Debugging with GDB (5) logging


set logging on
Enable logging. 默认打印到当前目录的gdb.txt文件
set logging off
Disable logging.
set logging file file
Change the name of the current logfile. The default logfile isgdb.txt.
set logging overwrite [on|off]
By default, gdb will append to the logfile. Set overwrite if you want set logging on to overwrite the logfile instead.
set logging redirect [on|off]
By default, gdb output will go to both the terminal and the logfile. Set redirect if you want output to go only to the log file.
show logging
Show the current values of the logging settings.
posted @ 2013-03-28 18:08  Me.thinking  阅读(300)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报