sql-hive笔试题整理 1 (学生表-成绩表-课程表-教师表)



select t1.s# from
(select s#,c#,score from sc where c# = 001) t1 inner join (select s#,c#,score from sc where c# = 002) t2
on t1.s#=t2.s#
where t1.score > t2.score


select s#,avg(score)
from sc
 group by s# having avg(score)>60

select student.s#,student.sname,count(sc.c#),sum(sc.score)
from student left join sc on student.s#=sc.s#
group by student.s#,student.sname

select count(t#)
from teacher
where tname like '李%'

select t1.s#,t1.sname
from student t1
left join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
left join course t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#
left join teacher t4 on t3.t#=t4.t#
where t4.tname != '叶平'


select t0.s#,t0.sname
from student t0
inner join (select s#,c#,score from sc where c# = 001) t1
on t0.s#=t1.s#
inner join (select s#,c#,score from sc where c# = 002) t2
on t0.s#=t2.s#

select t1.s#,t1.sname
from student t1
left join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
left join course t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#
left join teacher t4 on t3.t#=t4.t#
where t4.tname = '叶平'

select t0.s#,t0.sname
from student t0
inner join (select s#,c#,score from sc where c# = 001) t1
on t0.s#=t1.s#
inner join (select s#,c#,score from sc where c# = 002) t2
on t0.s#=t2.s#
where t2.score<t1.score


select t1.s#,t1.sname
from student t1
inner join (select s#,count(c#),count(if(score<60,c#,null)) from sc group by s# having count(c#) = count(if(score<60,c#,null))) t2
on t1.s#=t2.s#


 select t1.s#,t1.sname

from student t1 inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#

group by t1.s#,t1.sname

having count(c#) < (select count(c#) from course)


 select distinct t1.s#,t1.sname

from student t1 inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#

left semi join (select c# from sc where s#=1001) t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#




 select t1.s#,t3.sname

from sc t1

inner join sc t2

on t1.c#=t2.c#

left join student t3

on t1.s#=t3.s#

where t2.s#=1002

group by t1.s#

having count(distinct t1.c#) = count(distinct t2.c#)


select c#,max(score),min(score)
from sc
group by c#


 select c#,ave,count_g/count_all

from (select c#,

average(score) ave,

count(if(score>=60,s#,null)) count_g,

count(s#) count_all

from sc

group by c#) t1

order by ave,count_g/count_all desc

--16、查询如下课程平均成绩和及格率的百分数(用"1行"显示): 企业管理(001),马克思(002),OO&UML (003),数据库(004)

select c#,ave,count_g/count_all


(select c#,

average(score) ave,

count(if(score>=60,s#,null)) count_g,

count(s#) count_all

from sc

where c# in (001,002,003,004)

group by c#) t1


select t2.cname,t3.tname,avg(t1.score)
from sc t1
inner join course t2 on t1.c#=t2.c#
inner join teacher t3 on t2.t#=t3.t#
group by t2.cname,t3.tname
order by avg(t1.score) desc 

--18、查询如下课程成绩第 3 名到第 6 名的学生成绩单:企业管理(001),马克思(002),UML (003),数据库(004)  

select * from
(select t1.s#,t1.sname,t2.c#,t2.score,row_number() over(partition by t2.c# order by t2.score desc) num
from student t1
inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
where c# in (001,002,003,004)) t
where t.num >=3 and t.num<=6

--19、统计列印各科成绩,各分数段人数:课程ID,课程名称,[100-85],[85-70],[70-60],[ <60]  

select t1.c#,t2.cname,case when t1.score >=85 then [100-85] when (t1.score <85 and t1.score >=70) then [85-70] when (t1.score <70 and t1.score >=60) then [70-60] when t1.score <60 then [ <60] end as score, count(t1.s#)
from sc t1
inner join course t2 on t1.c#=t2.c#
group by t1.c#,t2.cname


select t1.s#,t1.sname,avg(t2.score),row_number() over(order by avg(t2.score)) as ranking
from student t1
inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#


select * from 
(select t1.s#,t1.sname,t2.c#,t2.score,row_number() over(partition by t2.c# order by t2.score desc) num
from student t1
inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
) t 
where t.num <=3


select c#,count(s#)
from sc group by c#


select t1.s#,t2.sname
from sc t1
inner join student t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
where count(t1.c#)=1
group by t1.s#,t2.sname 


select ssex,count(s#)
from student group by ssex


select s#,sname
from student
where sname like '张%'


select sname,count(s#)
from student
where count(s#)>1
group by sname 


 select s#,sname

from student

where datediff(year,today,sage)=1981


 select c#,avg(score) from sc

group by c# order by avg(score),c# desc


select t1.s#,t2.sname,avg(t1.score)
from sc t1 inner join student t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
group by t1.s# having avg(t1.score)>85


select t0.sname,t1.score
from student t0
inner join sc t1 on t0.s#=t1.s#
inner join course t2 on t1.c#=t2.c#
where t2.cname = '数据库' and t1.score<60


select t1.s#,t1.sname,t2.c#,t3.cname
from student t1
left join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
inner join course t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#


select t1.sname,t3.cname,t2.score
from student t1
inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
inner join course t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#
where t2.score>70


select c#,avg(score)

from sc

group by c#

order by avg(score) desc

having avg(score)<60

select t1.s#,t1.sname
from student t1
inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#
inner join course t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#
where t3.c#=003 and t2.score>80


select count(distinct s#)
from sc


select t1.sname,max(t2.score)

from student t1 inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#

inner join course t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#

inner join teacher t4 on t3.t#=t4.t#

where t4.tname='叶平'

group by t1.sname

select c#,count(s#)
from sc
group by c#


select t1.s#,t1.c#,t2.c#,t1.score

from sc t1

inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#

where t1.score=t2.score and t1.c#<>t2.c#


select c#,s# from

(select c#,s#,score,row_number() over(partition by c# order by score desc) num

from sc) t

where t.num=2


 select c#,count(s#)

from sc

group by c#

order by count(s#) desc,c#

having count(s#)>10


select s#

from sc

group by s#

having count(c#)>=2


select t1.c#,t2.cname

from sc t1 inner join course t2 on t1.c#=t2.c#

group by t1.c#,t2.cname

having count(s#)=(select count(s#) from student)


from student s

left join (select t1.sname

from student t1 inner join sc t2 on t1.s#=t2.s#

inner join course t3 on t2.c#=t3.c#

inner join teacher t4 on t3.t#=t4.t#

where t4.tname='叶平') t

on s.sname=t.sname

where t.sname is null


select s#,avg(score)

from sc

group by s#

having count(if(score<60,c#,null))>2

select s#,score
from sc
where c#=004 and score<60
order by score desc



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