Burp Suite Extension tools

1、Setting up the envrionment for burp Extensions  

    before we can write extensions we need to ensure that the environment is set up. this is very important if you want to avoid hours and hours of the frustration with youself  more information  can be found at HTTP :http://www.burpextensions.com/tutorials/setting-up-the-pythonjython-environment-for-burpsuite/.

2、Writing your first burp Suite Extension 

    A gentle introduce to writing your first exteniso use the code provided here as your boiler plate to test whrtehr your environemt has been set up properly iff the extension gets added without any errors then you are foog to go  , more information be found at http://blog.portswigger.net/2012/12/writing-yourfirst-burp-extension.html.

3- Write a simple Burp Extension in python :

     Using Burp extension and writing your own this has be the place where ou lean how to write a Burp Extension in Python   the code is simple the post explains all that is required and the extension will useful things as soon as it is added ,More information can be found at http://www. burpextensions.com/tutorials/tutorial-python-extension-post-1/and http://www.burpextensions.com/downloads/pythontutorial-1.txt.

Burp Extensions tutorials :

Now that you have read the offical document you can  make full use of these toutorials that deep into extensions more information about burp Sutie extension toutorials can be found at http://www.burpextensions.com/category/tutorials/.

Extending Burp  Suite Proxy with Extensions


Burp suite Crawljax selenium JUint integration


Writing and debugging Burp Suiite Extension in Python :  http://sethsec. blogspot.in/2014/01/writing-and-debugging-burpsuite.html.

Searching Github for Burp Suite Extensions :https://github.com/search?utf 8=%E2%9C%93&q=burp+extension.

and if you want to Writing in any language you want  gey more information as :


How we Tsting Mobile application for web Security using Burp Suite

  some  useful resources  to test mobile application for web security using Burp Suite can be found at the foolwing locations

  how to St UP An ios Pen Testing Envrionment : http://eightbit.io/post/64319534191/how-to-set-up-an-ios-pen-testing-environment

  Import Burp Suite Certificate For android pentesting without root :http://backtosecurity.com/importing-burp-certificate-forandroid-

   Windows Mobile Burp Suite Proxy setup :http://pentest-forum.com/index. php?topic=688.0

Pentesting Web Security with anti CSRE token using Burp PRO :http://www.notsosecure.com/blog/2014/07/02/pentesting-web-service-withcsrf-token-with-burp-pro/

IOS Assessment with Burp Suite +iFunBox +SQLLite :http://blog.nvisium. com/2014/08/ios-assessments-with-burp-ifunbox-sqlite.html


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