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基于论文SpERT: "Span-based Entity and Relation Transformer"的中文关系抽取,同时抽取实体、实体类别和关系类别。

原始论文地址: (published at ECAI 2020)




  • Required
    • Python 3.5+
    • PyTorch (tested with version 1.4.0)
    • transformers (+sentencepiece, e.g. with 'pip install transformers[sentencepiece]', tested with version 4.1.1)
    • scikit-learn (tested with version 0.24.0)
    • tqdm (tested with version 4.55.1)
    • numpy (tested with version 1.17.4)
  • Optional
    • jinja2 (tested with version 2.10.3) - if installed, used to export relation extraction examples
    • tensorboardX (tested with version 1.6) - if installed, used to save training process to tensorboard
    • spacy (tested with version 3.0.1) - if installed, used to tokenize sentences for prediction
pip install transformers ==4.1.1
pip install tensorboardX
pip install tqdm 
pip install jinja2 
pip install spacy==3.3.1

额外的,下载: 。执行:pip install zh_core_web_sm-3.3.0.tar.gz



这里使用的数据是千言数据中的信息抽取数据,可以去这里下载:千言(LUGE)| 全面的中文开源数据集合 。下载并解压获得duie_train.json、duie_dev.json、duie_schema.json,将它们放置在data/duie/下,然后运行那下面的process.py以获得:

train.json  # 训练集
dev.json  # 验证集,如果有测试集,也可以生成test.json
duie_prediction_example.json  # 预测样本
duie_types.json  # 存储的实体类型和关系类型
entity_types.txt  # 实际上用不上,只是我们自己看看
relation_types.txt  # 实际上用不上,只是我们自己看看


    {"tokens": ["这", "件", "婚", "事", "原", "本", "与", "陈", "国", "峻", "无", "关", ",", "但", "陈", "国", "峻", "却", "“", "欲", "求", "配", "而", "无", "由", ",", "夜", "间", "乃", "潜", "入", "天", "城", "公", "主", "所", "居", "通", "之"], "entities": [{"type": "人物", "start": 8, "end": 10}, {"type": "人物", "start": 31, "end": 35}], "relations": [{"type": "丈夫", "tail": 0, "head": 1}, {"type": "妻子", "head": 0, "tail": 1}]},



