
以下内容引自 CGN的IP之父访谈
Charles: Companies are storing plans for skyscrapers, for whole airplanes in versioned databases. It is time for the cobbler's children to get some shoes.
<< 鞋匠的孩子没鞋穿,这种局面何时能改观 >>
Charles: ....I also believe that work that is expressed in a factored form: namely as a DSL and as a generator, is inherently more reusable than the product of the generator applied to the DSL; Programmers today manually generate code by applying their skills to the specs that is really just a DSL. A metaphor here is the public key cryptosystem where two factors are combined with a difficult-to-invert function. So programmers become unwitting cryptographers – they work against themselves when they apply the programming patterns to the specs and obscure the intent
<< DSL和产生器比应用产生器于DSL(实例)所产生的成品更具可重用性...程序员不小心成了领域意图的加密者... >>

posted on 2004-11-07 02:42  阿飞外传  阅读(707)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
