1. 豆瓣民谣Top排名爬取 1.1 构建scrapy项目 安装Scrapy库 pip install scrapy 创建Scrapy项目 通过cmd进入命令窗口,执行命令scrapy startproject xxxx (xxxx为scrapy项目名),创建scrapy项目。 scrapy sta 阅读全文
10.1 Matrix Factorizations A = LU = (Lower triangular L with 1's on the diagonal)(Upper triangular U with pivots on the diagonal) requirements : No ro 阅读全文
9.1 Real versus Complex R= line of all real numbers () C=plane of all complex numbers |x| = 阅读全文
8.1 Linear Requires Keys: A linear transformation T takes vectors v to vectors T(v). Linearity requires: The input vec 阅读全文
7.1 Singular values and Singular vectors The SVD separates any matrix into simple pieces. A is any m by n matrix, square or rectangular, Its rank is r 阅读全文
Keys: What are Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors? How to find Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors? Applications of Egenvalues and Eigenvectors: Difference equatio 阅读全文
5.1 The Properties of Determinants The determinant of the n by n identity matrix is 1 : . The determinant changes sign when two rows are 阅读全文