase *Ideci);
AVCodecID codecId