Zend Framework学习日记(1)--环境搭建篇(转)
Zend Framework学习日记(1)--环境搭建篇
Zend Framework框架:http://framework.zend.com/download/latest
包含2个目录bin和library,bin目录里面有zf命令行工具(包括Windows和Mac OS X平台),而library目录就是Zend Framework的各种组件放置的地方,可以复制该目录到PHP工程下,方便IDE可以查找到Zend Framework相关文件,以免报错。
Zend Studio 8:http://www.zendstudio.net/zend-studio-all-in-one-download/
Zend Framework手册:http://framework.zend.com/docs/translations
zf依赖于php命令解释器,因此要使用zf工具,需要把PHP安装目录(包含php.exe的目录)加入到Path环境变量中(建立过Java环境变量的童鞋应该知道怎么做),然后再把Zend Framework框架解压后的bin目录加入到Path环境变量。打开CMD,输入zf show version,应该就会出现zf的版本。如下
- C:/>zf show version
- Zend Framework Version: 1.11.5
注意:library目录不要移动,library目录必须和bin目录同级(默认就可以了。另外提醒,bin目录位置移动了,就需要修改它的Path环境变量),这样zf工具才能找到Zend Framework,否则会出现错误,如下
- ***************************** ZF ERROR ********************************
- In order to run the zf command, you need to ensure that Zend Framework
- is inside your include_path. There are a variety of ways that you can
- ensure that this zf command line tool knows where the Zend Framework
- library is on your system, but not all of them can be described here.
- The easiest way to get the zf command running is to give it the include
- path via an environment variable ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH or
- ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH_PREPEND with the proper include path to use,
- then run the command "zf --setup". This command is designed to create
- a storage location for your user, as well as create the zf.ini file
- that the zf command will consult in order to run properly on your
- system.
- ……
- ……
使用zf --help,可以查看所有zf命令的详细用法。
找到并打开PHP.ini,搜索“include_path”,找到“; Windows: "/path1;/path2"”(我用的是windows环境),取消下面一行include_path前面的分号,将include_path改成“.;{Zend Framework解压的目录}/library”。这样Zend Studio新建一个Zend Framework工程时,不必每次复制Zend Framework框架的library替换新建工程里的library目录。
或者直接修改httpd.conf文件,搜索“rewrite_module”,找到“#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so”去掉前面的“#”,重启Apache生效。