图2-1 语音产生模型
参量法中最具代表性的方法是基于正弦模型原理。正弦模型[45]是由Quatier等人在1980年提出,它是目前应用最广泛的语音模型。该模型将信号看作是一系列随时间变化的正弦信号叠加。 很显然,时间规整后瞬时频率不变,保证了音调不变,但是时间过程扩展为原来的倍。很显然,变调不变速处理后,各个频率成分随系数拉伸或者收缩。对应于浊音,为随时间变化的第一谐波,即基频;其他频率成分对应于其它谐波。
表2-1 变速不变调算法分类
时域法 |
频域法 |
参量法 |
剪贴法 |
相位声码器 |
正弦模型 |
时域法包括:剪贴法、同步波形叠加法(Synchronized Overlap-Add, SOLA)、固定同步波形叠加法(Synchronized Overlap-Add and Fixed Synthesis, SOLAFS)、时域基音同步叠加法(Time-Domain Pitch Synchronized Overlap-Add, TD-PSOLA) 波形相似叠加法(waveform similarity overlap-and-add, WSOLA)等。
第二步,确定最终合成帧的起始位置。如果将初步合成帧直接进行叠加合成,则会造成基音断裂。为了减小该现象,通过在已合成第m帧第Ss个采样点的邻域[-kmax, kmax]内移动搜索和分解阶段第m帧信号的波形相关最大的位置k(m),如式2-1,确定最终合成帧的初始位置,保证叠加部分波形相似,减小基频断裂。
其中,k(m) [-kmax, kmax],表示搜索偏移量,表示原始语音信号,表示合成变速后的输出语音信号,L表示分解阶段第m帧信号与已合成信号的重叠区域长度。
为了解决该问题,D.J.Hejna提出了固定同步波形叠加法(SOLAFS)[34],该算法与SOLA算法很相似,不同的是在合成时固定了合成步长Ss,而在分解阶段第m帧的邻域[-kmax, kmax]内移动搜索与已合成第m帧信号波形相关最大的位置k(m)。即使式2-2最大。
同样地,为了减小基音断裂和相位不连续问题,Verhelst和Roelands 提出了波形相似叠加法(WSOLA)[37],该方法计算量低于PSOLA,同时输出的语音质量高。Grofit对该方法进行了改进,使其也适用于音乐信号的变速处理[38]。
频域法中最具代表性的方法是LSEE-MSTFTM(The Least-Square Error Estimation From the Modified Short-Time Fourier Transform Magnitude)[39],该算法是基于短时傅里叶变换来实现的,利用最小均方误差原则,寻找一个时域信号的短时傅里叶变换幅度谱逼近理想变速信号的频谱。
function y = pvoc(x, r, n) % y = pvoc(x, r, n) Time-scale a signal to r times faster with phase vocoder % x is an input sound. n is the FFT size, defaults to 1024. % Calculate the 25%-overlapped STFT, squeeze it by a factor of r, % inverse spegram. % 2000-12-05, 2002-02-13 dpwe@ee.columbia.edu. Uses pvsample, stft, istft % $Header: /home/empire6/dpwe/public_html/resources/matlab/pvoc/RCS/pvoc.m,v 1.3 2011/02/08 21:08:39 dpwe Exp $ if nargin < 3 n = 1024; end % With hann windowing on both input and output, % we need 25% window overlap for smooth reconstruction hop = n/4; % Effect of hanns at both ends is a cumulated cos^2 window (for % r = 1 anyway); need to scale magnitudes by 2/3 for % identity input/output %scf = 2/3; % 2011-02-07: this factor is now included in istft.m scf = 1.0; % Calculate the basic STFT, magnitude scaled X = scf * stft(x', n, n, hop); % Calculate the new timebase samples [rows, cols] = size(X); t = 0:r:(cols-2); % Have to stay two cols off end because (a) counting from zero, and % (b) need col n AND col n+1 to interpolate % Generate the new spectrogram X2 = pvsample(X, t, hop); % Invert to a waveform y = istft(X2, n, n, hop)';
pvsample:phase vecoder sample
function c = pvsample(b, t, hop) % c = pvsample(b, t, hop) Interpolate an STFT array according to the 'phase vocoder' % b is an STFT array, of the form generated by 'specgram'. % t is a vector of (real) time-samples, which specifies a path through % the time-base defined by the columns of b. For each value of t, % the spectral magnitudes in the columns of b are interpolated, and % the phase difference between the successive columns of b is % calculated; a new column is created in the output array c that % preserves this per-step phase advance in each bin. % hop is the STFT hop size, defaults to N/2, where N is the FFT size % and b has N/2+1 rows. hop is needed to calculate the 'null' phase % advance expected in each bin. % Note: t is defined relative to a zero origin, so 0.1 is 90% of % the first column of b, plus 10% of the second. % 2000-12-05 dpwe@ee.columbia.edu % $Header: /homes/dpwe/public_html/resources/matlab/dtw/../RCS/pvsample.m,v 1.3 2003/04/09 03:17:10 dpwe Exp $ if nargin < 3 hop = 0; end [rows,cols] = size(b); N = 2*(rows-1); if hop == 0 % default value hop = N/2; end % Empty output array c = zeros(rows, length(t)); % Expected phase advance in each bin dphi = zeros(1,N/2+1); dphi(2:(1 + N/2)) = (2*pi*hop)./(N./(1:(N/2))); % Phase accumulator % Preset to phase of first frame for perfect reconstruction % in case of 1:1 time scaling ph = angle(b(:,1)); % Append a 'safety' column on to the end of b to avoid problems % taking *exactly* the last frame (i.e. 1*b(:,cols)+0*b(:,cols+1)) b = [b,zeros(rows,1)]; ocol = 1; for tt = t % Grab the two columns of b bcols = b(:,floor(tt)+[1 2]); tf = tt - floor(tt); bmag = (1-tf)*abs(bcols(:,1)) + tf*(abs(bcols(:,2))); % calculate phase advance dp = angle(bcols(:,2)) - angle(bcols(:,1)) - dphi'; % Reduce to -pi:pi range dp = dp - 2 * pi * round(dp/(2*pi)); % Save the column c(:,ocol) = bmag .* exp(j*ph); % Cumulate phase, ready for next frame ph = ph + dphi' + dp; ocol = ocol+1; end
