1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | class BookConfig(ModelStark): list_display = [ "title" , "price" , "publishDate" ] modelform_class = BookModelForm search_fields = [ 'title' , "price" ] def patch_init( self , request, queryset): print (queryset) queryset.update(price = 123 ) patch_init.short_description = "批量初始化" actions = [patch_init] list_filter = [ "publish" , "authors" , ] # 一对多、多对多 site.register(Book, BookConfig) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | class ShowList( object ): """展示页面类""" def __init__( self , config, data_list, request):... def get_filter_linktags( self ): """获取过滤字段""" link_list = {} print ( "list_filter" , self .config.list_filter) # list_filter ['publish', 'authors'] for filter_field in self .config.list_filter: print (filter_field) # 'publish' 'authors' # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) print (filter_field_obj) # app01.Book.publish app01.Book.authors print ( type (filter_field_obj)) """ <class 'django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey'> <class 'django.db.models.fields.related.ManyToManyField'> from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToManyField """ # 拿到关联表下的所有数据 # print("rel...", # 版本问题失效 print ( "rel..." , filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all ()) """ rel... <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> rel... <QuerySet [<Author: alex>, <Author: egon>]> """ return link_list class ModelStark( object ): """默认类,定制配置类""" list_display = [ "__str__" ,] list_display_links = [] modelform_class = [] search_fields = [] actions = [] # 调用self.actions拿到的是函数 list_filter = [] |
1 2 3 | filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) model_name = self .config.model._meta.model_name # 模型名 book app_label = self .config.model._meta.app_label # app名 app01 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | # 拿到关联表下的所有数据 # print("rel...", # 版本问题失效(filter_field_obj.rel.to是关联模型表) print ( "rel..." , filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all ()) # 拿到对象下的关联数据 """ rel... <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> rel... <QuerySet [<Author: alex>, <Author: egon>]> """ |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | class ShowList( object ): """展示页面类""" def get_filter_linktags( self ): """获取过滤字段""" link_dic = {} print ( "list_filter" , self .config.list_filter) # list_filter ['publish', 'authors'] for filter_field in self .config.list_filter: print (filter_field) # 'publish' 'authors' # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) print (filter_field_obj) # app01.Book.publish app01.Book.authors # 拿到关联表下的所有数据 # print("rel...", # 版本问题失效 # print("rel...", filter_field_obj.related_model.objects.all()) # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> data_list = filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all () # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社> temp = [] for obj in data_list: # obj是每一个对象 # print(obj) # 苹果出版社 香蕉出版社 alex egon # print(type(obj)) # <class 'app01.models.Publish'> <class 'app01.models.Author'> link_tag = "<a href=>%s</a>" % str (obj) # print(link_tag) # <a href=>苹果出版社</a> temp.append(link_tag) link_dic[filter_field] = temp # print(link_dic) # {'publish': ['<a href=>苹果出版社</a>', '<a href=>香蕉出版社</a>'], 'authors': ['<a href=>alex</a>', '<a href=>egon</a>']} return link_dic |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | self .config.list_filter——[ 'publish' , 'authors' ] filter_field_obj—— app01.Book.publish、app01.Book.authors filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all ()——<QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]>、<QuerySet [<Author: alex>, <Author: egon>]> obj——苹果出版社 香蕉出版社 alex egon 数据类型:< class 'app01.models.Publish' > < class 'app01.models.Author' > link_tag——<a href = >苹果出版社< / a> link_dic——{ 'publish' : [ '<a href=>苹果出版社</a>' , '<a href=>香蕉出版社</a>' ], 'authors' : [ '<a href=>alex</a>' , '<a href=>egon</a>' ]} |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | < h4 >数据列表</ h4 > < div class="container"> < div class="row"> < div class="col-md-9".....