
字符串字面量(string literal)是一段双引号括起来的多字节字符序列,C/C++将其实现为具有静态存储连续性的字符数组。初学者(包括不少书籍)常将其称为字符串常量,但这说法只在C++成立,C中不成立。C中的常量只包括下列四种:

6.4.4 Constants









 2.13 Literals

 There are several kinds of literals.21)








21) The term “literal” generally designates, in this International Standard, those tokens that are called “constants” in ISO C.


 字符串字面量在C中具有数组类型char[N],在C++中则为const char[N],在表达式中当发生数组到指针的转换时,对应的等效指针类型分别是char*const char*因此,在C中,char *p = “ABCDEF”是合法的,但让人惊奇的是,上述语句在C++中也是合法的!看起来一个pointer to const char指针被赋予了pointer to char指针,似乎违反了C++中指针转换的more cv-qualified原则。其实字符串字面量在C++中存在两种转换,一种转换依据当前上下文环境,另一种遵循数组到指针的转换,C++标准的内容:

 2.13.4 String literals

 ……..An ordinary string literal has type “array of n const char” and static storage duration (3.7), where n is the size of the string as defined below, and is initialized with the given characters.

 4.2 Array-to-pointer conversion

     A string literal (2.13.4) that is not a wide string literal can be converted to an rvalue of type “pointer to char”; a wide string literal can be converted to an rvalue of type “pointer to wchar_t”. In either case, the result is a pointer to the first element of the array. This conversion is considered only when there is an explicit appropriate pointer target type, and not when there is a general need to convert from an lvalue to an rvalue. [Note: this conversion is deprecated. See Annex D. ] For the purpose of ranking in overload resolution (, this conversion is considered an array-to-pointer conversion followed by a qualification conversion (4.4). [Example: "abc" is converted to “pointer to const char” as an array-to-pointer conversion,

and then to “pointer to char” as a qualification conversion. ]

 在具有显而易见的合适指针目标类型的情况下,例如上述char *p = “ABCDEF”,字符串字面量被转换为char*而不是const char*类型的指针,这个转换实际上是对旧有代码的兼容,是一个特例,而且被指定为deprecated的,将在未来的版本中予以废弃,有些编译器会产生一条提示这是废弃转换的警告。而在函数重载解析中,字符串字面量遵循数组到指针的转换,同时后跟一个限定修饰的转换。

 虽然字符串字面量在C中类型为char[N],在C++中类型为const char[N],但并不说明C中的字符串字面量可以修改,C++的不可以。字符串字面量是否可以修改与实现数组的类型无关,C之所以没有规定为const char[N],还是出于对旧代码的兼容,而C++规定为const char[N]的原因之一是比C更严格的类型安全。无论CC++都规定对字符串字面量的修改是未定义的,编译器可以自行处理,也的确存在一些允许修改字符串字面量的编译器,例如老一代的编译器TC,编译器不管是否允许修改字符串字面量,都没有违反标准。

对 于那些允许修改字符串字面量的编译器,必须考虑这样一个问题,当代码在不同的上下文中引用了同一个字符串字面量时,如果其中一处修改了该字面量,就会影响 其它地方的引用。解决方法是允许同一个字面量的多个实例,这样不同上下文之间不会互相干扰,标准把这个问题的决定权留给了编译器:

 6.4.5 String literals

 It is unspecified whether these arrays are distinct provided their elements have the appropriate values.



posted @ 2012-05-01 20:32  Mr.Rico  阅读(1007)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报