{"entities": {"行政区": {"short": "行政区", "verbose": "行政区"}, "人物": {"short": "人物", "verbose": "人物"}, "气候": {"short": "气候", "verbose": "气候"}, "文学作品": {"short": "文学作品", "verbose": "文学作品"}, "Text": {"short": "Text", "verbose": "Text"}, "学科专业": {"short": "学科专业", "verbose": "学科专业"}, "作品": {"short": "作品", "verbose": "作品"}, "奖项": {"short": "奖项", "verbose": "奖项"}, "国家": {"short": "国家", "verbose": "国家"}, "电视综艺": {"short": "电视综艺", "verbose": "电视综艺"}, "影视作品": {"short": "影视作品", "verbose": "影视作品"}, "企业": {"short": "企业", "verbose": "企业"}, "语言": {"short": "语言", "verbose": "语言"}, "歌曲": {"short": "歌曲", "verbose": "歌曲"}, "Date": {"short": "Date", "verbose": "Date"}, "企业/品牌": {"short": "企业/品牌", "verbose": "企业/品牌"}, "地点": {"short": "地点", "verbose": "地点"}, "Number": {"short": "Number", "verbose": "Number"}, "图书作品": {"short": "图书作品", "verbose": "图书作品"}, "景点": {"short": "景点", "verbose": "景点"}, "城市": {"short": "城市", "verbose": "城市"}, "学校": {"short": "学校", "verbose": "学校"}, "音乐专辑": {"short": "音乐专辑", "verbose": "音乐专辑"}, "机构": {"short": "机构", "verbose": "机构"}}, 
 "relations": {"编剧": {"short": "编剧", "verbose": "编剧", "symmetric": false}, "修业年限": {"short": "修业年限", "verbose": "修业年限", "symmetric": false}, "毕业院校": {"short": "毕业院校", "verbose": "毕业院校", "symmetric": false}, "气候": {"short": "气候", "verbose": "气候", "symmetric": false}, "配音": {"short": "配音", "verbose": "配音", "symmetric": false}, "注册资本": {"short": "注册资本", "verbose": "注册资本", "symmetric": false}, "成立日期": {"short": "成立日期", "verbose": "成立日期", "symmetric": false}, "父亲": {"short": "父亲", "verbose": "父亲", "symmetric": false}, "面积": {"short": "面积", "verbose": "面积", "symmetric": false}, "专业代码": {"short": "专业代码", "verbose": "专业代码", "symmetric": false}, "作者": {"short": "作者", "verbose": "作者", "symmetric": false}, "首都": {"short": "首都", "verbose": "首都", "symmetric": false}, "丈夫": {"short": "丈夫", "verbose": "丈夫", "symmetric": false}, "嘉宾": {"short": "嘉宾", "verbose": "嘉宾", "symmetric": false}, "官方语言": {"short": "官方语言", "verbose": "官方语言", "symmetric": false}, "作曲": {"short": "作曲", "verbose": "作曲", "symmetric": false}, "号": {"short": "号", "verbose": "号", "symmetric": false}, "票房": {"short": "票房", "verbose": "票房", "symmetric": false}, "简称": {"short": "简称", "verbose": "简称", "symmetric": false}, "母亲": {"short": "母亲", "verbose": "母亲", "symmetric": false}, "制片人": {"short": "制片人", "verbose": "制片人", "symmetric": false}, "导演": {"short": "导演", "verbose": "导演", "symmetric": false}, "歌手": {"short": "歌手", "verbose": "歌手", "symmetric": false}, "改编自": {"short": "改编自", "verbose": "改编自", "symmetric": false}, "海拔": {"short": "海拔", "verbose": "海拔", "symmetric": false}, "占地面积": {"short": "占地面积", "verbose": "占地面积", "symmetric": false}, "出品公司": {"short": "出品公司", "verbose": "出品公司", "symmetric": false}, "上映时间": {"short": "上映时间", "verbose": "上映时间", "symmetric": false}, "所在城市": {"short": "所在城市", "verbose": "所在城市", "symmetric": false}, "主持人": {"short": "主持人", "verbose": "主持人", "symmetric": false}, "作词": {"short": "作词", "verbose": "作词", "symmetric": false}, "人口数量": {"short": "人口数量", "verbose": "人口数量", "symmetric": false}, "祖籍": {"short": "祖籍", "verbose": "祖籍", "symmetric": false}, "校长": {"short": "校长", "verbose": "校长", "symmetric": false}, "朝代": {"short": "朝代", "verbose": "朝代", "symmetric": false}, "主题曲": {"short": "主题曲", "verbose": "主题曲", "symmetric": false}, "获奖": {"short": "获奖", "verbose": "获奖", "symmetric": false}, "代言人": {"short": "代言人", "verbose": "代言人", "symmetric": false}, "主演": {"short": "主演", "verbose": "主演", "symmetric": false}, "所属专辑": {"short": "所属专辑", "verbose": "所属专辑", "symmetric": false}, "饰演": {"short": "饰演", "verbose": "饰演", "symmetric": false}, "董事长": {"short": "董事长", "verbose": "董事长", "symmetric": false}, "主角": {"short": "主角", "verbose": "主角", "symmetric": false}, "妻子": {"short": "妻子", "verbose": "妻子", "symmetric": false}, "总部地点": {"short": "总部地点", "verbose": "总部地点", "symmetric": false}, "国籍": {"short": "国籍", "verbose": "国籍", "symmetric": false}, "创始人": {"short": "创始人", "verbose": "创始人", "symmetric": false}, "邮政编码": {"short": "邮政编码", "verbose": "邮政编码", "symmetric": false}}}


(1) 在duie上使用训练集进行训练, 在验证集上进行评估。需要注意的是,这里我只使用了训练集的10000条数据和验证集的10000条数据训练了1个epoch。

