

Android Verified Boot 2.0: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/avb/+/master/README.md

avbtool verify_image


$ ./avbtool verify_image -h
usage: avbtool verify_image [-h] --image IMAGE [--key KEY]
                            [--expected_chain_partition PART_NAME:ROLLBACK_SLOT:KEY_PATH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --image IMAGE         Image to verify
  --key KEY             Check embedded public key matches KEY
  --expected_chain_partition PART_NAME:ROLLBACK_SLOT:KEY_PATH
                        Expected chain partition
                        Follows chain partitions even when not specified with
                        the --expected_chain_partition option
                        Accept images where the hashtree or FEC data is zeroed



ssa@SS-SHAP02:~/aosp11$ ./android/external/avb/avbtool verify_image --image ~/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vbmeta_system.img
Verifying image /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vbmeta_system.img using embedded public key
vbmeta: Successfully verified SHA256_RSA2048 vbmeta struct in /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vbmeta_system.img
product: Successfully verified sha1 hashtree of /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/product.img for image of 1995071488 bytes
system: Successfully verified sha1 hashtree of /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/system.img for image of 816340992 bytes
system_ext: Successfully verified sha1 hashtree of /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/system_ext.img for image of 459300864 bytes

ssa@SS-SHAP02:~/aosp11$ ./android/external/avb/avbtool verify_image --image ~/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vbmeta.img --key android/vendor/vendor/common/keytools/veritykey_rsa4096.pem 
--expected_chain_partition vbmeta_system:2:android/out/target/product/evb/obj/avb_chain_keys/vbmeta_system.avbpubkey
Verifying image /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vbmeta.img using key at android/vendor/vendor/common/keytools/veritykey_rsa4096.pem
vbmeta: Successfully verified SHA256_RSA4096 vbmeta struct in /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vbmeta.img
vbmeta_system: Successfully verified chain partition descriptor matches expected data
boot: Successfully verified sha256 hash of /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/boot.img for image of 27578368 bytes
dtbo: Successfully verified sha256 hash of /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/dtbo.img for image of 1167483 bytes
vendor_boot: Successfully verified sha256 hash of /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vendor_boot.img for image of 43204608 bytes
vendor: Successfully verified sha1 hashtree of /home/ssa/tmp/gmsversion/download_images/vendor.img for image of 1130254336 bytes

avbtool make_vbmeta_image



./avbtool make_vbmeta_image -h
usage: avbtool make_vbmeta_image [-h] [--output OUTPUT]
                                 [--padding_size NUMBER]
                                 [--algorithm ALGORITHM] [--key KEY]
                                 [--signing_helper APP]
                                 [--signing_helper_with_files APP]
                                 [--public_key_metadata KEY_METADATA]
                                 [--rollback_index ROLLBACK_INDEX]
                                 [--append_to_release_string STR]
                                 [--prop KEY:VALUE]
                                 [--prop_from_file KEY:PATH]
                                 [--kernel_cmdline CMDLINE]
                                 [--setup_rootfs_from_kernel IMAGE]
                                 [--include_descriptors_from_image IMAGE]
                                 [--chain_partition PART_NAME:ROLLBACK_SLOT:KEY_PATH]
                                 [--flags FLAGS]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT       Output file name
  --padding_size NUMBER
                        If non-zero, pads output with NUL bytes so its size is
                        a multiple of NUMBER (default: 0)
  --algorithm ALGORITHM
                        Algorithm to use (default: NONE)
  --key KEY             Path to RSA private key file
  --signing_helper APP  Path to helper used for signing
  --signing_helper_with_files APP
                        Path to helper used for signing using files
  --public_key_metadata KEY_METADATA
                        Path to public key metadata file
  --rollback_index ROLLBACK_INDEX
                        Rollback Index
  --append_to_release_string STR
                        Text to append to release string
  --prop KEY:VALUE      Add property
  --prop_from_file KEY:PATH
                        Add property from file
  --kernel_cmdline CMDLINE
                        Add kernel cmdline
  --setup_rootfs_from_kernel IMAGE, --generate_dm_verity_cmdline_from_hashtree IMAGE
                        Adds kernel cmdline to set up IMAGE
  --include_descriptors_from_image IMAGE
                        Include descriptors from image
                        Don't store the footer - instead calculate the
                        required libavb version for the given options.
                        Allow signed integrity-data for partition
  --flags FLAGS         VBMeta flags
                        Set the HASHTREE_DISABLED flag


