时间:2017-03-06 20:57:22
很多人都知道EMD(Empirical Mode Decomposition)可以将信号分解不同频率特性,并且结合Hilbert求解包络以及瞬时频率。EMD、Hilbert、瞬时频率三者有无内在联系?答案是:有。
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对任意信号进行Hilbert变换,可能出现无法解释、缺乏实际意义的频率分量。Norden E. Hung等人对瞬时频率进行研究后发现,只有满足特定条件的信号,其瞬时频率才具有物理意义,并将此类信号成为:IMF/基本模式分量。
- 限定1:
- 在整个数据序列中,极值点的数量(包括极大值、极小值点)与过零点的数量必须相等,或最多相差1个,即.
- 限定2:
- 在任意时间点上,信号局部极大值确定的上包络线和局部极小值确定的下包络线的均值为0.
关于VMD(Variational Mode Decomposition),具体原理可以参考其论文,这里我们只要记住一点:其分解的各个基本分量——即各解析信号的瞬时频率具有实际的物理意义。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 | %--------------- Preparation clear all ; close all ; clc ; % Time Domain 0 to T T = 1000; fs = 1/T; t = (1:T)/T; freqs = 2* pi *(t-0.5-1/T)/(fs); % center frequencies of components f_1 = 2; f_2 = 24; f_3 = 288; % modes v_1 = ( cos (2* pi *f_1*t)); v_2 = 1/4*( cos (2* pi *f_2*t)); v_3 = 1/16*( cos (2* pi *f_3*t)); % for visualization purposes wsub{1} = 2* pi *f_1; wsub{2} = 2* pi *f_2; wsub{3} = 2* pi *f_3; % composite signal, including noise f = v_1 + v_2 + v_3 + 0.1* randn ( size (v_1)); % some sample parameters for VMD alpha = 2000; % moderate bandwidth constraint tau = 0; % noise-tolerance (no strict fidelity enforcement) K = 4; % 4 modes DC = 0; % no DC part imposed init = 1; % initialize omegas uniformly tol = 1e-7; %--------------- Run actual VMD code [u, u_hat, omega] = VMD(f, alpha , tau, K, DC, init, tol); subplot ( size (u,1)+1,2,1); plot (t,f, 'k' ); grid on; title ( 'VMD分解' ); subplot ( size (u,1)+1,2,2); plot (freqs, abs ( fft (f)), 'k' ); grid on; title ( '对应频谱' ); for i = 2: size (u,1)+1 subplot ( size (u,1)+1,2, i *2-1); plot (t,u( i -1,:), 'k' ); grid on; subplot ( size (u,1)+1,2, i *2); plot (freqs, abs ( fft (u( i -1,:))), 'k' ); grid on; end %---------------run EMD code imf = emd(f); figure ; subplot ( size (imf,1)+1,2,1); plot (t,f, 'k' ); grid on; title ( 'EMD分解' ); subplot ( size (imf,1)+1,2,2); plot (freqs, abs ( fft (f)), 'k' ); grid on; title ( '对应频谱' ); for i = 2: size (imf,1)+1 subplot ( size (imf,1)+1,2, i *2-1); plot (t,imf( i -1,:), 'k' ); grid on; subplot ( size (imf,1)+1,2, i *2); plot (freqs, abs ( fft (imf( i -1,:))), 'k' ); grid on; end |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 | function [u, u_hat, omega] = VMD(signal, alpha , tau, K, DC, init, tol) % Variational Mode Decomposition % Authors: Konstantin Dragomiretskiy and Dominique Zosso % zosso@math.ucla.edu --- http://www.math.ucla.edu/~zosso % Initial release 2013-12-12 (c) 2013 % % Input and Parameters: % --------------------- % signal - the time domain signal (1D) to be decomposed % alpha - the balancing parameter of the data-fidelity constraint % tau - time-step of the dual ascent ( pick 0 for noise-slack ) % K - the number of modes to be recovered % DC - true if the first mode is put and kept at DC (0-freq) % init - 0 = all omegas start at 0 % 1 = all omegas start uniformly distributed % 2 = all omegas initialized randomly % tol - tolerance of convergence criterion; typically around 1e-6 % % Output: % ------- % u - the collection of decomposed modes % u_hat - spectra of the modes % omega - estimated mode center-frequencies % % When using this code, please do cite our paper: % ----------------------------------------------- % K. Dragomiretskiy, D. Zosso, Variational Mode Decomposition, IEEE Trans. % on Signal Processing (in press) % please check here for update reference: % http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TSP.2013.2288675 %---------- Preparations % Period and sampling frequency of input signal save_T = length (signal); fs = 1/save_T; % extend