python ./ train --config configs/duie_train.conf
{'label': 'duie_train', 'model_type': 'spert', 'model_path': 'model_hub/chinese-bert-wwm-ext', 'tokenizer_path': 'model_hub/chinese-bert-wwm-ext', 'train_path': 'data/duie/train.json', 'valid_path': 'data/duie/dev.json', 'types_path': 'data/duie/duie_types.json', 'train_batch_size': '2', 'eval_batch_size': '1', 'neg_entity_count': '100', 'neg_relation_count': '100', 'epochs': '1', 'lr': '5e-5', 'lr_warmup': '0.1', 'weight_decay': '0.01', 'max_grad_norm': '1.0', 'rel_filter_threshold': '0.4', 'size_embedding': '25', 'prop_drop': '0.1', 'max_span_size': '20', 'store_predictions': 'true', 'store_examples': 'true', 'sampling_processes': '2', 'max_pairs': '1000', 'final_eval': 'true', 'log_path': 'data/log/', 'save_path': 'data/save/'}
Repeat 1 times
Iteration 0
2022-11-17 06:48:16,488 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Datasets: data/duie/train.json, data/duie/dev.json
2022-11-17 06:48:16,489 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Model type: spert
Parse dataset 'train': 100% 10000/10000 [00:52<00:00, 189.61it/s]
<spert.entities.Dataset object at 0x7f24c8c19550>
Parse dataset 'valid': 100% 10000/10000 [00:52<00:00, 191.25it/s]
<spert.entities.Dataset object at 0x7f24c8c19250>
2022-11-17 06:50:02,108 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Relation type count: 49
2022-11-17 06:50:02,108 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Entity type count: 25
2022-11-17 06:50:02,108 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Entities:
2022-11-17 06:50:02,108 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  No Entity=0
2022-11-17 06:50:02,108 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  行政区=1
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  人物=2
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  气候=3
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  文学作品=4
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Text=5
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  学科专业=6
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  作品=7
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  奖项=8
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  国家=9
2022-11-17 06:50:02,109 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  电视综艺=10
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  影视作品=11
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  企业=12
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  语言=13
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  歌曲=14
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Date=15
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  企业/品牌=16
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  地点=17
2022-11-17 06:50:02,110 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Number=18
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  图书作品=19
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  景点=20
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  城市=21
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  学校=22
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  音乐专辑=23
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  机构=24
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Relations:
2022-11-17 06:50:02,111 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  No Relation=0
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  编剧=1
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  修业年限=2
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  毕业院校=3
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  气候=4
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  配音=5
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  注册资本=6
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  成立日期=7
2022-11-17 06:50:02,112 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  父亲=8
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  面积=9
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  专业代码=10
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  作者=11
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  首都=12
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  丈夫=13
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  嘉宾=14
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  官方语言=15
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  作曲=16
2022-11-17 06:50:02,113 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  号=17
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  票房=18
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  简称=19
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  母亲=20
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  制片人=21
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  导演=22
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  歌手=23
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  改编自=24
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  海拔=25
2022-11-17 06:50:02,114 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  占地面积=26
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  出品公司=27
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  上映时间=28
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  所在城市=29
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  主持人=30
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  作词=31
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  人口数量=32
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  祖籍=33
2022-11-17 06:50:02,115 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  校长=34
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  朝代=35
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  主题曲=36
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  获奖=37
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  代言人=38
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  主演=39
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  所属专辑=40
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  饰演=41
2022-11-17 06:50:02,116 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  董事长=42
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  主角=43
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  妻子=44
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  总部地点=45
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  国籍=46
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  创始人=47
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  邮政编码=48
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Dataset: train
2022-11-17 06:50:02,117 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Document count: 10000
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Relation count: 18119
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Entity count: 28033
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Dataset: valid
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Document count: 10000
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Relation count: 18223
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Entity count: 28071
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Updates per epoch: 5000
2022-11-17 06:50:02,118 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Updates total: 5000
Some weights of the model checkpoint at model_hub/chinese-bert-wwm-ext were not used when initializing SpERT: ['cls.predictions.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.dense.weight', 'cls.predictions.transform.dense.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.weight', 'cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.bias', 'cls.predictions.decoder.weight', 'cls.seq_relationship.weight', 'cls.seq_relationship.bias']
- This IS expected if you are initializing SpERT from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).
- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing SpERT from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).
Some weights of SpERT were not initialized from the model checkpoint at model_hub/chinese-bert-wwm-ext and are newly initialized: ['rel_classifier.weight', 'rel_classifier.bias', 'entity_classifier.weight', 'entity_classifier.bias', 'size_embeddings.weight']
You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.
2022-11-17 06:50:07,261 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Train epoch: 0
Train epoch 0: 100% 5000/5000 [09:01<00:00,  9.24it/s]
2022-11-17 06:59:08,476 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Evaluate: valid
Evaluate epoch 1:   0% 0/10000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/content/drive/MyDrive/spert/spert/ UserWarning: __floordiv__ is deprecated, and its behavior will change in a future version of pytorch. It currently rounds toward 0 (like the 'trunc' function NOT 'floor'). This results in incorrect rounding for negative values. To keep the current behavior, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='trunc'), or for actual floor division, use torch.div(a, b, rounding_mode='floor').
  valid_rel_indices = rel_nonzero // rel_class_count
Evaluate epoch 1: 100% 10000/10000 [06:36<00:00, 25.20it/s]

