一些有意思的程序员常去的博客 [zz]

General programming blogs

http://blogs.technet.com/MarkRussinovich/  - Mark is a MS Technical Fellow, and the author of the Sysinternals tools, and co-author of Inside Windows. Most of his blog entries are good case studies in how to use tools to track down tough problems that you see.

http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/ - Raymond Chen's blog - Raymond is a Win32 guru, and he has lots of intersting Win32 how-not-to-do-it tidbits.

http://herbsutter.wordpress.com/ and http://www.gotw.ca - Herb Sutter is the converor of the C++ Standards Committee, and has lots of articles on doing concurrency well.

http://erdani.org/ - Andrei Alexandrescu is the author of Modern C++ Design, which introduced us to Template Metaprogramming.

http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/scott_meyers/ - Scott Meyers wrote the Effective C++ books.

http://www.booch.com/architecture/blog.jsp - Grady Booch is the author of Object Oriented Analysis and Design, and one of the inventors of object oriented design


http://schneier.com/blog/ - Bruce Schnieder is a security and cryptography guru, and wrote Applied Cryptography.

http://www.addsimplicity.com/adding_simplicity_an_engi/ - An interesting blog about SOE and server side issues.

C++ blogs

http://www.artima.com/cppsource - This is a source of papers by C++ Luminaries

http://www.nwcpp.org/ - Did you know we have a local C++ User's Group that meets monthly here on campus? This is another way to keep up to date.

C# blogs

http://weblogs.asp.net/Scottgu/ - Scott Guthrie's blog is a good way to keep updated with upcoming C#/.Net/Visual Studio features.

Agile programming

http://www.threeriversinstitute.org/ - Kent Beck is the inventor of XP (eXtreme Programming, not windows XP), and also wrote the book on Test Driven Design

http://martinfowler.com/bliki/ - Martin Fowler is the author of "Refactoring"

http://www.artima.com/weblogs/index.jsp?blogger=mfeathers - Michael Feathers is the author of "Working Effectively with Legacy Code", a book about how to unit test the untestable.

http://seattlexp.org/cgi-bin/wiki.cgi - Seattle has a XP special interest group that meets occasionally

http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/extremeprogramming-seattle/ - Seattle has a XP special interest group that meets occasionally

http://www.xpprogramming.com/ - XP site

Other helpful programming links (not blogs)

http://www.netobjectives.com/ -

http://academic.research.microsoft.com/ - This is a site for finding research papers.

http://www.ddj.com/ - Dr Dobbs' Journal still prints relevant articles. Some of their articles are only available online.

http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/W-P/system/devicedriverdevelopment/article.php/c8035/ - Fun article on how kernel mode transitions work

http://www.reger24.de/processes.php - a list of known processes that are part of the default install of the OS, so you can figure out what they do.

http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/default.aspx - SysInternals freeware apps (new home)

Interesting, but not directly programming related

http://sanderssays.typepad.com/sanders_says/ - This is about the people side of software. Tim used to work for Yahoo, and wrote "Love is the Killer App", and "The Likeability Factor".

posted @ 2010-11-27 20:05  SoftwareTeacher  阅读(3256)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报