springboot+vue webSocket与自定义注解整合使用




   // 在这个进入这个方法后,通过#UserInfoVo.developedUserId拿到入参,获取接收人的id,并发送给它消息(noticeMsg)
  @Notice(receiver = "#UserInfoVO.developUserId", noticeMsg = "您有一条信息待处理。",isShowSender = true) @Override public RetMsg<Null> insertOneMsg(UserInfoVO mineUserInfoVO) {


public @interface Notice {
     * 消息类型   simple(default):简单模式只需在接口中配置接收人和消息即可
     *           complex:复杂模式需要实现IHandleNotice接口,配置不同的operateType对应不同的实现类
    String noticeType() default "simple";
     * 接收对象  simple模式配置 (可输入表达式)
    String receiver() default "";
     * 消息内容  simple模式配置
    String noticeMsg() default "";
     * 是否显示发送方  simple模式配置
    boolean isShowSender() default true;
     * 通知类型,在枚举类中添加
    NoticeType operateType() default NoticeType.Default;
     * 是否开启通知(可输入表达式)
    String condition() default "";



1.1 WebSocketServer

 * 这里就相当于一个ws协议的controller
public class WebSocketServer {
    //存放每个客户端建立的 链接
    private static ConcurrentHashMap<String, Session> sessionPool = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
     * 一个应用建立连接时调用的方法
     * @param session
     * @param userName
    public void onOpen(Session session, @PathParam(value="userName")String userName) {
        sessionPool.put(userName, session);
     * 关闭时调用,删掉一个session
    public void onClose(@PathParam(value = "userName") String userName) {
    public void onMessage(String message) {
    public void sendOneMessage(String userName, String message) throws IOException {
        Session session = sessionPool.get(userName);
        if (session != null) {
            synchronized(session) {

这里的 @ServerEndpoint 就是初始化和通信消息的链接

1.2 WebSocketServer

public class WebSocketConfig {
    public ServerEndpointExporter serverEndpointExporter() {
        return new ServerEndpointExporter();


1.3 配置一个向后台获取websockt地址的接口,根据不同的环境返回不同的websocket地址:

public class SocketApiController {
	private String localAddress;
	public String getWsAddress() {
		if("".equals(localAddress)) return "";
         //user_id可以从spring security上下文中获取,这里也可以随便设置一个测试
          String user_id = "test"; String wsUrl = "ws://" + localAddress + "/websocket/" +user_id ; return wsUrl; } }





import { axios } from '@/utils/request'
export default {
  name: 'WebSocketComponents',
  data () {
    return {
      socket: ''
  methods: {
    initWebSocket() {
        this.socket.onerror = this.setErrorMessage
        this.socket.onopen = this.setOnopenMessage
        console.log("连接建立成功:" + this.wsUrl)
        this.socket.onmessage = this.setOnMessage
        this.socket.onclose = this.setOncloseMessage
        window.onbeforeunload = this.onbeforeunload
    setOnMessage(event) {
        const noticeMsg = JSON.parse(event.data);
        // this.msgs[Number(noticeMsg.msgNo)-1].msg = noticeMsg.msg
        // this.showNotice[Number(noticeMsg.msgNo)-1].show = !(noticeMsg.msg === undefined)
        this.$notification.info( { message: noticeMsg.noticeMsg , description: noticeMsg.noticeDescription})
    setErrorMessage () {
      console.log('WebSocket连接发生错误   状态码:' + this.socket.readyState)
    setOnopenMessage () {
      console.log('WebSocket连接成功    状态码:' + this.socket.readyState)
    setOnmessageMessage (event) {
      console.log('服务端返回:' + event.data)
    setOncloseMessage () {
      console.log('WebSocket连接关闭    状态码:' + this.socket.readyState)
    onbeforeunload () {
    closeWebSocket () {
//如果嵌入了该组件,向后台请求websocket地址 不为空即建立websocket连接 created() {
const that = this; axios.get(`/socket/getWsAddress`).then( (response) => { if ("" == response) { return; } // Return a string that indicates how binary data from the WebSocket object is exposed to scripts that.socket = new WebSocket(response); that.initWebSocket();
    //这里可以在websocket连接成功后,去调用父组件的初始化的方法 that.$emit(
'noticeInit'); }); } } </script>