--- Entities (named entity recognition (NER)) ---
An entity is considered correct if the entity type and span is predicted correctly

                type    precision       recall     f1-score      support
                  语言         0.00         0.00         0.00            9
                 行政区        41.29        87.37        56.08           95
                电视综艺        43.94        81.69        57.14          355
                  奖项        20.90        74.87        32.68          199
                Text        42.69        78.23        55.23          634
                  学校        47.59        93.20        63.01          647
                  气候        69.64        79.59        74.29           49
              Number        29.01        96.58        44.62          292
                  歌曲        54.55        87.14        67.10         1617
                  地点        26.25        57.58        36.06          264
                影视作品        57.05        92.34        70.53         2704
                  城市        62.79        46.55        53.47           58
                  人物        60.93        95.98        74.54        14283
                音乐专辑        54.75        79.34        64.79          334
                文学作品        35.14        13.27        19.26           98
                Date        47.23        97.15        63.56         1193
               企业/品牌        26.88        46.30        34.01           54
                  作品         0.00         0.00         0.00           22
                  企业        35.62        73.86        48.07         1144
                图书作品        64.91        87.12        74.39         1724
                  机构        39.45        79.37        52.70         1076
                学科专业         0.00         0.00         0.00            2
                  景点        25.00         3.23         5.71           31
                  国家        29.92        93.28        45.31          640

               micro        53.15        90.82        67.06        27524
               macro        38.15        64.33        45.52        27524

--- Relations ---

Without named entity classification (NEC)
A relation is considered correct if the relation type and the spans of the two related entities are predicted correctly (entity type is not considered)

                type    precision       recall     f1-score      support
                成立日期        19.31        88.94        31.74          868
                注册资本         9.57        87.50        17.25           56
                  主角        15.45        15.18        15.32          112
                  饰演        40.00         9.74        15.67          308
                  祖籍        20.98        73.17        32.61           82
                  作曲        22.67        59.92        32.90          484
                  编剧        47.27         7.22        12.53          360
                修业年限         0.00         0.00         0.00            1
                  妻子        24.99        57.30        34.80          747
                 改编自         0.00         0.00         0.00           34
                占地面积        20.69        29.27        24.24           41
                  主演        33.06        90.21        48.39         2574
                  气候        39.33        70.00        50.36           50
                  父亲        15.13        67.36        24.71          916
                  朝代        11.67        75.84        20.23          356
                  歌手        23.50        81.08        36.44         1221
                  导演        32.93        84.82        47.44         1179
                  面积         7.14        73.53        13.02           34
                所在城市         3.12         3.23         3.17           31
                  海拔        57.14        66.67        61.54           24
                  票房         4.13        94.83         7.91          116
                 主持人        27.25        73.46        39.75          260
                 代言人        10.97        45.61        17.69           57
                  嘉宾        19.13        51.17        27.84          342
                专业代码         0.00         0.00         0.00            1
                 创始人        19.10        46.22        27.03          119
                所属专辑        33.30        81.21        47.23          431
                人口数量        16.07        40.91        23.08           22
                 制片人         0.00         0.00         0.00           97
                  作者        35.77        83.67        50.11         1837
                 董事长        14.06        84.77        24.12          440
                  配音         8.77        46.35        14.74          233
                  作词        32.24        67.88        43.72          520
                上映时间        12.87        92.70        22.60          356
                毕业院校        31.41        91.05        46.71          503
                  获奖         3.66        71.14         6.96          201
                官方语言         0.00         0.00         0.00            9
                  丈夫        24.59        55.96        34.16          747
                邮政编码         0.00         0.00         0.00            1
                  首都        80.00        14.81        25.00           27
                 主题曲        19.35        64.17        29.74          187
                   号        34.08        79.17        47.65           96
                  母亲        14.44        36.99        20.77          519
                  简称        13.24        65.40        22.02          237
                  校长        16.77        93.92        28.45          148
                总部地点         5.51        49.38         9.92          160
                出品公司        18.49        77.78        29.87          405
                  国籍        11.03        87.44        19.59          661

               micro        19.89        72.78        31.25        18210
               macro        19.80        54.94        24.77        18210