> < div class="col-md-3"> < div class="filter"> < h4 >Filter</ h4 > {% for filter_field, linktags in show_list.get_filter_linktags.items %} < div > < p >{{ filter_field }}</ p > {% for link in linktags %} < p >{{ link|safe }}</ p > {% endfor %} </ div > {% endfor %} </ div > </ div > </ div > </ div > |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | class ShowList( object ): """展示页面类""" def get_filter_linktags( self ): """获取过滤字段""" link_dic = {} print ( "list_filter" , self .config.list_filter) # list_filter ['publish', 'authors'] for filter_field in self .config.list_filter: """循环每一个过滤字段""" import copy # self.request.GET # GET请求的所有数据 params = copy.deepcopy( self .request.GET) print (filter_field) # 'publish' 'authors' # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) print (filter_field_obj) # app01.Book.publish app01.Book.authors # 拿到关联表下的所有数据 # print("rel...", # 版本问题失效 # print("rel...", filter_field_obj.related_model.objects.all()) # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> data_list = filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all () # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社> temp = [] for obj in data_list: # obj是每一个对象 """循环每一个过滤字段关联的数据""" # 构成一个新字典 过滤字段:当前对象主键值 params[filter_field + "__id" ] = # 利用urlencode将键值对转化为a=1&b=2的格式 _url = params.urlencode() # print(obj) # 苹果出版社 香蕉出版社 alex egon # print(type(obj)) # <class 'app01.models.Publish'> <class 'app01.models.Author'> link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) # print(link_tag) # <a href=>苹果出版社</a> temp.append(link_tag) link_dic[filter_field] = temp # print(link_dic) # {'publish': ['<a href=>苹果出版社</a>', '<a href=>香蕉出版社</a>'], 'authors': ['<a href=>alex</a>', '<a href=>egon</a>']} return link_dic |
深拷贝(deepcopy): copy 模块的 deepcopy 方法,完全拷贝了父对象及其子对象。
3、params = copy.deepcopy(self.request.GET)意义
1 2 3 | params <QueryDict: {}> ——没有点击a标签 params <QueryDict: { 'authors__id' : [ '1' ]}> ——第一次点击 params <QueryDict: { 'authors__id' : [ '1' ], 'publish__id' : [ '2' ]}> ——第二次点击 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | {% for filter_field, linktags in show_list.get_filter_linktags.items %} < div class="well"> {# upper方法改为大写 #} < p >{{ filter_field.upper }}</ p > {% for link in linktags %} < p >{{ link|safe }}</ p > {% endfor %} </ div > {% endfor %} |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | <style> .filter a { text-decoration : none ; /* 取消a标签颜色 */ color : grey; } </style> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | class ShowList( object ): def get_filter_linktags( self ): """获取过滤字段""" link_dic = {} print ( "list_filter" , self .config.list_filter) # list_filter ['publish', 'authors'] for filter_field in self .config.list_filter: """循环每一个过滤字段""" import copy # self.request.GET # GET请求的所有数据 params = copy.deepcopy( self .request.GET) print ( "params" , params) # cid是当前字段传过来的值 cid = self .request.GET.get(filter_field + "__id" , 0 ) # 没有值的时候默认为None,None是不能进行int()转换的,因此在这里给它设置默认值为0 # print(filter_field) # 'publish' 'authors' # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) data_list = filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all () # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社> temp = [] for obj in data_list: # obj是每一个对象 """循环每一个过滤字段关联的数据""" # 构成一个新字典 过滤字段:当前对象主键值 params[filter_field + "__id" ] = # 利用urlencode将键值对转化为a=1&b=2的格式 _url = params.urlencode() if int (cid) = = # get请求数据int转换后与对象主键值匹配,匹配成功添加active类 link_tag = "<a class='active' href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) else : link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) temp.append(link_tag) link_dic[filter_field] = temp return link_dic |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | <style> . filter a { text - decoration: none; / * 取消a标签颜色 * / color: grey; } .active { color: red!important; / * 提升优先级 * / } < / style> |