the signal by mirroring T = save_T; f_mirror(1:T/2) = signal(T/2:-1:1); f_mirror(T/2+1:3*T/2) = signal; f_mirror(3*T/2+1:2*T) = signal(T:-1:T/2+1); f = f_mirror; % Time Domain 0 to T (of mirrored signal) T = length (f); t = (1:T)/T; % Spectral Domain discretization freqs = t-0.5-1/T; % Maximum number of iterations (if not converged yet, then it won't anyway) N = 500; % For future generalizations: individual alpha for each mode Alpha = alpha * ones (1,K); % Construct and center f_hat f_hat = fftshift (( fft (f))); f_hat_plus = f_hat; f_hat_plus(1:T/2) = 0; % matrix keeping track of every iterant // could be discarded for mem u_hat_plus = zeros (N, length (freqs), K); % Initialization of omega_k omega_plus = zeros (N, K); switch init case 1 for i = 1:K omega_plus(1, i ) = (0.5/K)*( i -1); end case 2 omega_plus(1,:) = sort ( exp ( log (fs) + ( log (0.5)- log (fs))* rand (1,K))); otherwise omega_plus(1,:) = 0; end % if DC mode imposed, set its omega to 0 if DC omega_plus(1,1) = 0; end % start with empty dual variables lambda_hat = zeros (N, length (freqs)); % other inits uDiff = tol+ eps ; % update step n = 1; % loop counter sum_uk = 0; % accumulator % ----------- Main loop for iterative updates while ( uDiff > tol && n < N ) % not converged and below iterations limit % update first mode accumulator k = 1; sum_uk = u_hat_plus(n,:,K) + sum_uk - u_hat_plus(n,:,1); % update spectrum of first mode through Wiener filter of residuals u_hat_plus(n+1,:,k) = (f_hat_plus - sum_uk - lambda_hat(n,:)/2)./(1+Alpha(1,k)*(freqs - omega_plus(n,k)).^2); % update first omega if not held at 0 if ~DC omega_plus(n+1,k) = (freqs(T/2+1:T)*( abs (u_hat_plus(n+1, T/2+1:T, k)).^2)')/ sum ( abs (u_hat_plus(n+1,T/2+1:T,k)).^2); end % update of any other mode for k=2:K % accumulator sum_uk = u_hat_plus(n+1,:,k-1) + sum_uk - u_hat_plus(n,:,k); % mode spectrum u_hat_plus(n+1,:,k) = (f_hat_plus - sum_uk - lambda_hat(n,:)/2)./(1+Alpha(1,k)*(freqs - omega_plus(n,k)).^2); % center frequencies omega_plus(n+1,k) = (freqs(T/2+1:T)*( abs (u_hat_plus(n+1, T/2+1:T, k)).^2)')/ sum ( abs (u_hat_plus(n+1,T/2+1:T,k)).^2); end % Dual ascent lambda_hat(n+1,:) = lambda_hat(n,:) + tau*( sum (u_hat_plus(n+1,:,:),3) - f_hat_plus); % loop counter n = n+1; % converged yet? uDiff = eps ; for i =1:K uDiff = uDiff + 1/T*(u_hat_plus(n,:, i )-u_hat_plus(n-1,:, i ))* conj ((u_hat_plus(n,:, i )-u_hat_plus(n-1,:, i )))'; end uDiff = abs (uDiff); end %------ Postprocessing and cleanup % discard empty space if converged early N = min (N,n); omega = omega_plus(1:N,:); % Signal reconstruction u_hat = zeros (T, K); u_hat((T/2+1):T,:) = squeeze (u_hat_plus(N,(T/2+1):T,:)); u_hat((T/2+1):-1:2,:) = squeeze ( conj (u_hat_plus(N,(T/2+1):T,:))); u_hat(1,:) = conj (u_hat( end ,:)); u = zeros (K, length (t)); for k = 1:K u(k,:)= real ( ifft ( ifftshift (u_hat(:,k)))); end % remove mirror part u = u(:,T/4+1:3*T/4); % recompute spectrum clear u_hat; for k = 1:K u_hat(:,k)= fftshift ( fft (u(k,:)))'; end end |
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The default stopping criterion is the one proposed % in [2]: % % at each point, mean_amplitude < THRESHOLD2*envelope_amplitude % & % mean of boolean array {(mean_amplitude)/(envelope_amplitude) > THRESHOLD} < TOLERANCE % & % |#zeros-#extrema|<=1 % % where mean_amplitude = abs(envelope_max+envelope_min)/2 % and envelope_amplitude = abs(envelope_max-envelope_min)/2 % % IMF = EMD(X) where X is a complex vector computes Bivariate Empirical Mode % Decomposition [3] of X, resulting in a matrix IMF containing 1 IMF per row, the % last