With named entity classification (NEC)
A relation is considered correct if the relation type and the two related entities are predicted correctly (in span and entity type)

                type    precision       recall     f1-score      support
                成立日期        17.54        80.76        28.82          868
                注册资本         8.20        75.00        14.79           56
                  主角         6.36         6.25         6.31          112
                  饰演        40.00         9.74        15.67          308
                  祖籍        20.98        73.17        32.61           82
                  作曲        22.67        59.92        32.90          484
                  编剧        47.27         7.22        12.53          360
                修业年限         0.00         0.00         0.00            1
                  妻子        24.99        57.30        34.80          747
                 改编自         0.00         0.00         0.00           34
                占地面积        20.69        29.27        24.24           41
                  主演        33.04        90.17        48.36         2574
                  气候        39.33        70.00        50.36           50
                  父亲        15.13        67.36        24.71          916
                  朝代        11.50        74.72        19.93          356
                  歌手        22.51        77.64        34.90         1221
                  导演        32.86        84.65        47.34         1179
                  面积         7.14        73.53        13.02           34
                所在城市         0.00         0.00         0.00           31
                  海拔        14.29        16.67        15.38           24
                  票房         4.13        94.83         7.91          116
                 主持人        27.10        73.08        39.54          260
                 代言人         9.70        40.35        15.65           57
                  嘉宾        19.02        50.88        27.68          342
                专业代码         0.00         0.00         0.00            1
                 创始人        10.42        25.21        14.74          119
                所属专辑        26.93        65.66        38.19          431
                人口数量        16.07        40.91        23.08           22
                 制片人         0.00         0.00         0.00           97
                  作者        35.19        82.31        49.30         1837
                 董事长        14.02        84.55        24.05          440
                  配音         8.77        46.35        14.74          233
                  作词        32.24        67.88        43.72          520
                上映时间        12.16        87.64        21.36          356
                毕业院校        31.41        91.05        46.71          503
                  获奖         3.64        70.65         6.92          201
                官方语言         0.00         0.00         0.00            9
                  丈夫        24.59        55.96        34.16          747
                邮政编码         0.00         0.00         0.00            1
                  首都        80.00        14.81        25.00           27
                 主题曲        19.19        63.64        29.49          187
                   号        34.08        79.17        47.65           96
                  母亲        14.44        36.99        20.77          519
                  简称        11.36        56.12        18.89          237
                  校长        16.77        93.92        28.45          148
                总部地点         3.07        27.50         5.52          160
                出品公司        18.31        77.04        29.59          405
                  国籍        10.97        86.99        19.49          661

               micro        19.36        70.83        30.41        18210
               macro        18.08        51.39        22.69        18210
2022-11-17 07:08:01,224 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Logged in: data/log/duie_train/2022-11-17_06:48:16.414088
2022-11-17 07:08:01,224 [MainThread  ] [INFO ]  Saved in: data/save/duie_train/2022-11-17_06:48:16.414088

(2) 在测试集上进行评估,由于我们没有测试集,里面参数设置为验证集地址。我们要修改duie_eval.conf里面保存好的模型的地址,一般的,在data/save/duie_train/日期文件夹/final_model下。如果测试集和验证集一样,那么就是和上述一样的结果。

python ./ eval --config configs/duie_eval.conf

(3) 我们要修改duie_eval.conf里面保存好的模型的地址,一般的,在data/save/duie_train/日期文件夹/final_model下。进行预测使用的是duie_prediction_example.json,里面的格式是:

