解决cvs文件被锁(cvs server: [17:04:18] waiting for *****s on CD-*****'s lock)

       某日修改好bug后提交文件,提交总是失败,myeclipse synchronize视图下,总弹出提示 up-to-date check failed for...,截图如下:

并且在cvs console不断显示如下: cvs server: [17:04:18] waiting for *****s on CD-*****'s lock    (ps:*****为我的账号,匿了哈O(∩_∩)O哈哈哈~)
       按上述提示,应该是cvs某个文件被锁定,但无奈myeclipse synchronize视图和myeclipse其他视图均无解锁的操作,只能google,发现网上的解决方法都是千遍一律,都是说删除cvs server下cvs库下的cvslocks文件下以#开头的锁文件即可解决。但tnnd都是对linux的,公司都cvs server是window的,并且进行了文件夹搜索根本发现不了cvslocks文件夹。
      无奈只能上cvsnt的官网 http://www.march-hare.com/library/default.asp寻求解决方法,搜索ctrl+f对关键字lock进行搜索发现 此节,文中说文件系统锁是已经被废弃的了,现在使用的lockserver通过动态的方式处理并发锁。所以网上的大多数文章说去删锁文件,在这就是乱来,没文件怎么删除呢。按文章描述,lockserver应该是从内存里面实现提供了文件级别(指的是cvs管理的文件)的锁,所以锁应该是存在内存里面的,而内存数据是非持久化的。按这个推理,只有cvs服务器重启,所有锁都应该被清除了。再感慨一番公司的版本管理的outdate,后只能乖乖等cvs服务器维护人员重启服务器,重启后再同步一切ok。

CVS locks in the repository

For an introduction to cvsnt locks focusing on user-visible behavior, see the section called “Several developers simultaneously attempting to run CVS”. The following section is aimed at people who are writing tools which want to access a cvsnt repository without interfering with other tools acessing the same repository. If you find yourself confused by concepts described here, like read lockwrite lock, and deadlock, you might consult the literature on operating systems or databases.

cvsnt now uses the LockServer to handle lock concurrency in a dynamic way (see the section called “The CVSNT lockserver”. This following section refers to the obsolete filesysem lock method, which may still be in use on some sites.

Any file in the repository with a name starting with #cvs.rfl. is a read lock. Any file in the repository with a name starting with #cvs.wfl is a write lock. Old versions of cvsnt (before cvsnt 1.5) also created files with names starting with #cvs.tfl, but they are not discussed here. The directory #cvs.lock serves as a master lock. That is, one must obtain this lock first before creating any of the other locks.



posted @ 2013-04-17 13:07  xinyuyuanm  阅读(766)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报