out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool make_vbmeta_image 
                                --algorithm SHA256_RSA2048 
                                --key xxx/testkey_rsa2048.pem 
                                --padding_size 4096 
                                --rollback_index 1672876800 
                                --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/evb/system.img 
                                --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/evb/system_ext.img 
                                --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/evb/product.img 
                                --output out/target/product/evb/vbmeta_system.img
out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool make_vbmeta_image 
                                --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/evb/boot.img 
                                --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/evb/vendor_boot.img 
                                --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/evb/vendor.img 
                                --include_descriptors_from_image out/target/product/evb/dtbo.img 
                                --chain_partition vbmeta_system:2:out/target/product/evb/obj/avb_chain_keys/vbmeta_system.avbpubkey 
                                --algorithm SHA256_RSA4096 
                                --key vendor/xxx/common/keytools/veritykey_rsa4096.pem 
                                --padding_size 4096 
                                --output out/target/product/evb/vbmeta.img

avbtool add_hash_footer

这个命令主要是在image中增加footer以及对应的vbmeta数据,便于在生成vbmeta img时从相应img中抓取对应分区信息及descriptor等。



$ ./avbtool add_hash_footer -h
usage: avbtool add_hash_footer [-h] [--image IMAGE]
                               [--partition_size PARTITION_SIZE]
                               [--partition_name PARTITION_NAME]
                               [--hash_algorithm HASH_ALGORITHM] [--salt SALT]
                               [--output_vbmeta_image OUTPUT_VBMETA_IMAGE]
                               [--algorithm ALGORITHM] [--key KEY]
                               [--signing_helper APP]
                               [--signing_helper_with_files APP]
                               [--public_key_metadata KEY_METADATA]
                               [--rollback_index ROLLBACK_INDEX]
                               [--append_to_release_string STR]
                               [--prop KEY:VALUE] [--prop_from_file KEY:PATH]
                               [--kernel_cmdline CMDLINE]
                               [--setup_rootfs_from_kernel IMAGE]
                               [--include_descriptors_from_image IMAGE]
                               [--chain_partition PART_NAME:ROLLBACK_SLOT:KEY_PATH]
                               [--flags FLAGS] [--set_hashtree_disabled_flag]
                               [--use_persistent_digest] [--do_not_use_ab]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --image IMAGE         Image to add hashes to
  --partition_size PARTITION_SIZE
                        Partition size
  --partition_name PARTITION_NAME
                        Partition name
  --hash_algorithm HASH_ALGORITHM
                        Hash algorithm to use (default: sha256)
  --salt SALT           Salt in hex (default: /dev/urandom)
                        Don't store the footer - instead calculate the maximum
                        image size leaving enough room for metadata with the
                        given partition size.
  --output_vbmeta_image OUTPUT_VBMETA_IMAGE
                        Also write vbmeta struct to file
                        Do not append vbmeta struct or footer to the image
  --algorithm ALGORITHM
                        Algorithm to use (default: NONE)
  --key KEY             Path to RSA private key file
  --signing_helper APP  Path to helper used for signing
  --signing_helper_with_files APP
                        Path to helper used for signing using files
  --public_key_metadata KEY_METADATA
                        Path to public key metadata file
  --rollback_index ROLLBACK_INDEX
                        Rollback Index
  --append_to_release_string STR
                        Text to append to release string
  --prop KEY:VALUE      Add property
  --prop_from_file KEY:PATH
                        Add property from file
  --kernel_cmdline CMDLINE
                        Add kernel cmdline
  --setup_rootfs_from_kernel IMAGE, --generate_dm_verity_cmdline_from_hashtree IMAGE
                        Adds kernel cmdline to set up IMAGE
  --include_descriptors_from_image IMAGE
                        Include descriptors from image
                        Don't store the footer - instead calculate the
                        required libavb version for the given options.
                        Allow signed integrity-data for partition
  --flags FLAGS         VBMeta flags
                        Set the HASHTREE_DISABLED flag
                        Use a persistent digest on device instead of storing
                        the digest in the descriptor. This cannot be used with
                        A/B so must be combined with --do_not_use_ab when an
                        A/B suffix is expected at runtime.
  --do_not_use_ab       The partition does not use A/B even when an A/B suffix
                        is present. This must not be used for vbmeta or
                        chained partitions.


