

How to be a better developer?(如何成为更好的程序员?)


This is my follow-up to Rodrigo's excellent post "How to be a better developer?", where he makes some good points, by the way.

I pretty much agree with him on the topics he pointed out, and without exhausting the subject, I would add the following topics:

Know what your framework has to offer. Use it.



It is common to see experienced developers coming from other languages, recreating classes that already exists in .NET Framework. I can't remember how many versions of the System.IO.Path class, I've seen in the last few years. How many projects you joined that used this "Utils" class with lots of methods that just recreates existing features of several classes from .NET Framework?

Another example would be the .NET Role-Based Security model. It looks like only a few people really know about it, and I can't get tired of seeing independent role-based models developed from scratch. Learn how this "provider" concept works, and start creating only your customized "providers", instead of creating the whole "services".

Extend the wheel. Do not reinvent it.



There are common solutions for common problems. Learn design patterns, know which one is better for each situation, and apply the ones that fit in your project. By using well-known design patterns, you will probably solve the problem in the best way, and will also make it easier to other developers understand what you did.

Write technical articles



Yes. By writing technical articles you force yourself to get a deeper knowledge of a subject, and it gets even better when you get feedback from your readers. Start your own blog would be a good way to start, but in any way, publish your articles also in one of the web sites of the CodeZone Community, to get a bigger (and qualified) audience.

Give technical presentations



Giving technical presentations, is another way to force yourself to get deeper knowledge of a subject. You could do simple internal presentations in your company, or in the user group of your region. Even better, if you like teaching, consider becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), and teach some courses once in a while. You will learn a lot while you prepare yourself for each course, and also from the huge amount of questions raised during the training (sometimes even in the coffee-break :)). Did I mention you can also make a few bucks with it?

Write quality code



There are several rules and guidelines of what you should do, and how should you do, for each technology. Learn from this guidelines, adopt the ones that makes sense on your project, add your own guidelines, and make sure you and your team keep following this guidelines.

Do not write "temporary code"



If you know how to solve a problem in the right way, just do it. If you write temporary code instead of implementing the real solution, the chances are that your temporary code will last forever in you application. Remember that, most of the times, doing it the right way takes the same effort as doing it in the dirty way.

Test your code



It doesn't matter if you do Test-Driven Development Unit Testing or Plain Old Unit Testing. Create and maintain an updated test suite for you project, make sure you are covering as much code as possible, and make sure your code pass all the tests before going into production. Unit Testing is a fantastic way to make sure your code is doing what it is supposed to do. Be the first to discover a bug in your code. Not your user.

What about you? What would you add to this list? What would you remove?



作者: Krest, Liang Zhen
日期: 2005-01-03

How To Become a good Programmer?


你们在学校都学些什么课程?问这个问题的原因是,我认为学校的计算机科学基础课很重要。如果你所在学校的课程设置 合理,那你应该先把主要精力花在这些基础课上。很多学生看到基础理论就茫然,不知道这些图表,符号,甚至硬件的知识对将来的软件开发有什么用。用处大得很 哪。比如,操作系统课里讲到的多线程的东西在系统编程里很有用。又比如,尽管你将来不会去涉及电脑的硬件,计算机架构里的知识对分析算法的性能(快慢等 等)很有用。可以把计算机语言和开发工具比作文字,而把计算机科学的知识比做思想。只有思想,不会行文,不行;但是,行文流畅,思想空洞,也不行。大学的 阶段正是打好基础,丰富思想的年代。



这些能力和品质(甚至可以说是习惯)都应该从大学阶段就着手培养,并且从身边的小事开始培养。比如,很多中国的大学毕业生都缺乏编程和调试经验。学习C语 言,考试过关就算学会了。课题项目中,只要程序能够编译,运行,并且输入输出满足要求就了事了。但是,写程序的时候是否想过如何把程序写得更加精炼,高 效,高质量?对程序调试中出现的问题是否刨根问底知道原因,还是不求甚解搪塞过去算数?还有,很多中国的大学毕业生对于知识的掌握肤浅,机械,没有好奇 心,不会刨根问底。比如,学会了C++,有没有看过一个object在编译后,在汇编代码中是如何被初始化的?这个object的各个成员在内存中是如何 放的?在一个成员函数被调用的时候编译器在汇编代码中加入了哪些额外的动作?虚函数的调用是如何实现的? 这些东西恐怕在编程语言或编译原理中都没有详细提到。但是,你是否有过好奇心去知道?最后,一些中国学生的大问题就是死记硬背,没有学到某种算法技术的根 本原理,没有应变和创新的能力。比如,有个问题是如何在不用额外内存的情况下把一棵树的同一层节点都连起来。很多学生都能够回答这是一个广度遍历的问题。 但是,课本上说了广度遍历是一定要有额外数据结构辅助的(队列)。所以,不给额外内存怎么行?请看,课本上说的用队列的方法记住了,但是就是不知道为什么 要用队列。如果深刻掌握了这个队列的作用,那么这个问题是很容易的。

举了这么多例子,我想说明的事,想成为一位好程序员(其实从事任何一个 行业都是如此),重要的是要养成一个钻研,好奇,创新,动手,合作,不满足于填鸭,不满足于考试交差,不满足于表象的一种优秀的习惯。这不是学几门课能够 一蹴而就的。当然,如果你的在校课程不能使你满足,我以及论坛上的朋友可能能够给你推荐一些书或科目。

我觉得要提高编程的能力,有一位良师很重要。这位良师可以是在编程方面比你走在前面的同学,也可以是学校里你帮他做项目的老师,也可以是校外公司里 的老师或老板。很多东西在实际的项目中,有一位良师察看你的程序,帮你指出不足,手把手地指导你调试,会对你很有帮助。所以,当学会了书本上的基本知识以 后,可以努力寻找一些有实用性的项目,借机在项目中找到高手指导。这个项目可以在学校找,也可以到校外找。一开始不要计较报酬,甚至如果能够寻到高手指 点,白干也行。


再次是看一些编程方面的好书。Writing Solid Code是一本很经典的书。最近出的Writing Secure Code也不错。在你熟练掌握C以后,可以学一下C++并熟悉面向对象的程序设计思路。在掌握C++的基础上可以看一下Design Patterns。


最后,我要提醒你不要因为编程这一业余爱好而影响了你本专业的课程,除非你决定转行。对很多在校学生来说,本专业的成绩很重要,因为这个成绩可能会影响到将 来找工作,申请研究生院等等。英语也很重要。我读翻译的计算机书总觉得隔了一层,翻得不贴切。能够直接阅读英文资料更好。





posted on 2008-02-22 14:02  xjb  阅读(508)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
