1 use master
2 if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='TT')
3 drop database TT ---判读数据库是否存在
4 go
5 create database TT
6 go
7 use TT
9 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='stuinfor')
10 drop table stuinfor ----判读表是否存在
12 create table stuinfor
13 (
14 stuid int primary key identity(1,1),
15 stuname varchar(20)
16 )
18 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='student')
19 drop table student ----判读表是否存在
20 create table student
21 (
22 id int primary key identity(1,1),
23 stuid int,
24 subject int,
25 chengji decimal(3,0)
26 )
27 go
32 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proresult')
33 drop proc proresult ----判读存储过程是否存在
34 go
35 create proc proresult
36 as
37 begin
38 declare @sql nvarchar(200)
39 if(object_id('temp_table') is not null) ---判读是否已经存在临时表名temp_table
40 begin
41 drop table temp_table
42 end
43 create table temp_table(stuid int primary key, stuname nvarchar(20),chinese decimal(3,0),math decimal(3,0),english decimal(3,0),avgage decimal(3,0), appraise varchar(20)) ---创建临时表
44 declare cursor_table cursor for
45 select stuid,stuname from stuinfor --定义游标
46 open cursor_table ---打开游标
47 declare @stuid int,@stuname nvarchar(20)
48 fetch next from cursor_table into @stuid,@stuname ---游标移动
49 while(@@fetch_status=0) ---判读是否已经移动到最尾端
50 begin
51 declare @bid int, @chinese decimal(3,0), @math decimal(3,0), @english decimal(3,0),@description nvarchar(20),@avgage decimal(3,0)
52 set @bid=0
53 while(@bid<3)
54 begin
55 set @bid=@bid+1
56 print @bid
57 if(@bid=1)
58 begin
59 select @chinese=chengji from student where stuid=@stuid and subject=@bid
60 end
61 else if(@bid=2)
62 begin
63 select @math=chengji from student where stuid=@stuid and subject=@bid
64 end
66 else if(@bid=3)
67 begin
68 select @english=chengji from student where stuid=@stuid and subject=@bid
69 end
70 end
71 declare @total decimal(3,0)
72 set @total=@chinese+@math+@english
73 set @avgage=@total/3
74 -- print @total
75 if @total/3=0
76 begin
77 set @description='未考试'
78 end
79 else if @total/3<60
80 begin
81 set @description='不及格'
82 end
83 else if (@total/3>=60 and @total/3<80)
84 begin
85 set @description='良好'
86 end
87 else if (@total/3>=80 and @total/3<90)
88 begin
89 set @description='优秀'
90 end
91 else if @total/3>=90
92 begin
93 set @description='很好'
94 end
95 print @description
96 insert into temp_table(stuid,stuname,chinese,math,english,avgage,appraise) values(@stuid,@stuname,@chinese,@math,@english,@avgage,@description) ---将记录插入到临时表中
97 fetch next from cursor_table into @stuid,@stuname --向下移动
98 end
99 close cursor_table --关闭游标
100 deallocate cursor_table ---销毁游标
103 set @sql=N'select stuid as 编号, stuname as 姓名, chinese as 语文, math as 数学, english as 英语 ,avgage as 平均成绩 , appraise as 评价 from temp_table'
104 exec sp_executesql @sql ---执行查询临时表
105 drop table temp_table ---删除临时表
106 end
107 go
109 exec proresult ---执行存储过程
2 if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='TT')
3 drop database TT ---判读数据库是否存在
4 go
5 create database TT
6 go
7 use TT
9 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='stuinfor')
10 drop table stuinfor ----判读表是否存在
12 create table stuinfor
13 (
14 stuid int primary key identity(1,1),
15 stuname varchar(20)
16 )
18 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='student')
19 drop table student ----判读表是否存在
20 create table student
21 (
22 id int primary key identity(1,1),
23 stuid int,
24 subject int,
25 chengji decimal(3,0)
26 )
27 go
32 if exists (select * from sysobjects where name='proresult')
33 drop proc proresult ----判读存储过程是否存在
34 go
35 create proc proresult
36 as
37 begin
38 declare @sql nvarchar(200)
39 if(object_id('temp_table') is not null) ---判读是否已经存在临时表名temp_table
40 begin
41 drop table temp_table
42 end
43 create table temp_table(stuid int primary key, stuname nvarchar(20),chinese decimal(3,0),math decimal(3,0),english decimal(3,0),avgage decimal(3,0), appraise varchar(20)) ---创建临时表
44 declare cursor_table cursor for
45 select stuid,stuname from stuinfor --定义游标
46 open cursor_table ---打开游标
47 declare @stuid int,@stuname nvarchar(20)
48 fetch next from cursor_table into @stuid,@stuname ---游标移动
49 while(@@fetch_status=0) ---判读是否已经移动到最尾端
50 begin
51 declare @bid int, @chinese decimal(3,0), @math decimal(3,0), @english decimal(3,0),@description nvarchar(20),@avgage decimal(3,0)
52 set @bid=0
53 while(@bid<3)
54 begin
55 set @bid=@bid+1
56 print @bid
57 if(@bid=1)
58 begin
59 select @chinese=chengji from student where stuid=@stuid and subject=@bid
60 end
61 else if(@bid=2)
62 begin
63 select @math=chengji from student where stuid=@stuid and subject=@bid
64 end
66 else if(@bid=3)
67 begin
68 select @english=chengji from student where stuid=@stuid and subject=@bid
69 end
70 end
71 declare @total decimal(3,0)
72 set @total=@chinese+@math+@english
73 set @avgage=@total/3
74 -- print @total
75 if @total/3=0
76 begin
77 set @description='未考试'
78 end
79 else if @total/3<60
80 begin
81 set @description='不及格'
82 end
83 else if (@total/3>=60 and @total/3<80)
84 begin
85 set @description='良好'
86 end
87 else if (@total/3>=80 and @total/3<90)
88 begin
89 set @description='优秀'
90 end
91 else if @total/3>=90
92 begin
93 set @description='很好'
94 end
95 print @description
96 insert into temp_table(stuid,stuname,chinese,math,english,avgage,appraise) values(@stuid,@stuname,@chinese,@math,@english,@avgage,@description) ---将记录插入到临时表中
97 fetch next from cursor_table into @stuid,@stuname --向下移动
98 end
99 close cursor_table --关闭游标
100 deallocate cursor_table ---销毁游标
103 set @sql=N'select stuid as 编号, stuname as 姓名, chinese as 语文, math as 数学, english as 英语 ,avgage as 平均成绩 , appraise as 评价 from temp_table'
104 exec sp_executesql @sql ---执行查询临时表
105 drop table temp_table ---删除临时表
106 end
107 go
109 exec proresult ---执行存储过程
Js,Firmly put your fade