qt quick 案例收集

1、国际象棋  Mahdijamebozorg/Advanced_Chess: Graphical chess with Qt Quick QML and C++ (github.com)

2、QuickQanava(类似模块化仿真软件)  cneben/QuickQanava: C++14 network/graph visualization library / Qt node editor. (github.com)

 3、CatLearnQt(CatQuickExamples章节)  graycatya/CatLearnQt: CatLearnQt,提供QWidget,Quick,网络,串口,基础库和示例。案例软件支持样式切换,与国际化。 (github.com)

 4、Basic-QtQuick-Component  Basic-QtQuick-Component: 这是我在工作和学习过程中所写的基础案例 (gitee.com)

 5、gauravdatir/Qt-Examples: Examples on Qt quick and QML concepts (github.com)

 6、alpqr/qrhiimgui2: New Dear ImGui - Qt Quick integration (Qt 6.5+ only) (github.com)


GitHub - bijooos/QtQuick: Advanced Qt programming with QML

GitHub - foruok/qtquick: my own learning project

GitHub - toby20130333/QtQuickExample: 基于QtQuick的入门例子,方便大家入门学习

GitHub - penk/qml-livereload: Simple QtQuick app live viewer

GitHub - sddm/sddm: QML based X11 and Wayland display manager

GitHub - BradyBrenot/huestacean: Philips Hue control app for desktop with screen syncing. C++ with Qt Quick GUI.

GitHub - albertino80/bppgrid: QtQuick 2 Table component, modeled on TableView QML Type and some other Cool qml components

GitHub - ivasilev/QtQuickPlayer: A simple application demonstrating integration of gstreamer witin QML/QtQuick

GitHub - g-timetracker/g-timetracker: Global Time Tracker

GitHub - toby20130333/qtquickqrdecode: QRDeCode Powered QML Module Designing cool, interactive interfaces. DuoDuoZhijiao came up with a much better answer for QRDeCode: `QML`, a declarative language perfect for designing UIs (and much more). Here's a sample of how QRDeCode Plugin For QML

GitHub - pvanhoof/mvvm: Model View ViewModel techniques with Qt and QtQuick

GitHub - toby20130333/QtQuickBlockChain: 基于QtQuick的DDN加密货币的区块浏览器客户端

GitHub - Mud-Player/MudMap: QtQuick Offline Map

GitHub - stanionascu/qsmart-tv: Quick Smart TV interface build on Qt5 and QtQuick technologies.

GitHub - NinthKnight/QtQuickStudy: Qml学习

GitHub - pwuertz/qmlplotting: A collection of QtQuick items for basic data visialization.

GitHub - mpaperno/maxLibQt: A collection of C++ classes and QtQuick QML components for use with the Qt framework.

GitHub - astorije/qml-color-picker: A colorpicker made using QtQuick/QML and C++ components.

GitHub - toby20130333/QtQuickFileIO: 能够在QML当中使用的文件IO流操作

GitHub - chili-epfl/qml-logger: Plugin for file logging from QML

GitHub - mitchcurtis/slate: Pixel Art Editor

GitHub - EiriniMits/ShopMyCloset: 🛍️ A Qt desktop application for selling second-hand clothes!

GitHub - amezin/qmlcompmgr: A prototype of QtQuick/QML compositing manager for X11. Abandoned

GitHub - wow2006/Qt-quick-MVVM: Implementation for MVVM using Qt5

GitHub - jpnurmi/eversome: A QtQuick based Evernote client

GitHub - oria66/test-qml-3dquickpc: Example using data in qtquick

GitHub - BeiChenYx/Qt5Notebook: Qt5 的学习笔记,包括 QWidget 和 QtQuick qml 这两个方向

GitHub - Qt-QML/mdk-qtquick-plugin: MDK wrapper for Qt Quick. Can be used as a normal visual element in .qml files easily.

GitHub - FascodeNet/lightdm-qtquick-greeter: New Greeter for LightDM written in Qt

GitHub - FONQRI/QQuickItemRectFPS: QtQuick Custom Item Performance

GitHub - appetrosyan/qDoList: A QtQuick/QML based todo-list manager.