one being the residue. The default stopping criterion is similar to the % one proposed in [2]: % % at each point, mean_amplitude < THRESHOLD2*envelope_amplitude % & % mean of boolean array {(mean_amplitude)/(envelope_amplitude) > THRESHOLD} < TOLERANCE % % where mean_amplitude and envelope_amplitude have definitions similar to the % real case % % IMF = EMD(X,...,'Option_name',Option_value,...) sets options Option_name to % the specified Option_value (see Options) % % IMF = EMD(X,OPTS) is equivalent to the above syntax provided OPTS is a struct % object with field names corresponding to option names and field values being the % associated values % % [IMF,ORT,NB_ITERATIONS] = EMD(...) returns an index of orthogonality % ________ % _ |IMF(i,:).*IMF(j,:)| % ORT = \ _____________________ % / % ? || X ||?% i~=j % % and the number of iterations to extract each mode in NB_ITERATIONS % % % Options % % % stopping criterion options: % % STOP: vector of stopping parameters [THRESHOLD,THRESHOLD2,TOLERANCE] % if the input vector's length is less than 3, only the first parameters are % set, the remaining ones taking default values. % default: [0.05,0.5,0.05] % % FIX (int): disable the default stopping criterion and do exactly <FIX> % number of sifting iterations for each mode % % FIX_H (int): disable the default stopping criterion and do <FIX_H> sifting % iterations with |#zeros-#extrema|<=1 to stop [4] % % bivariate/complex EMD options: % % COMPLEX_VERSION: selects the algorithm used for complex EMD ([3]) % COMPLEX_VERSION = 1: "algorithm 1" % COMPLEX_VERSION = 2: "algorithm 2" (default) % % NDIRS: number of directions in which envelopes are computed (default 4) % rem: the actual number of directions (according to [3]) is 2*NDIRS % % other options: % % T: sampling times (line vector) (default: 1:length(x)) % % MAXITERATIONS: maximum number of sifting iterations for the computation of each % mode (default: 2000) % % MAXMODES: maximum number of imfs extracted (default: Inf) % % DISPLAY: if equals to 1 shows sifting steps with pause % if equals to 2 shows sifting steps without pause (movie style) % rem: display is disabled when the input is complex % % INTERP: interpolation scheme: 'linear', 'cubic', 'pchip' or 'spline' (default) % see interp1 documentation for details % % MASK: masking signal used to improve the decomposition according to [5] % % % Examples % % %X = rand(1,512); % %IMF = emd(X); % %IMF = emd(X,'STOP',[0.1,0.5,0.05],'MAXITERATIONS',100); % %T=linspace(0,20,1e3); %X = 2*exp(i*T)+exp(3*i*T)+.5*T; %IMF = emd(X,'T',T); % %OPTIONS.DISLPAY = 1; %OPTIONS.FIX = 10; %OPTIONS.MAXMODES = 3; %[IMF,ORT,NBITS] = emd(X,OPTIONS); % % % References % % % [1] N. E. Huang et al., "The empirical mode decomposition and the % Hilbert spectrum for non-linear and non stationary time series analysis", % Proc. Royal Soc. London A, Vol. 454, pp. 903-995, 1998 % % [2] G. Rilling, P. Flandrin and P. Gon鏰lves % "On Empirical Mode Decomposition and its algorithms", % IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing % NSIP-03, Grado (I), June 2003 % % [3] G. Rilling, P. Flandrin, P. Gon鏰lves and J. M. Lilly., % "Bivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition", % Signal Processing Letters (submitted) % % [4] N. E. Huang et al., "A confidence limit for the Empirical Mode % Decomposition and Hilbert spectral analysis", % Proc. Royal Soc. London A, Vol. 459, pp. 2317-2345, 2003 % % [5] R. Deering and J. F. Kaiser, "The use of a masking signal to improve % empirical mode decomposition", ICASSP 2005 % % % See also % emd_visu (visualization), % emdc, emdc_fix (fast implementations of EMD), % cemdc, cemdc_fix, cemdc2, cemdc2_fix (fast implementations of bivariate EMD), % hhspectrum (Hilbert-Huang spectrum) % % % G. Rilling, last modification: 3.2007 % gabriel.rilling@ens-lyon.fr function [imf,ort,nbits] = emd( varargin ) [x,t,sd,sd2,tol,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs,display_sifting,sdt,sd2t,r,imf,k,nbit,NbIt,MAXITERATIONS,FIXE,FIXE_H,MAXMODES,INTERP,mask] = init( varargin {:}); if display_sifting fig_h = figure ; end %main loop : requires at least 3 extrema to proceed while ~stop_EMD(r,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs) && (k < MAXMODES+1 || MAXMODES == 0) && ~ any (mask) % current mode m = r; % mode at previous iteration mp = m; %computation of mean and stopping criterion if FIXE [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting_fixe(t,m,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); elseif FIXE_H stop_count = 0; [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting_fixe_h(t,m,INTERP,stop_count,FIXE_H,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); else [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting(m,t,sd,sd2,tol,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); end % in case the current mode is so small that machine precision can cause % spurious extrema to appear if ( max ( abs (m))) < (1e-10)*( max ( abs (x))) if ~stop_sift warning ( 'emd:warning' , 'forced stop of EMD : too small amplitude' ) else disp ( 'forced stop of EMD : too small amplitude' ) end break end % sifting loop while ~stop_sift && nbit<MAXITERATIONS if (~MODE_COMPLEX && nbit>MAXITERATIONS/5 && mod (nbit, floor (MAXITERATIONS/10))==0 && ~FIXE && nbit > 100) disp ([ 'mode ' , int2str (k), ', iteration ' , int2str (nbit)]) if exist ( 's' , 'var' ) disp ([ 'stop parameter mean value : ' , num2str (s)]) end [im,iM] = extr(m); disp ([ int2str ( sum (m(im) > 0)), ' minima > 0; ' , int2str ( sum (m(iM) < 0)), ' maxima < 0.' ]) end %sifting m = m - moyenne; %computation of mean and stopping criterion if FIXE [stop_sift,moyenne] = stop_sifting_fixe(t,m,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); elseif FIXE_H [stop_sift,moyenne,stop_count] = stop_sifting_fixe_h(t,m,INTERP,stop_count,FIXE_H,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); else [stop_sift,moyenne,s] = stop_sifting(m,t,sd,sd2,tol,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); end % display if display_sifting && ~MODE_COMPLEX NBSYM = 2; [indmin,indmax] = extr(mp); [tmin,tmax,mmin,mmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,mp,mp,NBSYM); envminp = interp1 (tmin,mmin,t,INTERP); envmaxp = interp1 (tmax,mmax,t,INTERP); envmoyp = (envminp+envmaxp)/2; if FIXE || FIXE_H display_emd_fixe(t,m,mp,r,envminp,envmaxp,envmoyp,nbit,k,display_sifting) else sxp=2*( abs (envmoyp))./( abs (envmaxp-envminp)); sp = mean (sxp); display_emd(t,m,mp,r,envminp,envmaxp,envmoyp,s,sp,sxp,sdt,sd2t,nbit,k,display_sifting,stop_sift) end end mp = m; nbit=nbit+1; NbIt=NbIt+1; if (nbit==(MAXITERATIONS-1) && ~FIXE && nbit > 100) if exist ( 's' , 'var' ) warning ( 'emd:warning' ,[ 'forced stop of sifting : too many iterations... mode ' , int2str (k), '. stop parameter mean value : ' , num2str (s)]) else warning ( 'emd:warning' ,[ 'forced stop of sifting : too many iterations... mode ' , int2str (k), '.' ]) end end end % sifting loop imf(k,:) = m; if display_sifting disp ([ 'mode ' , int2str (k), ' stored' ]) end nbits(k) = nbit; k = k+1; r = r - m; nbit=0; end %main loop if any (r) && ~ any (mask) imf(k,:) = r; end