1 | cid = self .request.GET.get(filter_field + "__id" , 0 ) |
1 2 3 4 5 | if int (cid) = = # get请求数据int转换后与对象主键值匹配,匹配成功添加active类 link_tag = "<a class='active' href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) else : link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | class ShowList( object ): def get_filter_linktags( self ): """获取过滤字段""" link_dic = {} print ( "list_filter" , self .config.list_filter) # list_filter ['publish', 'authors'] for filter_field in self .config.list_filter: """循环每一个过滤字段""" import copy # self.request.GET # GET请求的所有数据 params = copy.deepcopy( self .request.GET) print ( "params" , params) # <QueryDict: {'publish__id': ['1']}> # cid是当前字段传过来的值 cid = self .request.GET.get(filter_field + "__id" , 0 ) # 没有值的时候默认为None,None是不能进行int()转换的,因此在这里给它设置默认值为0 # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) data_list = filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all () # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社> temp = [] # 处理all标签 if params.get(filter_field + "__id" ): del params[filter_field + "__id" ] temp.append( "<a href='?%s'>all</a>" % params.urlencode()) else : temp.append( "<a class='active' href='#'>all</a>" ) # 默认是 all 的状态 # 处理数据标签 for obj in data_list: # obj是每一个对象 """循环每一个过滤字段关联的数据""" # 构成一个新字典 过滤字段:当前对象主键值 params[filter_field + "__id" ] = # 利用urlencode将键值对转化为a=1&b=2的格式 _url = params.urlencode() if int (cid) = = # get请求数据int转换后与对象主键值匹配,匹配成功添加active类 link_tag = "<a class='active' href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) else : link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) temp.append(link_tag) link_dic[filter_field] = temp return link_dic |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | # 处理all标签 if params.get(filter_field + "__id" ): del params[filter_field + "__id" ] temp.append( "<a href='?%s'>all</a>" % params.urlencode()) else : temp.append( "<a class='active' href='#'>all</a>" ) # 默认是 all 的状态 |
1 2 3 | params <QueryDict: {}> ——没有点击a标签 params <QueryDict: { 'authors__id' : [ '1' ]}> ——第一次点击 params <QueryDict: { 'authors__id' : [ '1' ], 'publish__id' : [ '2' ]}> ——第二次点击 |
params.get(filter_field + "__id") 就可以拿到对应的authors__id和publish__id.如果if判断拿不到值,说明还没有进行过滤,添加带有active类的a标签:<a class='active' href='#'>all</a>。all标签显示为激活状态。
1 | temp.append( "<a href='?%s'>all</a>" % params.urlencode()) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 | # 访问http:// print ( "urlencode" , params.urlencode) print ( "_url" , params.urlencode()) print ( "params" , params) """ urlencode <bound method QueryDict.urlencode of <QueryDict: {'authors__id': ['1'], 'publish__id': ['1']}>> _url authors__id=1&publish__id=1 params <QueryDict: {'authors__id': ['1'], 'publish__id': ['1']}> """ |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 | class ShowList( object ): """展示页面类""" def __init__( self , config, data_list, request): self .config = config # 接收传递过来的配置类对象 ModelStark的实例对象 self .data_list = data_list # 接收传递过来的当前表的所有对象 self .request = request # <WSGIRequest: GET '/stark/app01/book/?page=2'> # 分页 data_count = self .data_list.count() current_page = int ( self .request.GET.get( "page" , 1 )) # 默认是第一页 base_path = self .request.path # /stark/app01/book/ self .pagination = Pagination(current_page, data_count, base_path, self .request.GET, per_page_num = 3 , pager_count = 11 ,) # print("data_list", self.data_list) # data_list <QuerySet [<Book: python葵花宝典>, <Book: go>, <Book: java>]> self .page_data = self .data_list[ self .pagination.start: self .pagination.end] # print("page_data", self.page_data) # page_data <QuerySet [<Book: python葵花宝典>]> # actions # self.actions = self.config.actions # 拿到配置好的函数对象列表 [patch_init,] self .actions = self .config.new_actions() # 