
create table student(id number primary key,name varchar(200) not null,sex varchar(10),score number,create_date date);
drop table student;
comment on table student is '学生表';
comment on column student.id is '学生ID';
comment on column student.name is '学生姓名';
comment on column student.sex is '学生性别';
comment on column student.sex is '学生分数';
comment on column student.create_date is '创建日期';
select t.*,rowid from student t;
create sequence student_seq
increment by 1 --每次增加1个
start with 1000000 --从1000000开始计数
nomaxvalue --不设置最大值
nocycle --一直累加,不循环
nocache --不建立缓冲区
create or replace trigger student_trg
before insert on student
for each row -- WHEN (new.ID is null) 设置主键存在时,不触发触发器
select student_seq.nextval into :new.id from dual;

insert into student(name,sex,score,create_date)values('王芬','女',89.77,to_date('2021-2-19 11:18:24','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'));
insert into student(name,sex,score,create_date) select name,sex,score,create_date from student;
update student set name=concat('测试',id);


import random
import time
import cx_Oracle as oracle
from config.db_url import DB_URL

db_url = f'{DB_URL}'
print('连接数据库:', db_url)
conn = oracle.connect(db_url)

# 定义游标
cur = conn.cursor()
# 循环次数
count = 0
# 定义数据表的字段名的初始值
sscore =30

while count < 10:
count +=1
sname = '测试'+str(count)
ssex = ['男','女']
score = sscore
name = sname
sex = random.choice(ssex)
localtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',time.localtime(time.time()))
create_date = f'to_date(\'{localtime}\',\'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss\')'
insert_values = (str(name),str(sex),int(score),create_date)
sql = f'INSERT INTO student (name,sex,score,create_date) values {insert_values}'
# 去掉sql语句中的双引号
sql = sql.replace("\"","")
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
print('条目' + str(count) + "已经创建成功")


posted @ 2021-02-18 15:59  修乐  阅读(61)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报