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The Art of Readable Code(summary)

Posted on 2012-07-09 09:05  星龙冰  阅读(323)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

今天读了第五章,看到目前为止感觉要写出易读代码,其中的精髓是:Put Yourself in the Reader’s Shoes。




PART I.表面改进












 3.开区间:(begin, end)和闭区间[first, last] ;









  1 class FrontendServer {

 2   public:
 3     FrontendServer();
 4     ~FrontendServer();
 6     // Handlers
 7     void ViewProfile(HttpRequest* request);
 8     void SaveProfile(HttpRequest* request);
 9     void FindFriends(HttpRequest* request);
11     // Request/Reply Utilities
12     string ExtractQueryParam(HttpRequest* request, string param);
13     void ReplyOK(HttpRequest* request, string html);
14     void ReplyNotFound(HttpRequest* request, string error);
16     // Database Helpers
17     void OpenDatabase(string location, string user);
18     void CloseDatabase(string location);
19 };


 def suggest_new_friends(user, email_password):

    # Get the user's friends' email addresses.
    friends = user.friends()
    friend_emails = set( for f in friends)

    # Import all email addresses from this user's email account.
    contacts = import_contacts(, email_password)
    contact_emails = set( for c in contacts)

    # Find matching users that they aren't already friends with.
    non_friend_emails = contact_emails - friend_emails
    suggested_friends = 





c.站在读者的角度,想象一下看他们需要知道哪些信息 ;













     • “This is the glue code between our business logic and the database. None of the application
     code should use this directly.”
     • “This class looks complicated, but it’s really just a smart cache. It doesn’t know anything
     about the rest of the system.”


You may have heard advice like, “Comment the why, not the what (or the how).” Although catchy,
we feel these statements are too simplistic and mean different things to different people.
Our advice is to do whatever helps the reader understand the code more easily. This may involve
commenting the what, the how, or the why (or all three).


 What not to comment:

• Facts that can be quickly derived from the code itself.
• “Crutch comments” that make up for bad code (such as a bad function name)—fix the
code instead.
Thoughts you should be recording include:
• Insights about why code is one way and not another (“director commentary”).
• Flaws in your code, by using markers like TODO: or XXX:.
• The “story” for how a constant got its value.
Put yourself in the reader’s shoes:
• Anticipate which parts of your code will make readers say “Huh?” and comment those.
• Document any surprising behavior an average reader wouldn’t expect.
• Use “big picture” comments at the file/class level to explain how all the pieces fit together.
• Summarize blocks of code with comments so that the reader doesn’t get lost in the details.


 第六章:Making Comments Precise and Compact(精简,精确简洁)

Comments should have a high information-to-space ratio







 7.使用命名函数参数(Named Function Parameter)如:


    def Connect(timeout, use_encryption):

    # Call the function using named parameters
    Connect(timeout = 10, use_encryption = False)


    void Connect(int timeout, bool use_encryption) { ... }
    // Call the function with commented parameters
    Connect(/* timeout_ms = */ 10, /* use_encryption = */ false);




• Avoid pronouns like “it” and “this” when they can refer to multiple things.
• Describe a function’s behavior with as much precision as is practical.
• Illustrate your comments with carefully chosen input/output examples.
• State the high-level intent of your code, rather than the obvious details.
• Use inline comments (e.g., Function(/* arg = */ ... ) ) to explain mysterious function
• Keep your comments brief by using words that pack a lot of meaning.






  有一个特例是:相等性比较有时采用if(null == obj) c、c++等语言为了防止bug故意采用这种写法。


   a.优先处理正向条件,else负向条件;if(debug) > if(!debug)

   b.先处理简单的情况,else复杂情况;这样可以一次性把所有情况都在一个显示屏下看到;if(simple) else (complex)

   c.先处理感兴趣的或者显著的情况,else其他情况;if(interesing or conspicuous) else ....

   d.最经常执行的放前面(一般能够满足a b c就可以满足d)


 4.避免使用do while语句


  public boolean Contains(String str, String substr) {

   if (str == null || substr == nullreturn false;
   if (substr.equals("")) return true;




    if (user_result != SUCCESS) {

if (permission_result != SUCCESS) {


  for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {

   if (results[i] != NULL) {
      if (results[i]->name != "") {
         cout << "Considering candidate..." << endl;

for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) {
   if (results[i] == NULL) continue;
   if (results[i]->name == "") continue;
      cout << "Considering candidate..." << endl;



第八章 分解大型表达式


    a.使用解释性变量:if line.split(':')[0].strip() == "root"  ----->>> username = line.split(':')[0].strip() if(username == "root")

    b.使用概括性变量:if ( != document.owner_id)  ----->>> final boolean user_owns_document = ( == document.owner_id);
    c.根据的摩根定律分解布尔表达式:1) not (a or b or c) ⇔ (not a) and (not b) and (not c)
                                2) not (a and b and c) ⇔ (not a) or (not b) or (not c)

    d.小心短路逻辑表达式的使用:assert((!(bucket = FindBucket(key))) || !bucket->IsOccupied());



    f.其他创造性简化语句的方法:add_to->set_XXX(add_from.XXX() + add_to->XXX()); --

      在C++中可以通过宏来简化表达式:#define ADD_FIELD(field) add_to->set_##field(add_from.field() + add_to->field())


