Spark 源码解读(四)SparkContext的初始化之创建任务调度器TaskScheduler

Spark 源码解读(四)SparkContext的初始化之创建任务调度器TaskScheduler


val (sched, ts) = SparkContext.createTaskScheduler(this, master, deployMode)


private def createTaskScheduler(
      sc: SparkContext,
      master: String,
      deployMode: String): (SchedulerBackend, TaskScheduler) = {
    import SparkMasterRegex._

    // When running locally, don't try to re-execute tasks on failure.

    master match {
      case "local" =>
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc, MAX_LOCAL_TASK_FAILURES, isLocal = true)
        val backend = new LocalSchedulerBackend(sc.getConf, scheduler, 1)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case LOCAL_N_REGEX(threads) =>
        def localCpuCount: Int = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()
        // local[*] estimates the number of cores on the machine; local[N] uses exactly N threads.
        val threadCount = if (threads == "*") localCpuCount else threads.toInt
        if (threadCount <= 0) {
          throw new SparkException(s"Asked to run locally with $threadCount threads")
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc, MAX_LOCAL_TASK_FAILURES, isLocal = true)
        val backend = new LocalSchedulerBackend(sc.getConf, scheduler, threadCount)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case LOCAL_N_FAILURES_REGEX(threads, maxFailures) =>
        def localCpuCount: Int = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors()
        // local[*, M] means the number of cores on the computer with M failures
        // local[N, M] means exactly N threads with M failures
        val threadCount = if (threads == "*") localCpuCount else threads.toInt
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc, maxFailures.toInt, isLocal = true)
        val backend = new LocalSchedulerBackend(sc.getConf, scheduler, threadCount)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case SPARK_REGEX(sparkUrl) =>
        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc)
        val masterUrls = sparkUrl.split(",").map("spark://" + _)
        val backend = new StandaloneSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, masterUrls)
        (backend, scheduler)

      case LOCAL_CLUSTER_REGEX(numSlaves, coresPerSlave, memoryPerSlave) =>
        // Check to make sure memory requested <= memoryPerSlave. Otherwise Spark will just hang.
        val memoryPerSlaveInt = memoryPerSlave.toInt
        if (sc.executorMemory > memoryPerSlaveInt) {
          throw new SparkException(
            "Asked to launch cluster with %d MB RAM / worker but requested %d MB/worker".format(
              memoryPerSlaveInt, sc.executorMemory))

        val scheduler = new TaskSchedulerImpl(sc)
        val localCluster = new LocalSparkCluster(
          numSlaves.toInt, coresPerSlave.toInt, memoryPerSlaveInt, sc.conf)
        val masterUrls = localCluster.start()
        val backend = new StandaloneSchedulerBackend(scheduler, sc, masterUrls)
        backend.shutdownCallback = (backend: StandaloneSchedulerBackend) => {
        (backend, scheduler)

      case masterUrl =>
        val cm = getClusterManager(masterUrl) match {
          case Some(clusterMgr) => clusterMgr
          case None => throw new SparkException("Could not parse Master URL: '" + master + "'")
        try {
          val scheduler = cm.createTaskScheduler(sc, masterUrl)
          val backend = cm.createSchedulerBackend(sc, masterUrl, scheduler)
          cm.initialize(scheduler, backend)
          (backend, scheduler)
        } catch {
          case se: SparkException => throw se
          case NonFatal(e) =>
            throw new SparkException("External scheduler cannot be instantiated", e)



  1. 从SparkConf中读取配置信息,包括每个任务分配的CPU数,调度模式(调度模式有FAIR和FIFO两种,默认为FIFO,可以修改属性spark.scheduler.mode来改变)等。
  2. 创建TaskResultGetter,它的作用是通过线程池(Executor.newFixedThreadPool创建的,默认4个线程,线程名字以task-result-getter开头,线程工厂默认是Executors.default-ThreadFactory)对Work上的Executor发送的Task执行结果进行处理。


var dagScheduler: DAGScheduler = null

  var backend: SchedulerBackend = null

  val mapOutputTracker = SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker

  var schedulableBuilder: SchedulableBuilder = null
  var rootPool: Pool = null
  // default scheduler is FIFO
  private val schedulingModeConf = conf.get("spark.scheduler.mode", "FIFO")
  val schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = try {
  } catch {
    case e: java.util.NoSuchElementException =>
      throw new SparkException(s"Unrecognized spark.scheduler.mode: $schedulingModeConf")

  // This is a var so that we can reset it for testing purposes.
  private[spark] var taskResultGetter = new TaskResultGetter(sc.env, this)


def initialize(backend: SchedulerBackend) {
  this.backend = backend
  // temporarily set rootPool name to empty
  rootPool = new Pool("", schedulingMode, 0, 0)
  schedulableBuilder = {
    schedulingMode match {
      case SchedulingMode.FIFO =>
        new FIFOSchedulableBuilder(rootPool)
      case SchedulingMode.FAIR =>
        new FairSchedulableBuilder(rootPool, conf)
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported spark.scheduler.mode: $schedulingMode")

创建完TaskSchedulerImpl和Backend后,对TaskSchedulerImpl调用initiallize进行初始化。从以上两段代码可以看出TaskSchedulerImpl的调度模式有FAIR和FIFO两种,默认FIFO。任务的最终调度实际都是落实到接口SchedulerBackend的具体实现上的。 TaskSchedulerImpl的初始化过程如下:

  1. 使TaskSchedulerImpl持有LocalBackend的引用
  2. 创建Pool,Pool中缓存了调度队列、调度算法及TaskSetManager集合等信息
  3. 创建FIFOSchedulableBuilder,FIFOSchedulableBuilder用来操作Pool中的调度队列。


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