out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool add_hash_footer 
                                --image out/target/product/evb/dtbo.img 
                                --partition_size 0x01800000 
                                --partition_name dtbo 
                                --prop com.android.build.dtbo.fingerprint:xxx/evb/evb:11/RD2A.211001.002/xxx:userdebug/test-keys
out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool add_hash_footer 
                                --image out/target/product/evb/vendor_boot.img 
                                --partition_size 0x06000000 
                                --partition_name vendor_boot 
                                --prop com.android.build.vendor_boot.fingerprint:xxx/evb/evb:11/RD2A.211001.002/xxx:userdebug/test-keys
out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool add_hash_footer 
                                --image out/target/product/evb/boot.img 
                                --partition_size 0x06000000 
                                --partition_name boot 
                                --prop com.android.build.boot.fingerprint:xxx/evb/evb:11/RD2A.211001.002/xxx:userdebug/test-keys 
                                --prop com.android.build.boot.os_version:11 
                                --prop com.android.build.boot.security_patch:2023-01-05

avbtool extract_public_key


$ ./avbtool extract_public_key -h
usage: avbtool extract_public_key [-h] --key KEY --output OUTPUT

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --key KEY        Path to RSA private key file
  --output OUTPUT  Output file name


out/host/linux-x86/bin/avbtool extract_public_key 
                                --key external/avb/test/data/testkey_rsa2048.pem 
                                --output out/target/product/evb/boot/obj/avb_chain_keys/vbmeta_system.avbpubkey

avbtool info_image


$ ./avbtool info_image --image vbmeta.img 
Minimum libavb version:   1.0
Header Block:             256 bytes
Authentication Block:     576 bytes
Auxiliary Block:          3520 bytes
Public key (sha1):        xxxx
Algorithm:                SHA256_RSA4096
Rollback Index:           0
Flags:                    0
Release String:           'avbtool 1.1.0'
    Chain Partition descriptor:
      Partition Name:          vbmeta_system
      Rollback Index Location: 2
      Public key (sha1):       xxxx
    Prop: com.android.build.boot.fingerprint -> 'company/proj/proj:11/xxxx/xxxx-20230404:userdebug/test-keys'
    Prop: com.android.build.boot.os_version -> '11'
    Prop: com.android.build.boot.security_patch -> '2023-03-05'
    Prop: com.android.build.vendor_boot.fingerprint -> 'company/proj/proj:11/xxxx/xxxx-20230404:userdebug/test-keys'
    Prop: com.android.build.vendor.fingerprint -> 'company/proj/proj:11/xxxx/xxxx-20230404:userdebug/test-keys'
    Prop: com.android.build.vendor.os_version -> '11'
    Prop: com.android.build.vendor.security_patch -> '2023-03-05'
    Prop: com.android.build.dtbo.fingerprint -> 'company/proj/proj:11/xxxx/xxxx-20230404:userdebug/test-keys'
    Hash descriptor:
      Image Size:            29204480 bytes
      Hash Algorithm:        sha256
      Partition Name:        boot
      Salt:                  xxxx
      Digest:                xxxx
      Flags:                 0
    Hash descriptor:
      Image Size:            1167259 bytes
      Hash Algorithm:        sha256
      Partition Name:        dtbo
      Salt:                  xxxx
      Digest:                xxxx
      Flags:                 0
    Hash descriptor:
      Image Size:            638976 bytes
      Hash Algorithm:        sha256
      Partition Name:        vendor_boot
      Salt:                  xxxx
      Digest:                xxxx
      Flags:                 0
    Hashtree descriptor:
      Version of dm-verity:  1
      Image Size:            1136205824 bytes
      Tree Offset:           1136205824
      Tree Size:             8953856 bytes
      Data Block Size:       4096 bytes
      Hash Block Size:       4096 bytes
      FEC num roots:         2
      FEC offset:            1145159680
      FEC size:              9060352 bytes
      Hash Algorithm:        sha1
      Partition Name:        vendor
      Salt:                  xxxx
      Root Digest:           xxxx
      Flags:                 0


posted @ 2023-04-10 10:14  xiululu  阅读(1395)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报