F# 统计一段英文文章中不同单词出现的次数


使用二叉树,中序遍历输出;调用.NET 的File.ReadAllText读取文件


module node
//二叉树 ,Node为节点,Empty为空节点
type Tree = Empty | Node of Tree * string * int * Tree

letrec printTree t=
match t with
| Empty -> printfn ""
| Node(l,data,num,r) as n ->
printTree l
"%s ---次数是----- %d" data num
printTree r
letrec insert1 = function
| x ,n, Empty -> Node(Empty,x,1,Empty)
| x ,n, Node(l ,data,num,r) ->
if x <data then Node(insert(x,1,l),data,num,r)
elif x > data
then Node( l ,data,num,insert(x,1,r))
else Node(l,data,num+1,r)


open System
open System.IO
let main (args : string[]) =
let reader =File.ReadAllText("D:\\s.txt")
let strings = reader.Split('')
letmutable root = node.Empty
for s in strings do
<- node.insert1 (s,1,root)
node.printTree root
posted @ 2011-06-23 22:42  墨梅  阅读(1537)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报