ort = io(x,imf); if display_sifting close end end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % tests if there are enough (3) extrema to continue the decomposition function stop = stop_EMD(r,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs) if MODE_COMPLEX for k = 1:ndirs phi = (k-1)* pi /ndirs; [indmin,indmax] = extr( real ( exp ( i *phi)*r)); ner(k) = length (indmin) + length (indmax); end stop = any (ner < 3); else [indmin,indmax] = extr(r); ner = length (indmin) + length (indmax); stop = ner < 3; end end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % computes the mean of the envelopes and the mode amplitude estimate function [envmoy,nem,nzm,amp] = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs) NBSYM = 2; if MODE_COMPLEX switch MODE_COMPLEX case 1 for k = 1:ndirs phi = (k-1)* pi /ndirs; y = real ( exp (- i *phi)*m); [indmin,indmax,indzer] = extr(y); nem(k) = length (indmin)+ length (indmax); nzm(k) = length (indzer); [tmin,tmax,zmin,zmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,y,m,NBSYM); envmin(k,:) = interp1 (tmin,zmin,t,INTERP); envmax(k,:) = interp1 (tmax,zmax,t,INTERP); end envmoy = mean ((envmin+envmax)/2,1); if nargout > 3 amp = mean ( abs (envmax-envmin),1)/2; end case 2 for k = 1:ndirs phi = (k-1)* pi /ndirs; y = real ( exp (- i *phi)*m); [indmin,indmax,indzer] = extr(y); nem(k) = length (indmin)+ length (indmax); nzm(k) = length (indzer); [tmin,tmax,zmin,zmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,y,y,NBSYM); envmin(k,:) = exp ( i *phi)* interp1 (tmin,zmin,t,INTERP); envmax(k,:) = exp ( i *phi)* interp1 (tmax,zmax,t,INTERP); end envmoy = mean ((envmin+envmax),1); if nargout > 3 amp = mean ( abs (envmax-envmin),1)/2; end end else [indmin,indmax,indzer] = extr(m); nem = length (indmin)+ length (indmax); nzm = length (indzer); [tmin,tmax,mmin,mmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,m,m,NBSYM); envmin = interp1 (tmin,mmin,t,INTERP); envmax = interp1 (tmax,mmax,t,INTERP); envmoy = (envmin+envmax)/2; if nargout > 3 amp = mean ( abs (envmax-envmin),1)/2; end end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % default stopping criterion function [ stop ,envmoy,s] = stop_sifting(m,t,sd,sd2,tol,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs) try [envmoy,nem,nzm,amp] = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); sx = abs (envmoy)./amp; s = mean (sx); stop = ~(( mean (sx > sd) > tol | any (sx > sd2)) & ( all (nem > 2))); if ~MODE_COMPLEX stop = stop && ~( abs (nzm-nem)>1); end catch stop = 1; envmoy = zeros (1, length (m)); s = NaN ; end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % stopping criterion corresponding to option FIX function [ stop ,moyenne]= stop_sifting_fixe(t,m,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs) try moyenne = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); stop = 0; catch moyenne = zeros (1, length (m)); stop = 1; end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % stopping criterion corresponding to option FIX_H function [ stop ,moyenne,stop_count]= stop_sifting_fixe_h(t,m,INTERP,stop_count,FIXE_H,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs) try [moyenne,nem,nzm] = mean_and_amplitude(m,t,INTERP,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs); if ( all ( abs (nzm-nem)>1)) stop = 0; stop_count = 0; else stop_count = stop_count+1; stop = (stop_count == FIXE_H); end catch moyenne = zeros (1, length (m)); stop = 1; end end %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % displays the progression of the decomposition with the default stopping