现代软件工程 作业 2 结对项目
- 结对项目 Pair Project: 一对同学用结对编程的方法完成
2015 年的要求: (任选一个)
在手机上实习原来一些PC 端的简单游戏。
设计一个手机的小功能, 例如做四则运算的计算器。 要求全部自己设计并实现。
在过去一些流行游戏的基础上设计出新游戏, 增量式的创新。
在简单的工具上增加新的功能, 例如,手机计算器除了能算四则运算之外,还可以算带括号的运算, 分数运算,三角函数,等。
1. 实现一个简化的火车票购票系统 (12306 简化版),支持单人订票,web 界面。
2. 支持多人订票(成年人,订票座位应该尽可能在一起)
3. 在上面系统的基础上, 实现成人+儿童的订票, 要求他们的座位要在一起,儿童半票。
过去项目的例子 Pair Project (sample 2)
把普通的平面棋类游戏 (围棋, 象棋, 跳棋) 变成 三维的游戏。
Pair Project (sampe 3)
在过去一些流行游戏的基础上设计出新游戏, 增量式的创新。
2011 年的项目
Pair Project
tasks for each pair:
learn the current architecture and feature
review new feature suggestions, and come up with your own features and improvements
pick 1-2 new features, and implement them in 2 weeks, using pair-programming collaboration model
break your feature into sub-tasks (see work breakdown structure, WBS), write down your estimation of the cost (how many hours). after the code is completed, write down the actual cost of time.
take a photo of 2 of the pair actually working, write a blog (including the photo) to share what you’ve learned in pair-project.
the developer of map view - John - will talk about the following:
a) The brief intro of SL programming
b) Architecture of map view code
c) Feature list of map view
deadline: 8/25, Thursday Noon. code checked in. be able to build from the project and run the demo.
8/25 afternoon (1-2pm), each pair present their work in real time demo and/or PPT.
8/31 noon. blog about your pair project should be posted online.
an acceptable pair project summary blog looks like this:
a) your project title
b) team members
c) the goal of the project, and WBS (break the goal into manageable pieces)
d) your estimate of each piece of work, and the actual cost of each pieces of work
e) your result (show some screenshots of your working feature)
f) the photo of both of you working in pair-programming style
g) the benefits and costs of pair-programming, from your own perspective. how did pair-programming help your pair overcome difficulties? what’s the cost of doing so?
h) how do you evaluate your partner? show us the strength and weak areas of your partner, give him/her constructive feedback in "sandwich style”.
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· 上周热点回顾(1.20-1.26)
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