IChatListener groupChatListener = new IChatListener.Stub() {
// Fired when a one-to-one chat becomes a group chat.
public void convertedToGroupChat(String oldJid,String groupChatRoom,long groupId)
throws RemoteException {
// TODO Notify user that the conversation is now a group chat.
// Fired when a new person joins a chat room.
public void participantJoined(String groupChatRoom, String nickname)
throws RemoteException {
// TODO Notify user that a new participant has joined the conversation.
// Fired when a participant leaves a chat room.
public void participantLeft(String groupChatRoom, String nickname)
throws RemoteException {
// TODO Notify user a chat participant left.
// Fired when the group chat is closed
public void chatClosed(String groupChatRoom) throws RemoteException {
// TODO Close the chat.
public void chatRead(String arg0) throws RemoteException { }
public void newMessageReceived(String from, String body) { }