function D = stft(x, f, w, h, sr) % D = stft(X, F, W, H, SR) Short-time Fourier transform. % Returns some frames of short-term Fourier transform of x. Each % column of the result is one F-point fft (default 256); each % successive frame is offset by H points (W/2) until X is exhausted. % Data is hann-windowed at W pts (F), or rectangular if W=0, or % with W if it is a vector. % Without output arguments, will plot like sgram (SR will get % axes right, defaults to 8000). % See also 'istft.m'. % dpwe 1994may05. Uses built-in 'fft' % $Header: /home/empire6/dpwe/public_html/resources/matlab/pvoc/RCS/stft.m,v 1.4 2010/08/13 16:03:14 dpwe Exp $ if nargin < 2; f = 256; end if nargin < 3; w = f; end if nargin < 4; h = 0; end if nargin < 5; sr = 8000; end % expect x as a row if size(x,1) > 1 x = x'; end s = length(x); if length(w) == 1 if w == 0 % special case: rectangular window win = ones(1,f); else if rem(w, 2) == 0 % force window to be odd-len w = w + 1; end halflen = (w-1)/2; halff = f/2; % midpoint of win halfwin = 0.5 * ( 1 + cos( pi * (0:halflen)/halflen)); win = zeros(1, f); acthalflen = min(halff, halflen); win((halff+1):(halff+acthalflen)) = halfwin(1:acthalflen); win((halff+1):-1:(halff-acthalflen+2)) = halfwin(1:acthalflen); end else win = w; end w = length(win); % now can set default hop if h == 0 h = floor(w/2); end c = 1; % pre-allocate output array d = zeros((1+f/2),1+fix((s-f)/h)); for b = 0:h:(s-f) u = win.*x((b+1):(b+f)); t = fft(u); d(:,c) = t(1:(1+f/2))'; c = c+1; end; % If no output arguments, plot a spectrogram if nargout == 0 tt = [0:size(d,2)]*h/sr; ff = [0:size(d,1)]*sr/f; imagesc(tt,ff,20*log10(abs(d))); axis('xy'); xlabel('time / sec'); ylabel('freq / Hz') % leave output variable D undefined else % Otherwise, no plot, but return STFT D = d; end %================ function x = istft(d, ftsize, w, h) % X = istft(D, F, W, H) Inverse short-time Fourier transform. % Performs overlap-add resynthesis from the short-time Fourier transform % data in D. Each column of D is taken as the result of an F-point % fft; each successive frame was offset by H points (default % W/2, or F/2 if W==0). Data is hann-windowed at W pts, or % W = 0 gives a rectangular window (default); % W as a vector uses that as window. % This version scales the output so the loop gain is 1.0 for % either hann-win an-syn with 25% overlap, or hann-win on % analysis and rect-win (W=0) on synthesis with 50% overlap. % dpwe 1994may24. Uses built-in 'ifft' etc. % $Header: /home/empire6/dpwe/public_html/resources/matlab/pvoc/RCS/istft.m,v 1.5 2010/08/12 20:39:42 dpwe Exp $ if nargin < 2; ftsize = 2*(size(d,1)-1); end if nargin < 3; w = 0; end if nargin < 4; h = 0; end % will become winlen/2 later s = size(d); if s(1) ~= (ftsize/2)+1 error('number of rows should be fftsize/2+1') end cols = s(2); if length(w) == 1 if w == 0 % special case: rectangular window win = ones(1,ftsize); else if rem(w, 2) == 0 % force window to be odd-len w = w + 1; end halflen = (w-1)/2; halff = ftsize/2; halfwin = 0.5 * ( 1 + cos( pi * (0:halflen)/halflen)); win = zeros(1, ftsize); acthalflen = min(halff, halflen); win((halff+1):(halff+acthalflen)) = halfwin(1:acthalflen); win((halff+1):-1:(halff-acthalflen+2)) = halfwin(1:acthalflen); % 2009-01-06: Make stft-istft loop be identity for 25% hop win = 2/3*win; end else win = w; end w = length(win); % now can set default hop if h == 0 h = floor(w/2); end xlen = ftsize + (cols-1)*h; x = zeros(1,xlen); for b = 0:h:(h*(cols-1)) ft = d(:,1+b/h)'; ft = [ft, conj(ft([((ftsize/2)):-1:2]))]; px = real(ifft(ft)); x((b+1):(b+ftsize)) = x((b+1):(b+ftsize))+px.*win; end;
测试code,因为变为Q = 5倍数,参数设置1/Q:
[d,sr]=wavread('aa.wav'); e = pvoc(d, 0.2); f = resample(e,1,5); % NB: 0.2 = 1/5