第九章 变量及可读性问题:变量越多越难以跟踪他们的使用;变量作用域越大跟踪变量时间空间就越长;变量变化越频繁越难以跟踪当前值是多少;(FP中貌似可以很大程度消除这些问题)

 1. 消除变量:






   f.C++中使用if语句作用域:if (PaymentInfo* info = database.ReadPaymentInfo()) {

     Java中while((String readLine = reader.readLine())!=null)





   • Eliminate variables that just get in the way. In particular, we showed a few examples

of how to eliminate “intermediate result” variables by handling the result immediately.
   • Reduce the scope of each variable to be as small as possible. Move each variable to a
place where the fewest lines of code can see it. Out of sight is out of mind.
   • Prefer write-once variables. Variables that are set only once (or const, final, or
otherwise immutable) make code easier to understand.


第三部份 重新组织你的代码 





第十章 抽取不相关的子问题:积极识别并提取出无关的子问题。








Top-down programming is a style where the highest-level modules and functions are designed first
and the lower-level functions are implemented as needed to support them.
Bottom-up programming tries to anticipate and solve all the subproblems first and then build the
higher-level components using these pieces.

第十一章 一次只做一件事





第十二章 把思维变成代码

You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
                                                                          —Albert Einstein






第十三章 写更少的代码:The most readable code is no code at all.




   as any coordinated system grows,the complexity needed to keep it glued together grows even faster。(就像任何协调系统增长一样,保持把系统凝聚在一起的复杂度增长的速度往往要更快),因此要尽量保持代码基精简轻量。具体方式有:


   b.删除无用的代码或者很少 用到的特性。



   e.熟悉你所用到的库。every once in a while, spend 15 minutes reading the names of all the functions/modules/types in your standard library




 • Eliminating nonessential features from your product and not overengineering

 • Rethinking requirements to solve the easiest version of the problem that still gets the job
 • Staying familiar with standard libraries by periodically reading through their entire APIs


第三部分 挑选的主题

第十七章 可测性和可读性:Test code should be readable so that other coders are comfortable changing or adding tests

1.Make Tests Easy to Read and Maintain:hide less important details from the user, so that more important details are most prominent.
2.Making Error Messages Readable

3.Choosing Good Test Inputs(In general, you should pick the simplest set of inputs that completely exercise the code.)

1. The test is very long and full of unimportant details. You can describe what this test is
doing in one sentence, so the test statement shouldn’t be much longer.
2. Adding another test isn’t easy. You’d be tempted to copy/paste/modify, which would make
the code even longer and full of duplication.
3. The test failure messages aren’t very useful. If this test fails, it will just say Assertion failed:
docs.size() == 3, which doesn’t give you enough information to debug it further.
4. The test tries to test everything at once. It’s trying to test both the negative filtering and
the sorting functionality. It would be more readable to break this into multiple tests.
5. The test inputs aren’t simple. In particular, the example score -99998.7 is “loud” and gets
your attention even though there isn’t any significance to that specific value. A simpler
negative value would suffice.
6. The test inputs don’t thoroughly exercise the code. For example, it doesn’t test when the
score is 0. (Would that document be filtered or not?)
7. It doesn’t test other extreme inputs, such as an empty input vector, a very large vector, or
one with duplicate scores.
8. The name Test1() is meaningless—the name should describe the function or situation
being tested.


• Sacrificing the readability of your real code, for the sake of enabling tests.
Designing your real code to be testable should be a win-win situation: your real code
becomes simpler and more decoupled, and your tests are easy to write. But if you have to
insert lots of ugly plumbing into your real code just so you can test it, something’s wrong.
• Being obsessive about 100% test coverage. Testing the first 90% of your code is often
less work than testing that last 10%. That last 10% might involve user interface, or dumb
error cases, where the cost of the bug isn’t really that high and the effort to test it just isn’t
worth it.
The truth is that you’ll never get 100% coverage anyhow. If it’s not a missed bug, it might
be a missed feature or you might not realize that the spec should be changed.
Depending on how costly your bugs are, there’s a sweet spot of how much development
time it’s worth spending on test code. If you’re building a website prototype, it might not
be worth writing any test code at all. On the other hand, if you’re writing a controller for
a spaceship or medical device, testing is probably your main focus.
• Letting testing get in the way of product development. We’ve seen situations where
testing, which should be just one aspect of a project, dominates the whole project. Testing
becomes some sort of god to be appeased, and coders just go through the rituals and
motions without realizing that their precious engineering time might be better spent


• The top level of each test should be as concise as possible; ideally, each test input/output can be described in one line of code.
• If your test fails, it should emit an error message that makes the bug easy to track down and fix.
• Use the simplest test inputs that completely exercise your code.
• Give your test functions a fully descriptive name so it’s clear what each is testing. Instead of Test1(), use a name like Test_<FunctionName>_<Situation>.












