斐波那契数列的定义如下: F(0) = 0 F(1) = 1 F(n) = F(n - 1) + F(n - 2) (n >= 2) (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, ...) 给出n,求F(n),由于结果很大,输出F(n) 阅读全文
给定一个十进制正整数N,写下从1开始,到N的所有正数,计算出其中出现所有1的个数。 例如:n = 12,包含了5个1。1,10,12共包含3个1,11包含2个1,总共5个1。 Input Output Input示例 Output示例 阅读全文
n的阶乘后面有多少个0? 6的阶乘 = 1*2*3*4*5*6 = 720,720后面有1个0。 Input Output Input示例 Output示例 阅读全文
一个高度为N的由正整数组成的三角形,从上走到下,求经过的数字和的最大值。 每次只能走到下一层相邻的数上,例如从第3层的6向下走,只能走到第4层的2或9上。 5 8 4 3 6 9 7 2 9 5 例子中的最优方案是:5 + 8 + 6 + 9 = 28 一个高度为N的由正整数组成的三角形,从上走到下 阅读全文
题目链接http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=6090 Problem Description As we know, Rikka is poor at math. Yuta is worrying about this situation, so he 阅读全文
Problem Description You are the hero who saved your country. As promised, the king will give you some cities of the country, and you can choose which 阅读全文
Problem Description 哗啦啦村袭击了喵哈哈村!度度熊为了拯救喵哈哈村,带着自己的伙伴去救援喵哈哈村去了!度度熊与伙伴们很快的就过来占据了喵哈哈村的各个军事要地,牢牢的守住了喵哈哈村。但是度度熊发现,这是一场旷日持久的战斗,所以度度熊决定要以逸待劳,保存尽量多的体力,去迎战哗啦啦村的 阅读全文
Description Bessie, Farmer John's prize cow, has just won first place in a bovine beauty contest, earning the title 'Miss Cow World'. As a result, Bes 阅读全文
double EPS = 1e-10; double add(double a,double b) { if(abs(a+b) < EPS * (abs(a) + abs(b))) return 0; return a + b; } struct Point{ double x, y; Point(){} Point(double x, double y)... 阅读全文
Description A student named Round Square loved to play with cones. He would arrange cones with different base radii arbitrarily on the floor and would 阅读全文