日志 20071206 (WCF Architecture)


(1)Artech提到一片MSDN的文章,题目就叫 Large Data and Streaming ,自己接下来就要看
(2)idior提到用MTOM来解决,这也将作为俺的技术备选。我们传输邮件的时候,smtp协议对附件的发送采用的就是这种机制(MTOM messages are packaged as multipart/related MIME sequences with the root part being the actual SOAP message)。


接下来,自己又看到了另一篇很好的文章 Data Transfer Architectural Overview

3.整个WCF的运行时又可分为两大部分:信道栈(channel stack)和服务框架(service framework),将两部分联系在一起的就是Message。上图中,A+B应该大体属于信道栈的范畴,而C是服务框架。把一个Message实例转化为字节类的操作叫做encoding,反之叫做decoding,这些操作正是上图中Encoder(类似MessageEncoder这样的类)的工作内容。
   所以,所有的Message一般都归入两种类型:outgoing(被服务框架创建,交给信道栈去发送)或者incoming(来自信道栈,交由服务框架去解释)。不管是信道栈还是服务框架都可以用缓存(Buffered)或者流化(Streamed)的方式来处理Message。其中缓冲的方式意味着,一个Message在被处理之前,已经被整个缓存在内存里了(想一想,如果这个Message包含了一个500MB的上传文件,会怎样?)。而流化的方式使得消息发送方以流的方式来产生要发送的内容,而消息框架会持续不断的把流里的数据发送给消息接收方。 下面是MSDN中给出的这两种编码方式所对应的WCF框架的操作方式:
Operation Comment

Encoding, Buffered

In buffered mode, the encoder normally creates a variable-size buffer and then creates an XML writer over it. It then calls WriteMessage on the message being encoded, which writes out the headers and then the body using WriteBodyContents as explained in the section about Message in this topic. The contents of the buffer (represented as an array of bytes) are then returned for the transport channel to use.

Encoding, Streamed

In streamed mode, the operation is similar to the above but simpler. There is no need for a buffer. An XML writer is normally created over the stream and WriteMessage is called on the Message to write it out to this writer.

Decoding, Buffered

When decoding in buffered mode, a special Message subclass that contains the buffered data is normally created. The headers of the message are read, and an XML reader positioned on the message body is created. This is the reader that will be returned with GetReaderAtBodyContents.

Decoding, Streamed

When decoding in streamed mode, a special Message subclass is normally created. The stream is advanced just enough to read all the headers and position it on the message body. An XML reader is then created over the stream. This is the reader that will be returned with GetReaderAtBodyContents.




下班了,明日继续 ^_^

posted @ 2007-12-06 17:37  EagleFish(邢瑜琨)  阅读(747)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报