GitHub - mezorian/qtquicktest2

GitHub - zsombi/owe_model: QtQuick model for OpenWeatherMap

GitHub - OuluPulu/NotePuppy2: NotePuppy with QtQuick.

GitHub - marosiak/Flat.qml: Flat components for QtQuick

GitHub - siposcsaba89/qtquick_opengl_test: render into qframebuffer in c++ and display it in the ui with qml

GitHub - andrej-bratoz/QtQuickType: Qt Implementation of QuickType

GitHub - calamityesp/QtQuickPractice: Repository of all of the practice Qt Quick code and practicees.

GitHub - Stykk-Gruppen/qZoom-Client: Video conferencing application for Linux. Made with Qt and libav libraries.

GitHub - 02JanDal/GroupViewQML: A GroupView written in and for QtQuick

GitHub - L0wperformer/WaveFunctionCollapse_Cpp_QtQuick: This repo contains my Qt/Cpp implementation of the wave function collapse algorithm

GitHub - lirios/aurora-compositor: Framework to write Wayland compositors with Qt

GitHub - zpervan/QtVideoEditor: A QtQuick application video browser, player, and editor for Ubuntu 20.04

GitHub - oniongarlic/cuteimageprovider: Simple QtQuick image provider that can do basic image manipulation operations

GitHub - fantas0s/customgraphicsitem_qt48: Custom Graphics item added to QtQuick 1.0 UI

GitHub - zeroth/SimpleImageViewer: Simple bio image view in QtQuick and C++

GitHub - wbt729/game_of_life: A Game of Life implementation using QtQuick's TableView

GitHub - alexeylysenko/Styling: A styling approach for QtQuick and QtWidget projects

GitHub - LCBHSStudent/draw-triangle-using-vulkan-in-QtQuick-scene-graph: Simple demo desu.

GitHub - milohr/pdf-viewer: A QML QtQuick 1 component able to display PDF files

GitHub - linmx0130/qfeh: Simple feh implemented with Qt Quick.

GitHub - Newester/AnchorUI: 根据QtQuick的锚式相对布局

GitHub - FloHal/MediaCenterProj: It's a media center project use to learn QtQuick

无边框 GitHub - 3unjee/QuickWindow: QuickWindow is a QtQuick frameless window for the Windows platform.

GitHub - rdecicco/PizzaGame-Cpp: Exercise with Qt 5.12.2 and QtQuick 2.12

GitHub - kutegram/client-quick: An unofficial Qt-based client for Telegram messenger.

GitHub - PragmaTwice/DrawAndChat: DrawAndChat Client based on Qt Quick 2

GitHub - romixlab/vision-q: Collection of Qt + OpenCV classes with multithreading and QML in mind.

声音 GitHub - oniongarlic/cutebuzz: Using Playstation 2 Buzz game controllers from Qt 5 and QtQuick

电子书集合 GitHub - lacie-life/Qt-Framework: My course and mini-project use Qt Framework

GitHub - mr0137/Doodle-Jump-qt: Simple clone of doodle jump game with plugin support

GitHub - izumisan/qmvvm: QtQuickで仰々しくなくMVVMするためのライブラリ

GitHub - lepesevichnikita/vsdt-lab-work-5: Fifth laboratory work on the subject "Visual software development tools". C++/Qt/QtQuick/Cmake

GitHub - vozhyk-/filters: A QtQuick/C++ application that applies convolution and function filters to an image

GitHub - HiraethOni/CadenceLib: This is a database management tool for electrical layout software, developed using QtQuick QML

GitHub - ramkumarrammohan/Qt_Quick_CustomGeometry: Custom geometry implementation using QSGGeometry, QSGGeometryNode with QQuickItem as a base class

GitHub - CarpeNecopinum/StreamerStalkerQt: Don't let your favourite streamers go live without you noticing ever again.

GitHub - 181192/P025-QtTodoList: Todolist with Qt Quick

GitHub - Garandor/pfcrender: A tool for the visualization of Lindenmayer system iterates

GitHub - squintjet811/qt-app-random: A general app based on qt framework which could be built across platform

GitHub - lonelyteapot/Visuals: Personal project for visualizing algorithms

GitHub - whiteeagle44/blogger: Create your own blog and write articles with this multiplatform desktop application.

