Appium Server 传递的基本参数

Appium Server  传递的基本参数 官方列表

Appium server capabilities

Capability Description Values
automationName Which automation engine to use Appium (default) or Selendroid
platformName Which mobile OS platform to use iOS, Android, or FirefoxOS
platformVersion Mobile OS version e.g., 7.1, 4.4
deviceName The kind of mobile device or emulator to use iPhone Simulator, iPad Simulator, iPhone Retina 4-inch, Android Emulator, Galaxy S4, etc…. On iOS, this should be one of the valid devices returned by instruments with instruments -s devices. On Android this capability is currently ignored.
app The absolute local path or remote http URL to an .ipa or .apk file, or a .zip containing one of these. Appium will attempt to install this app binary on the appropriate device first. Note that this capability is not required for Android if you specify appPackage and appActivity capabilities (see below). Incompatible with browserName. /abs/path/to/my.apk or
browserName Name of mobile web browser to automate. Should be an empty string if automating an app instead. ‘Safari’ for iOS and ‘Chrome’, ‘Chromium’, or ‘Browser’ for Android
newCommandTimeout How long (in seconds) Appium will wait for a new command from the client before assuming the client quit and ending the session e.g. 60
autoLaunch Whether to have Appium install and launch the app automatically. Default true true, false
language (Sim/Emu-only) Language to set for the simulator / emulator e.g. fr
locale (Sim/Emu-only) Locale to set for the simulator / emulator e.g. fr_CA
udid Unique device identifier of the connected physical device e.g. 1ae203187fc012g
orientation (Sim/Emu-only) start in a certain orientation LANDSCAPE or PORTRAIT
autoWebview Move directly into Webview context. Default false true, false
noReset Don’t reset app state before this session. Default false true, false
fullReset (iOS) Delete the entire simulator folder. (Android) Reset app state by uninstalling app instead of clearing app data. On Android, this will also remove the app after the session is complete. Default false true, false

posted @ 2015-02-02 15:51  卡尔西  阅读(329)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报