转载请注明出处: http://blog.csdn.net/elfprincexu
- char* pName = new char[1024];
- SetName(pName);
- if(null != pName)
- {
- delete[] pName;
- }
在上面一段代码中,我们会遇到bug呢? 很有可能在分配内存的时候就出错了,有可能在被调用的时候指针误操作了,也有可能在其他地方操作了。答案太多太多了
- class Person
- {
- int age;
- char* pName;
- public:
- Person(): pName(0),age(0){}
- Person(char* pName, int age): pName(pName), age(age){}
- ~Person(){}
- void Display()
- {
- printf("Name = %s Age = %d \n", pName, age);
- }
- void Shout()
- {
- printf("Ooooooooooooooooo",);
- }
- };
- void main()
- {
- Person* pPerson = new Person("Scott", 25);
- pPerson->Display();
- delete pPerson;
- }
- template < typename T > class SP
- {
- private:
- T* pData; // Generic pointer to be stored
- public:
- SP(T* pValue) : pData(pValue){}
- ~SP()
- {
- delete pData;
- }
- T& operator* ()
- {
- return *pData;
- }
- T* operator-> ()
- {
- return pData;
- }
- };
- void main()
- {
- SP<PERSON> p(new Person("Scott", 25));
- p->Display();
- // Dont need to delete Person pointer..
- }
- void main()
- {
- SP<PERSON> p(new Person("Scott", 25));
- p->Display();
- {
- SP<PERSON> q = p;
- q->Display();
- // Destructor of Q will be called here..
- }
- p->Display();
- }
所以,我们引入Reference Counting的智能指针至关重要,通过对实例被引用的次数来决定该实例是否需要被释放。
- class RC
- {
- private:
- int count; // Reference count
- public:
- void AddRef()
- {
- // Increment the reference count
- count++;
- }
- int Release()
- {
- // Decrement the reference count and
- // return the reference count.
- return --count;
- }
- };
- template < typename T > class SP
- {
- private:
- T* pData; // pointer
- RC* reference; // Reference count
- public:
- SP() : pData(0), reference(0)
- {
- // Create a new reference
- reference = new RC();
- // Increment the reference count
- reference->AddRef();
- }
- SP(T* pValue) : pData(pValue), reference(0)
- {
- // Create a new reference
- reference = new RC();
- // Increment the reference count
- reference->AddRef();
- }
- SP(const SP<T>& sp) : pData(sp.pData), reference(sp.reference)
- {
- // Copy constructor
- // Copy the data and reference pointer
- // and increment the reference count
- reference->AddRef();
- }
- ~SP()
- {
- // Destructor
- // Decrement the reference count
- // if reference become zero delete the data
- if(reference->Release() == 0)
- {
- delete pData;
- delete reference;
- }
- }
- T& operator* ()
- {
- return *pData;
- }
- T* operator-> ()
- {
- return pData;
- }
- SP<T>& operator = (const SP<T>& sp)
- {
- // Assignment operator
- if (this != &sp) // Avoid self assignment
- {
- // Decrement the old reference count
- // if reference become zero delete the old data
- if(reference->Release() == 0)
- {
- delete pData;
- delete reference;
- }
- // Copy the data and reference pointer
- // and increment the reference count
- pData = sp.pData;
- reference = sp.reference;
- reference->AddRef();
- }
- return *this;
- }
- };
- void main()
- {
- SP<PERSON> p(new Person("Scott", 25));
- p->Display();
- {
- SP<PERSON> q = p;
- q->Display();
- // Destructor of q will be called here..
- r = p;
- r->Display();
- // Destructor of r will be called here..
- }
- p->Display();
- // Destructor of p will be called here
- // and person pointer will be deleted
- }
1. SP<PERSON> p(new Person("Scott",25));
当我们创建一个新的智能指针的时候,他的参数类型为Person, 参数为一个Person的普通指针, 智能指针p中的情况是
构造函数被调用,pData 复制新创建的person指针, 同时新建一个RC成员,同时RC调用addReference()函数, reference.count =1 ;
2. SP<PERSON> q = p;
接下来,我们有定义了一个新的SP智能指针q, 调用SP类的拷贝构造函数,q的pData同样复制p的pData的值,q的reference拷贝p的reference值
同时,我们发现,q的reference.count加1, 现在 q的reference.count =2;
3. SP<PERSON> r; r = p;
接下来,我们创建一个新的空的智能指针r,并调用assigne operator 赋值函数初始化,同样,由于r != p, 所以原来的r的空间会被释放, 然后将p的空间复制给r。
这个时候r的pData同样指向Person实例的地址,p的reference复制p的reference,并且对reference加1. 现在 r的reference.count =3.
4. 由于 r,q 生命域到达,rq 的析构函数先后被调用。
r首先被析构, 会对reference.count减一,等于2,发现还没到0, 所以不会释放 pdata 和 reference
q其次被析构,会对reference.count减一,等于1,发现还没到0, 所以不会释放 pdata 和 reference
5. p的生命域到达,p调用析构函数
p最后被析构,会对reference.count减一,等于0,发现到0, 所以释放 pdata 和 reference。 此时pdata 就是一开始新创建的Person空间,所以person会被释放,同时Reference也会被释放。
整个过程中,我们只创建了一次Person实例和Reference实例, 但最多有三个智能指针同时指向他们,通过对实例的被引用次数记录,来“智能”的判断什么时候释放真正的内存空间。