GitHub - MostafaNanticock/singleInstanceApp: A simple app that only runs as a single instance Using Qt and QtQuick

GitHub - IndieLightAndMagic/loggingRectangleQml: A logging rectangle to be displayed in a QML / QtQuick 2 Rectangle.

GitHub - vahidmoslemi/SequenceGuessGame: An example of creating an application using pure modern C++ logic and QtQuick(QML) UI.

GitHub - AbhinavA10/Qt-prototypes: Learning Qt and QML

GitHub - fair-acc/chart-qt: ChartQt is a charting library written in C++ focusing on performance. It uses the Qt libraries but has a dedicated rendering system running on top of QtQuick which gives it great performance and a wide platform support, being able to use any of the 3D rendering APIs OpenGL, Vulkan, Direct3D and Metal. Still in early development.

日志 GitHub - veeso/QMLog: Simple QML Logger component and library

学习集合 GitHub - mikeroyal/Qt-Guide: Qt Guide

GitHub - cengels/skywriter: A distraction-free writer designed for novelists that exports to Markdown for easy integration with version control.

GitHub - caybro/fluke: Simple Linux desktop GUI written in Qt

GitHub - KMS-TEAM/kms_eye: A simple app visualize for my project about VO/VIO SLAM

GitHub - sadeqAlbana/json-model: Qt QAbstractItemModel subclass for JSON data

GitHub - lateus/mines-seeker: A minesweeper-like game

GitHub - guoyunhe/unwallpaper: Download awesome photos from Unsplash as wallpaper.

GitHub - ADVRHumanoids/cartesio_gui: GUI tools for the CartesI/O framework

GitHub - pedrolcl/barcelona-trees: A guide of the trees of Barcelona city

GitHub - JayTwoLab/qml-bind: QML binding example for personal purpose.

GitHub - LSX-s-Software/HomeworkChecker: 一套为高校教师设计的作业管理系统

GitHub - yunus-temurlenk/SendVideoToQmlWithQThread: In this project, I am sending video to Qml side by decoding in another thread(QThread) not in the main thread like the previous project. Streaming and doing all opencv stuff in main(gui) thread is not safe.

GitHub - yunus-temurlenk/SendOpencvImageToQml: Sending Opencv Images(Mat format) or videos to Qml(Qt Quick side) continuously.

GitHub - lvzhaobing/OpenVR_Qt_Demo: This is a OpenVR demo of QtQuick environment ,use OpenGL wrapper in QT, uses QOffScreenSurface to implement off screen rendering, and uses QPainterItem to display QImage

集合 GitHub - ian-fisher-developer/qt-qml: Experiments with Qt QML/Quick

GitHub - femto-code/QML-NewsFeedReader: Qt 6 based RSS News Feed Reader with offline database support

GitHub - Stykk-Gruppen/qTracker-Client: Private tracker client created with the Qt Framework.

GitHub - ChoudharyRamesh/CandyCrush: Implementation of Candy Crush game in Qt-Qml

GitHub - KambizAsadzadeh/CryptoSwap: Crypto swap concept based on Qt Quick Technology.

GitHub - sszymborski/connectFourQML: Two-player connection game in which the players first choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid. In QML QtQuick.

GitHub - STDwang/twpp-qml: Portable, header-only TWAIN framework for C++11 and later. I wrote a demo of the qtquick program based on https://github.com/xricht17/twpp, and fixed some bugs that existed when the original project reproduced

GitHub - huserman/qt-todolist: Simple Qt/QML application that illustrates MVC architecture (or Model-View-Delegate in this case) with examples of database interaction. This Todo List project can be considered as continuation of the following tutorial: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-modelviewsdata-cppmodels.html

GitHub - GermanAizek/credit-qml: Example Qt QML multi-platform application for Windows/Linux/FreeBSD. Support for aarch64, arm64 architecture for mobile devices.

GitHub - yunus-temurlenk/Ubuntu-Screen-Recorder-with-OpenCV-and-QML: Screen Recorder Project with OpenCV and C++ on Ubuntu



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