[{"tokens": ["《", "废", "物", "小", "说", "》", "是", "新", "片", "场", "出", "品", ",", "杜", "煜", "峰", "(", "东", "北", "花", "泽", "类", ")", "导", "演", "2", "的", "动", "画", "首", "作", ",", "作", "品", "延", "续", "了", "他", "一", "贯", "的", "脱", "力", "系", "搞", "笑", "风", "格"], "entities": [{"type": "影视作品", "start": 1, "end": 5}, {"type": "企业", "start": 7, "end": 10}, {"type": "人物", "start": 13, "end": 16}], "relations": [{"type": "出品公司", "head": 0, "tail": 1}, {"type": "导演", "head": 0, "tail": 2}]}, {"tokens": ["《", "废", "物", "小", "说", "》", "是", "新", "片", "场", "出", "品", ",", "杜", "煜", "峰", "(", "东", "北", "花", "泽", "类", ")", "导", "演", "2", "的", "动", "画", "首", "作", ",", "作", "品", "延", "续", "了", "他", "一", "贯", "的", "脱", "力", "系", "搞", "笑", "风", "格"], "entities": [{"type": "影视作品", "start": 1, "end": 5}, {"type": "企业", "start": 7, "end": 10}, {"type": "人物", "start": 13, "end": 16}], "relations": [{"type": "出品公司", "head": 0, "tail": 1}, {"type": "导演", "head": 0, "tail": 2}]}, {"tokens": ["《", "废", "物", "小", "说", "》", "是", "新", "片", "场", "出", "品", ",", "杜", "煜", "峰", "(", "东", "北", "花", "泽", "类", ")", "导", "演", "2", "的", "动", "画", "首", "作", ",", "作", "品", "延", "续", "了", "他", "一", "贯", "的", "脱", "力", "系", "搞", "笑", "风", "格"], "entities": [{"type": "影视作品", "start": 1, "end": 5}, {"type": "企业", "start": 7, "end": 10}, {"type": "人物", "start": 13, "end": 16}], "relations": [{"type": "出品公司", "head": 0, "tail": 1}, {"type": "导演", "head": 0, "tail": 2}]}]
python ./ predict --config configs/example_predict.conf
[{"tokens": ["《", "废", "物", "小", "说", "》", "是", "新", "片", "场", "出", "品", ",", "杜", "煜", "峰", "(", "东", "北", "花", "泽", "类", ")", "导", "演", "2", "的", "动", "画", "首", "作", ",", "作", "品", "延", "续", "了", "他", "一", "贯", "的", "脱", "力", "系", "搞", "笑", "风", "格"], "entities": [{"type": "影视作品", "start": 1, "end": 5}, {"type": "企业", "start": 7, "end": 10}, {"type": "人物", "start": 13, "end": 16}], "relations": [{"type": "出品公司", "head": 0, "tail": 1}, {"type": "导演", "head": 0, "tail": 2}]}, {"tokens": ["《", "废", "物", "小", "说", "》", "是", "新", "片", "场", "出", "品", ",", "杜", "煜", "峰", "(", "东", "北", "花", "泽", "类", ")", "导", "演", "2", "的", "动", "画", "首", "作", ",", "作", "品", "延", "续", "了", "他", "一", "贯", "的", "脱", "力", "系", "搞", "笑", "风", "格"], "entities": [{"type": "影视作品", "start": 1, "end": 5}, {"type": "企业", "start": 7, "end": 10}, {"type": "人物", "start": 13, "end": 16}], "relations": [{"type": "出品公司", "head": 0, "tail": 1}, {"type": "导演", "head": 0, "tail": 2}]}, {"tokens": ["《", "废", "物", "小", "说", "》", "是", "新", "片", "场", "出", "品", ",", "杜", "煜", "峰", "(", "东", "北", "花", "泽", "类", ")", "导", "演", "2", "的", "动", "画", "首", "作", ",", "作", "品", "延", "续", "了", "他", "一", "贯", "的", "脱", "力", "系", "搞", "笑", "风", "格"], "entities": [{"type": "影视作品", "start": 1, "end": 5}, {"type": "企业", "start": 7, "end": 10}, {"type": "人物", "start": 13, "end": 16}], "relations": [{"type": "出品公司", "head": 0, "tail": 1}, {"type": "导演", "head": 0, "tail": 2}]}]



  • 针对于中文数据集,将配置参数max_span_size = 20,这里是实体的最大长度,可酌情修改。
  • 在处理duie数据集的时候进行了一些细微的处理,具体可参考process.py里面。


lavis-nlp/spert: PyTorch code for SpERT: Span-based Entity and Relation Transformer (

SpERT: "Span-based Entity and Relation Transformer"

posted @ 2022-11-17 17:25  西西嘛呦  阅读(689)  评论(9编辑  收藏  举报