
  • Shader type: No shader是性能最高的选项:

  • Render mode说明:Auto是系统在判定只有在关键帧的时候才渲染,其余Frame不渲染,这样能提高性能

  • 若是固定的物体,则可以设置为Static,并且将灯光重新baking: Windows-> Lighting中点击Build

  • 如何设置的是一个房间,则在General GI中设置如下,原因是:On mobile, we don’t have a lot of computation power or memory, so we need to save on anything we can. While it is great to get a lot higher fidelity with Directional Specular lightmapping, we just simply cannot afford it.
    Maybe one day in the future when mobile phones are as strong as computers today, we can use it. Until then, we will stick with Non-Directional. That said, it still looks pretty good.
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