02 2019 档案
摘要:1、启动Workbench的 方式 补充一种: 控制台找到Niagara的根目录文件, 点击 Install PlatformDaemon 或者如果是Win7 可以直接输入这个关键字 搜索。之后启动控制台Console 在控制台上输入WB 启动Workbench,进入Workbench之后依次打开P
摘要:1、 在整个网络布线中使用一种布线方式,但是两端都有RJ-45 plug 的网络连线,无论是采用方式A还是方式B 端接的方式都是试用的。网络都是通用的,双绞线的顺序与RJ-45偶的引脚序号一一对应,10M 以太网的网线接法使用 1,2,3,6编号的芯线传递数据,100M以太网的网线使用4,5,7,8
摘要:1、内存和SWAP之间合理的分配方案 M = Amount of RAM in GB, and S = Amount of swap in GB, then If M < 2, S = M *2 Else S = M + 2 举例: 内存按照4G计算 那么 SWAP=4G+2=6G 在系统配置文件中
摘要:1、Vulnerability scanning with Nmap Scripting Engine the Nmap Script Engine provide a alrge number of script that can e used to perform a range of auto
摘要:1、 Banner grabbing with Netcat Netcat is multipurpose networking tool that can be used to perform multiple information gathering an d scanning tasks w
摘要:1、Zombie Scanning with Nmap Zombie scans can also be performed with an option in Namp , we can findly viable zombie candidates by sweeping an entire a
摘要:1、connect scanning with Scapy, Tools that perform Tcp scans operate by performing a full there-way handshake to establish a connection with all od the