 * 在被注解的方法后 去通知用户
 * @author xjx
 *  简单模式发送:只需要在注解中配置接收人和发送的信息即可
*/ @Aspect @Component public class NoticeConfig { //表达式解析类 final ExpressionParser parser = new SpelExpressionParser(); //该类可以从反射的方法中拿到参数名称 final DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer nameDiscoverer = new DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer(); @Autowired private WebSocketServer webSocketServer;
    //看后面策略模式代码 @Autowired
private NoticeChooser noticeChooser; @Pointcut("@annotation(com.tongdatech.winterspring.zczx.webSocketConfig.NoticeAnnotation.Notice)" ) public void noticeConfig() { } @AfterReturning(pointcut = "noticeConfig()", returning = "returnObject") public void doNotice(JoinPoint joinPoint,Object returnObject) throws IOException{ if("".equals(localAddress)) return; Method method = ((MethodSignature)joinPoint.getSignature()).getMethod(); Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs(); Notice noticeAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Notice.class); /** * 判断是否发送通知 */ if(!noticeAnnotation.condition().equals("")) { if(!generateKeyBySpEL(noticeAnnotation.condition(),joinPoint,Boolean.class)) { return; } } /** * 简单模式发送 */ if("simple".equals(noticeAnnotation.noticeType())) {
        //从注解的参数中获得收信人 String receiver
= generateKeyBySpEL(noticeAnnotation.receiver(),joinPoint,String.class); String sender = "";
if(noticeAnnotation.isShowSender()) { sender = "来自:"+getUserName(); } NoticeMsg noticeMsg = new NoticeMsg(null,null,noticeAnnotation.noticeMsg(),sender,null,null); webSocketServer.sendOneMessage(receiver,JSON.toJSONString(noticeMsg)); return; } /** * 复杂模式发送
       根据不同的operateType 调用不同的实现类
       我们给IHandleNotice接口中,传入我们在@Notice注解的方法中获取到的参数和返回值,并获取它返回的 Map<接收人,消息>
*/ IHandleNotice iHandleNotice = noticeChooser.choose(noticeAnnotation.operateType()); Map<String, NoticeMsg> receiversAndMsgs = iHandleNotice.handelNotice(getUserId(), args, returnObject); for (Map.Entry<String, NoticeMsg> entry : receiversAndMsgs.entrySet()) { String jsonMsg = JSON.toJSONString(entry.getValue()); webSocketServer.sendOneMessage(entry.getKey(),jsonMsg); } } /** * 获取发送人用户信息,看情况,这里可以从security架构中,上下文中获取 * @return */ protected String getUserName() {

      Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();

} /** * 解析表达式工具类   返回注解中配置的参数获取到的值 * @param spELString * @param joinPoint * @param clazz * @return */ private <T> T generateKeyBySpEL(String spELString, JoinPoint joinPoint, Class<T> clazz) { MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) joinPoint.getSignature(); Method method = methodSignature.getMethod(); String[] paramNames = nameDiscoverer.getParameterNames(method); Expression expression = parser.parseExpression(spELString); EvaluationContext context = new StandardEvaluationContext(); Object[] args = joinPoint.getArgs(); for(int i = 0 ; i < args.length ; i++) { context.setVariable(paramNames[i], args[i]); } return expression.getValue(context,clazz); }


消息实体类 noticeMsg:

public class NoticeMsg implements Serializable{
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private String msgNo;//消息编号 对应前台消息的位置
    private String msg;//消息
    private String noticeMsg;
    private String noticeDescription;
    private String url;
    private Object object;//预留对象

    public NoticeMsg(String msg, String url) {
        this.msg = msg;
        this.url = url;
    public NoticeMsg(String msg, String url,Object object) {
        this.msg = msg;
        this.url = url;
        this.object = object;
    public NoticeMsg(String msgNo, String msg, String noticeMsg, String noticeDescription, String url,
            Object object) {
        this.msgNo = msgNo;
        this.msg = msg;
        this.noticeMsg = noticeMsg;
        this.noticeDescription = noticeDescription;
        this.url = url;
        this.object = object;

    public String getUrl() {
        return url;

    public void setUrl(String url) {
        this.url = url;

    public String getNoticeMsg() {
        return noticeMsg;

    public void setNoticeMsg(String noticeMsg) {
        this.noticeMsg = noticeMsg;

    public String getNoticeDescription() {
        return noticeDescription;

    public void setNoticeDescription(String noticeDescription) {
        this.noticeDescription = noticeDescription;

    public Object getObject() {
        return object;

    public void setObject(Object object) {
        this.object = object;

    public String getMsgNo() {
        return msgNo;
    public void setMsgNo(String msgNo) {
        this.msgNo = msgNo;

    public String getMsg() {
        return msg;
    public void setMsg(String msg) {
        this.msg = msg;
    public String toString() {
        return "NoticeMsg [msgNo=" + msgNo + ", msg=" + msg + ", noticeMsg=" + noticeMsg + ", noticeDescription="
                + noticeDescription + ", url=" + url + ", object=" + object + "]";
View Code



public enum NoticeType {

定义一个策略接口,包含对策略的抽象和 自己所属的枚举标记:

public interface IHandleNotice {
    //获得 @Notice注解的方法中的参数,发送人 和 返回参数  返回 Map<接收人,信息>
    Map<String, NoticeMsg> handelNotice(String userId, Object[] paramObject, Object returnObject);
    public NoticeType noticeType();


public class AddCustomerNoticeImpl implements IHandleNotice{

    public NoticeType noticeType() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return NoticeType.AddCustomer;

    public Map<String, NoticeMsg> handelNotice(String userId, Object[] paramObject,
            Object returnObject) {
public class ReaddrNoticeImpl implements IHandleNotice{

    public NoticeType noticeType() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return NoticeType.ReAddr;

    public Map<String, NoticeMsg> handelNotice(String userId, Object[] paramObject,
            Object returnObject) {

我们将实现类在spring容器初始化后存入内存中 NoticeChooser:

 * ApplicationContextAware 通过实现该接口可以拿到容器
 * @author xjx
public class NoticeChooser implements ApplicationContextAware{
    private Map<NoticeType, IHandleNotice> noticeMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
    public IHandleNotice choose(NoticeType noticeType) {
        return noticeMap.get(noticeType);
    public void initNoticeTypes() {
        Map<String, IHandleNotice> noticeTypes = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(IHandleNotice.class);
        noticeTypes.forEach((String t, IHandleNotice handle) -> {
            noticeMap.put(handle.noticeType(), handle);

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

这样,我们在之前的代码:IHandleNotice iHandleNotice = noticeChooser.choose(noticeAnnotation.operateType());



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