拿到方法运行的返回结果 def get_filter_linktags( self ): """获取过滤字段""" link_dic = {} print ( "list_filter" , self .config.list_filter) # list_filter ['publish', 'authors'] for filter_field in self .config.list_filter: """循环每一个过滤字段""" import copy # self.request.GET # GET请求的所有数据 params = copy.deepcopy( self .request.GET) print ( "params" , params) # <QueryDict: {'publish__id': ['1']}> # cid是当前字段传过来的值 cid = self .request.GET.get(filter_field, 0 ) # 没有值的时候默认为None,None是不能进行int()转换的,因此在这里给它设置默认值为0 # print(filter_field) # 'publish' 'authors' # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) # print(filter_field_obj) # app01.Book.publish app01.Book.authors # 拿到关联表下的所有数据 # print("rel...", # 版本问题失效 # print("rel...", filter_field_obj.related_model.objects.all()) # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> data_list = filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all () # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社> temp = [] # 处理all标签 if params.get(filter_field): print ( "_url" , params.urlencode) del params[filter_field] temp.append( "<a href='?%s'>all</a>" % params.urlencode()) else : temp.append( "<a class='active' href='#'>all</a>" ) # 默认是 all 的状态 # 处理数据标签 for obj in data_list: # obj是每一个对象 """循环每一个过滤字段关联的数据""" # 构成一个新字典 过滤字段:当前对象主键值 params[filter_field] = # 利用urlencode将键值对转化为a=1&b=2的格式 _url = params.urlencode() if int (cid) = = # get请求数据int转换后与对象主键值匹配,匹配成功添加active类 link_tag = "<a class='active' href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) else : # print(obj) # 苹果出版社 香蕉出版社 alex egon # print(type(obj)) # <class 'app01.models.Publish'> <class 'app01.models.Author'> link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, str (obj)) # print(link_tag) # <a href=>苹果出版社</a> temp.append(link_tag) link_dic[filter_field] = temp # print(link_dic) # {'publish': ['<a href=>苹果出版社</a>', '<a href=>香蕉出版社</a>'], 'authors': ['<a href=>alex</a>', '<a href=>egon</a>']} return link_dic |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | class ModelStark( object ): def get_filter_condition( self , request): """拿到过滤条件""" filter_condition = Q() # 默认查询条件为且 and for filter_field, val in request.GET.items(): # 过滤字段、查询的值 去除fitler_field拼接的__id if filter_field in self .list_filter: # 只处理filter过滤列表的键值(分页等排除) filter_condition.children.append((filter_field, val)) return filter_condition |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 | class ModelStark( object ): def list_view( self , request): if request.method = = "POST" : # action print ( "POST:" , request.POST) action = request.POST.get( "action" ) selected_pk = request.POST.getlist( "selected_pk" ) # 拿到列表 # 反射 # self这里是配置类BookConfig,要在类中找到对应的函数 action_func = getattr ( self , action) # patch_init # 拿到选中状态的pk值对象 queryset = self .model.objects. filter (pk__in = selected_pk) # <QuerySet [<Book: go>]> action_func(request, queryset) # 获取search的Q对象 search_condition = self .get_search_condition(request) # 获取filter构建Q对象 filter_condition = self .get_filter_condition(request) # 筛选当前表获取的数据 data_list = self .model.objects. all (). filter (search_condition). filter (filter_condition) # 链式操作,二次过滤 # 获取showlist展示页面 show_list = ShowList( self , data_list, request) header_list = show_list.get_header() new_data_list = show_list.get_body() # 构建一个查看url add_url = self .get_add_url() print ( "add_url" , add_url) return render(request, "list_view.html" , locals ()) |
1、添加一对多、多对多字段 到list_display