criterion function display_emd(t,m,mp,r,envmin,envmax,envmoy,s,sb,sx,sdt,sd2t,nbit,k,display_sifting,stop_sift) subplot (4,1,1) plot (t,mp); hold on; plot (t,envmax, '--k' ); plot (t,envmin, '--k' ); plot (t,envmoy, 'r' ); title ([ 'IMF ' , int2str (k), '; iteration ' , int2str (nbit), ' before sifting' ]); set ( gca , 'XTick' ,[]) hold off subplot (4,1,2) plot (t,sx) hold on plot (t,sdt, '--r' ) plot (t,sd2t, ':k' ) title ( 'stop parameter' ) set ( gca , 'XTick' ,[]) hold off subplot (4,1,3) plot (t,m) title ([ 'IMF ' , int2str (k), '; iteration ' , int2str (nbit), ' after sifting' ]); set ( gca , 'XTick' ,[]) subplot (4,1,4); plot (t,r-m) title ( 'residue' ); disp ([ 'stop parameter mean value : ' , num2str (sb), ' before sifting and ' , num2str (s), ' after' ]) if stop_sift disp ( 'last iteration for this mode' ) end if display_sifting == 2 pause (0.01) else pause end end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % displays the progression of the decomposition with the FIX and FIX_H stopping criteria function display_emd_fixe(t,m,mp,r,envmin,envmax,envmoy,nbit,k,display_sifting) subplot (3,1,1) plot (t,mp); hold on; plot (t,envmax, '--k' ); plot (t,envmin, '--k' ); plot (t,envmoy, 'r' ); title ([ 'IMF ' , int2str (k), '; iteration ' , int2str (nbit), ' before sifting' ]); set ( gca , 'XTick' ,[]) hold off subplot (3,1,2) plot (t,m) title ([ 'IMF ' , int2str (k), '; iteration ' , int2str (nbit), ' after sifting' ]); set ( gca , 'XTick' ,[]) subplot (3,1,3); plot (t,r-m) title ( 'residue' ); if display_sifting == 2 pause (0.01) else pause end end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % defines new extrema points to extend the interpolations at the edges of the % signal (mainly mirror symmetry) function [tmin,tmax,zmin,zmax] = boundary_conditions(indmin,indmax,t,x,z,nbsym) lx = length (x); if ( length (indmin) + length (indmax) < 3) error ( 'not enough extrema' ) end % boundary conditions for interpolations : if indmax(1) < indmin(1) if x(1) > x(indmin(1)) lmax = fliplr (indmax(2: min ( end ,nbsym+1))); lmin = fliplr (indmin(1: min ( end ,nbsym))); lsym = indmax(1); else lmax = fliplr (indmax(1: min ( end ,nbsym))); lmin = [ fliplr (indmin(1: min ( end ,nbsym-1))),1]; lsym = 1; end else if x(1) < x(indmax(1)) lmax = fliplr (indmax(1: min ( end ,nbsym))); lmin = fliplr (indmin(2: min ( end ,nbsym+1))); lsym = indmin(1); else lmax = [ fliplr (indmax(1: min ( end ,nbsym-1))),1]; lmin = fliplr (indmin(1: min ( end ,nbsym))); lsym = 1; end end if indmax( end ) < indmin( end ) if x( end ) < x(indmax( end )) rmax = fliplr (indmax( max ( end -nbsym+1,1): end )); rmin = fliplr (indmin( max ( end -nbsym,1): end -1)); rsym = indmin( end ); else rmax = [lx, fliplr (indmax( max ( end -nbsym+2,1): end ))]; rmin = fliplr (indmin( max ( end -nbsym+1,1): end )); rsym = lx; end else if x( end ) > x(indmin( end )) rmax = fliplr (indmax( max ( end -nbsym,1): end -1)); rmin = fliplr (indmin( max ( end -nbsym+1,1): end )); rsym = indmax( end ); else rmax = fliplr (indmax( max ( end -nbsym+1,1): end )); rmin = [lx, fliplr (indmin( max ( end -nbsym+2,1): end ))]; rsym = lx; end end tlmin = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmin); tlmax = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmax); trmin = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmin); trmax = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmax); % in case symmetrized parts do not extend enough if tlmin(1) > t(1) || tlmax(1) > t(1) if lsym == indmax(1) lmax = fliplr (indmax(1: min ( end ,nbsym))); else lmin = fliplr (indmin(1: min ( end ,nbsym))); end if lsym == 1 error ( 'bug' ) end lsym = 1; tlmin = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmin); tlmax = 2*t(lsym)-t(lmax); end if trmin( end ) < t(lx) || trmax( end ) < t(lx) if rsym == indmax( end ) rmax = fliplr (indmax( max ( end -nbsym+1,1): end )); else rmin = fliplr (indmin( max ( end -nbsym+1,1): end )); end if rsym == lx error ( 'bug' ) end rsym = lx; trmin = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmin); trmax = 2*t(rsym)-t(rmax); end zlmax =z(lmax); zlmin =z(lmin); zrmax =z(rmax); zrmin =z(rmin); tmin = [tlmin t(indmin) trmin]; tmax = [tlmax t(indmax) trmax]; zmin = [zlmin z(indmin) zrmin]; zmax = [zlmax z(indmax) zrmax]; end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %extracts the indices of extrema function [indmin, indmax, indzer] = extr(x,t) if ( nargin ==1) t=1: length (x); end m = length (x); if nargout > 2 x1=x(1:m-1); x2=x(2:m); indzer = find (x1.*x2<0); if any (x == 0) iz = find ( x==0 ); indz = []; if any ( diff (iz)==1) zer = x == 0; dz = diff ([0 zer 0]); debz = find (dz == 1); finz = find (dz == -1)-1; indz = round ((debz+finz)/2); else indz = iz; end indzer = sort ([indzer indz]); end end d = diff (x); n = length (d); d1 = d(1:n-1); d2 = d(2:n); indmin = find (d1.*d2<0 & d1<0)+1; indmax = find (d1.*d2<0 & d1>0)+1; % when two or more successive points have the same value we consider only one extremum in the middle of the constant area % (only works if the signal is uniformly sampled) if any (d==0) imax = []; imin = []; bad = (d==0); dd = diff ([0 bad 0]); debs = find (dd == 1); fins = find (dd == -1); if debs(1) == 1 if length (debs) > 1 debs = debs(2: end ); fins = fins(2: end ); else debs = []; fins = []; end end if length (debs) > 0 if fins( end ) == m if length (debs) > 1 debs = debs(1:( end -1)); fins = fins(1:( end -1)); else debs = []; fins = []; end end end lc = length (debs); if lc > 0 for k = 1:lc if d(debs(k)-1) > 0 if d(fins(k)) < 0 imax = [imax round ((fins(k)+debs(k))/2)]; end else if d(fins(k)) > 0 imin = [imin round ((fins(k)+debs(k))/2)]; end end end end if length (imax) > 0 indmax = sort ([indmax imax]); end if length (imin) > 0 indmin = sort ([indmin imin]); end end end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ort = io(x,imf) % ort = IO(x,imf) computes the index of orthogonality % % inputs : - x : analyzed signal % - imf : empirical mode decomposition n = size (imf,1); s = 0; for i = 1:n for j =1:n if i ~= j s = s + abs ( sum (imf( i ,:).* conj (imf( j ,:)))/ sum (x.^2)); end end end ort = 0.5*s; end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function [x,t,sd,sd2,tol,MODE_COMPLEX,ndirs,display_sifting,sdt,sd2t,r,imf,k,nbit,NbIt,MAXITERATIONS,FIXE,FIXE_H,MAXMODES,INTERP,mask] = init( varargin ) x = varargin {1}; if nargin == 2 if isstruct ( varargin {2}) inopts = varargin {2}; else error ( 'when using 2 arguments the first one is the analyzed signal X and the second one is a struct object describing the options' ) end elseif nargin > 2 try inopts = struct ( varargin {2: end }); catch error ( 'bad argument syntax' ) end end % default for stopping defstop = [0.05,0.5,0.05]; opt_fields = { 't' , 'stop' , 'display' , 'maxiterations' , 'fix' , 'maxmodes' , 'interp' , 'fix_h' , 'mask' , 'ndirs' , 'complex_version' }; defopts. stop = defstop; defopts. display = 0; defopts.t = 1: max ( size (x)); defopts.maxiterations = 2000; defopts. fix = 0; defopts.maxmodes = 0; defopts.interp = 'spline' ; defopts.fix_h = 0; defopts.mask = 0; defopts.ndirs = 4; defopts.complex_version = 2; opts = defopts; if ( nargin ==1) inopts = defopts; elseif nargin == 0 error ( 'not enough arguments' ) end names = fieldnames (inopts); for nom = names' if ~ any ( strcmpi ( char (nom), opt_fields)) error ([ 'bad option field name: ' , char (nom)]) end if ~ isempty ( eval ([ 'inopts.' , char (nom)])) % empty values are discarded eval ([ 'opts.' , lower ( char (nom)), ' = inopts.' , char (nom), ';' ]) end end t = opts.t; stop = opts. stop ; display_sifting = opts. display ; MAXITERATIONS = opts.maxiterations; FIXE = opts. fix ; MAXMODES = opts.maxmodes; INTERP = opts.interp; FIXE_H = opts.fix_h; mask = opts.mask; ndirs = opts.ndirs; complex_version = opts.complex_version; if ~ isvector (x) error ( 'X must have only one row or one column' ) end if size (x,1) > 1 x = x.'; end if ~ isvector (t) error ( 'option field T must have only one row or one column' ) end if ~ isreal (t) error ( 'time instants T must be a real vector' ) end if size (t,1) > 1 t = t'; end if ( length (t)~= length (x)) error ( 'X and option field T must have the same length' ) end if ~ isvector ( stop ) || length ( stop ) > 3 error ( 'option field STOP must have only one row or one column of max three elements' ) end if ~ all ( isfinite (x)) error ( 'data elements must be finite' ) end if size ( stop ,1) > 1 stop = stop '; end L = length ( stop ); if L < 3 stop (3)=defstop(3); end if L < 2 stop (2)=defstop(2); end if ~ ischar (INTERP) || ~ any ( strcmpi (INTERP,{ 'linear' , 'cubic' , 'spline' })) error ( 'INTERP field must be ' 'linear' ', ' 'cubic' ', ' 'pchip' ' or ' 'spline' '' ) end %special procedure when a masking signal is specified if any (mask) if ~ isvector (mask) || length (mask) ~= length (x) error ( 'masking signal must have the same dimension as the analyzed signal X' ) end if size (mask,1) > 1 mask = mask.'; end opts.mask = 0; imf1 = emd(x+mask,opts); imf2 = emd(x-mask,opts); if size (imf1,1) ~= size (imf2,1) warning ( 'emd:warning' ,[ 'the two sets of IMFs have different sizes: ' , int2str ( size (imf1,1)), ' and ' , int2str ( size (imf2,1)), ' IMFs.' ]) end S1 = size (imf1,1); S2 = size (imf2,1); if S1 ~= S2 if S1 < S2 tmp = imf1; imf1 = imf2; imf2 = tmp; end imf2( max (S1,S2),1) = 0; end imf = (imf1+imf2)/2; end sd = stop (1); sd2 = stop (2); tol = stop (3); lx = length (x); sdt = sd* ones (1,lx); sd2t = sd2* ones (1,lx); if FIXE MAXITERATIONS = FIXE; if FIXE_H error ( 'cannot use both ' 'FIX' ' and ' 'FIX_H' ' modes' ) end end MODE_COMPLEX = ~ isreal (x)*complex_version; if MODE_COMPLEX && complex_version ~= 1 && complex_version ~= 2 error ( 'COMPLEX_VERSION parameter must equal 1 or 2' ) end % number of extrema and zero-crossings in residual ner = lx; nzr = lx; r = x; if ~ any (mask) % if a masking signal is specified "imf" already exists at this stage imf = []; end k = 1; % iterations counter for extraction of 1 mode nbit=0; % total iterations counter NbIt=0; end %--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- EMD分解的IMF分量个数不能人为设定,而VMD(Variational Mode Decomposition)则可以;
- 但VMD也有弊端:分解过多,则信号断断续续,没有多少规律可言。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 | for st=1:9 K=st+1; [u, u_hat, omega] = VMD(data, length (data), 0, K, 0, 1, 1e-5); u= flipud (u); resf= zeros (1,K); for i =1:K testdata=u( i ,:); hilbert(testdata'); z=hilbert(testdata'); % 希尔伯特变换 a= abs (z); % 包络线 fnor=instfreq(z); % 瞬时频率 resf( i )= mean (fnor); end subplot (3,3,st) plot (resf, 'k' ); title ([ '个数为' , num2str (st)]); grid on; end |
了凡春秋: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6163bdeb0102e2cd.html
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