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | class BookConfig(ModelStark): list_display = [ "title" , "price" , "publishDate" , "publish" , "authors" ] list_display_links = [ "title" ] modelform_class = BookModelForm search_fields = [ 'title' , "price" ] def patch_init( self , request, queryset): print (queryset) queryset.update(price = 123 ) patch_init.short_description = "批量初始化" actions = [patch_init] list_filter = [ "publish" , "authors" , ] # 一对多、多对多 site.register(Book, BookConfig) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | class ShowList( object ): """展示页面类""" def get_body( self ): """构建表单数据""" new_data_list = [] # for obj in self.data_list: for obj in self .page_data: # 当前页面的数据 temp = [] for field in self .config.new_list_display(): # ["__str__", ] ["pk","name","age",edit] if callable (field): val = field( self .config, obj) else : val = getattr (obj, field) # 拿到的关联对象 处理不了多对多 if field in self .config.list_display_links: # _url = reverse("%s_%s_change" % (app_label, model_name), args=(,)) _url = self .config.get_change_url(obj) val = mark_safe( "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, val)) temp.append(val) new_data_list.append(temp) return new_data_list |
get_body方法,val = getattr(obj, field)拿到的是关联对象,在一对一、一对多情况下,利用模型定了__str__可以正常显示名称,但是却无法处理多对多的情况。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 | class ShowList( object ): """展示页面类""" def get_body( self ): """构建表单数据""" new_data_list = [] # for obj in self.data_list: for obj in self .page_data: # 当前页面的数据 temp = [] for field in self .config.new_list_display(): # ["__str__", ] ["pk","name","age",edit] if callable (field): val = field( self .config, obj) else : from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToManyField field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(field) # 拿到字段对象 if isinstance (field_obj, ManyToManyField): # 判断是否是多对多 # 反射处理 增加.all # 多对多的情况 obj.field.all() ret = getattr (obj, field). all () # <QuerySet [<Author: alex>, <Author: egon>]> t = [] for obj in ret: t.append( str (obj)) val = "," .join(t) # 用join方法实现拼接 alex,egon else : # 非多对多的情况 val = getattr (obj, field) # 拿到的关联对象 处理不了多对多 if field in self .config.list_display_links: # _url = reverse("%s_%s_change" % (app_label, model_name), args=(,)) _url = self .config.get_change_url(obj) val = mark_safe( "<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, val)) temp.append(val) new_data_list.append(temp) return new_data_list |
1 2 3 | from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToManyField field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(field) # 拿到字段对象 if isinstance (field_obj, ManyToManyField): # 判断是否是多对多 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | # 反射处理 增加.all # 多对多的情况 obj.field.all() ret = getattr (obj, field). all () # <QuerySet [<Author: alex>, <Author: egon>]> t = [] for obj in ret: t.append( str (obj)) val = "," .join(t) # 用join方法实现拼接 alex,egon |
(3)注意getattr(obj, field) 和getattr(obj, field).all()的区别
1 2 | print ( "ret" , getattr (obj, field)) # ret app01.Author.None print ( "ret" , getattr (obj, field). all ()) # ret <QuerySet [<Author: alex>, <Author: egon>]> |
1 2 3 | str = "-" seq = ( "a" , "b" , "c" ) # 字符串序列 print str .join( seq ) # a-b-c |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | class BookConfig(ModelStark): list_display = [ "title" , "price" , "publishDate" , "publish" , "authors" ] list_display_links = [ "title" ] modelform_class = BookModelForm search_fields = [ 'title' , "price" ] def patch_init( self , request, queryset): print (queryset) queryset.update(price = 123 ) patch_init.short_description = "批量初始化" actions = [patch_init] list_filter = [ "title" , "publish" , "authors" , ] # 普通字段、一对多、多对多 site.register(Book, BookConfig) |
1 2 3 4 | # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) # 关联表下所有数据 data_list = filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all () # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社> |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | from django.db.models.fields.related import ManyToManyField, ForeignKey class ShowList( object ): """展示页面类""" def get_filter_linktags( self ): """获取过滤字段""" link_dic = {} print ( "list_filter" , self .config.list_filter) # list_filter ['publish', 'authors'] for filter_field in self .config.list_filter: """循环每一个过滤字段""" import copy params = copy.deepcopy( self .request.GET) cid = self .request.GET.get(filter_field, 0 ) # 获取字段对象 filter_field_obj = self .config.model._meta.get_field(filter_field) if isinstance (filter_field_obj, ForeignKey) or isinstance (filter_field_obj, ManyToManyField): data_list = filter_field_obj.related_model.objects. all () # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社> else : # 普通字段直接查询 data_list = self .config.model.objects. all ().values( "pk" , filter_field) # 主键值 字段对象值 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | # 处理数据标签 for obj in data_list: # obj是每一个对象 """循环每一个过滤字段关联的数据""" if isinstance (filter_field_obj, ForeignKey) or isinstance (filter_field_obj, ManyToManyField): # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> pk = text = str (obj) else : # 列表里面套着字典 data_list=[{"pk":1, "title":"go"},....] pk = obj.get( "pk" ) text = obj.get(filter_field) # 构成一个新字典 过滤字段:当前对象主键值 params[filter_field] = pk # 利用urlencode将键值对转化为a=1&b=2的格式 _url = params.urlencode() if int (cid) = = pk: # get请求数据int转换后与对象主键值匹配,匹配成功添加active类 link_tag = "<a class='active' href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, text) else : # print(obj) # 苹果出版社 香蕉出版社 alex egon # print(type(obj)) # <class 'app01.models.Publish'> <class 'app01.models.Author'> link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, text) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | # 处理数据标签 for obj in data_list: # obj是每一个对象(或者是数组) """循环每一个过滤字段关联的数据""" if isinstance (filter_field_obj, ForeignKey) or isinstance (filter_field_obj, ManyToManyField): # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> pk = text = str (obj) params[filter_field] = pk # 过滤字段:当前对象主键值 else : # 列表里面套着字典 data_list=[{"pk":1, "title":"go"},....] pk = obj.get( "pk" ) text = obj.get(filter_field) params[filter_field] = text # 过滤字段:当前对象字段值 # 利用urlencode将键值对转化为a=1&b=2的格式 _url = params.urlencode() if cid = = str (pk) or cid = = text: # get请求数据int转换后与对象主键值匹配,匹配成功添加active类 link_tag = "<a class='active' href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, text) else : # print(obj) # 苹果出版社 香蕉出版社 alex egon # print(type(obj)) # <class 'app01.models.Publish'> <class 'app01.models.Author'> link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, text) # print(link_tag) # <a href=>苹果出版社</a> temp.append(link_tag) |
一开始统一用params[filter_field] = pk 来设置过滤字段,但是设置普通过滤字段后,如果title=7这样是无法进行过滤的,必须让过滤字段等于"go"、"python"等字段值。因此将params也分拆为两种情况:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | if isinstance (filter_field_obj, ForeignKey) or isinstance (filter_field_obj, ManyToManyField): # <QuerySet [<Publish: 苹果出版社>, <Publish: 香蕉出版社>]> pk = text = str (obj) params[filter_field] = pk # 过滤字段:当前对象主键值 else : # 列表里面套着字典 data_list=[{"pk":1, "title":"go"},....] pk = obj.get( "pk" ) text = obj.get(filter_field) params[filter_field] = text # 过滤字段:当前对象字段值 |
cid = self.request.GET.get(filter_field, 0) 由此可见cid是get请求传递的值,之前默认都是pk值,现在有可能是pk值也可能是"python"等普通字段。因此需要调整cid判断:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | if cid = = str (pk) or cid = = text: # get请求数据int转换后与对象主键值匹配,匹配成功添加active类 link_tag = "<a class='active' href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, text) else : # print(obj) # 苹果出版社 香蕉出版社 alex egon # print(type(obj)) # <class 'app01.models.Publish'> <class 'app01.models.Author'> link_tag = "<a href='?%s'>%s</a>" % (_url, text) # print(link_tag) # <a href=>苹果出版社</a> temp.append(link_tag) |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | < div class="col-md-3"> {% if showlist.config.list_filter %} {# list_filter有值才显示FILTER #} < div class="filter"> < h4 >Filter</ h4 > {% for filter_field, linktags in show_list.get_filter_linktags.items %} < div class="well"> {# upper方法改为大写 #} < p >{{ filter_field.upper }}</ p > {% for link in linktags %} < p >{{ link|safe }}</ p > {% endfor %} </ div > {% endfor %} </ div > {% endif %} </ div > |
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