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美剧字幕--傲骨贤妻第1季 第3集

Posted on 2013-02-24 11:20  星尘的天空  阅读(462)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

美剧字幕--傲骨贤妻第1季 第3集 


the frist year associate's primary job 律师第一年的主要工作

is to clock billable hours 是完成指定的工作时数

and with most of those numbers down 但是从你们各部门

in each of your departments 上报的数据来看

Clearly some of you are not doing yours 明显,有些人没有完成自己的指标

Now,that's not to say that you are underperforming 现在并不是说你们全部业绩低下

one of our newest associates clocked 我们有一个新律师

255 hours last month alone 上个月独自完成了255小时的工作指标

I think i need a lawyer 

anyway,right after we got there ,总之,我们刚刚到哪儿

this security guard rolls up and 保安就冲进来了

i kind of freaked 我有点瞎着了

so i ran 所以我跑了

this morning when i went by brian's house 今早我路过布莱恩家的时候

there were caps there 看见那里有警察

i heard he got arrested -what are you doing 我听说他被铺了,-你干什么

what's this ? 这是什么

i figure they are after me next 我想下一个他们就要抓我

i am not sure i understand what happened 我不确定我明白了发生了什么事情

but if you were buying pot 可如果你们在买大麻

we were not 我们没有

the bottom line is ,if you broke the law 根本的问题是,如果你触犯了法律

you need to go to the police first 你就得向警方自首

year,i would still need a lawyer ,right?我知道,可我还是需要一个律师

Do not move 别走开

And get ride of that 把这个处理掉

your kid's older than i thought 你儿子比我想象的要大

oh,he is not mine 那个不是我儿子

Listen,can i ask you for a favor 能帮个忙么

will you find out if there was any police activity 昨晚有没有警察在高地公园执行任务

in Highland park last night 

i Knew his mom 我认识他的妈妈

can i talk to you for a minute? 能跟你谈谈吗

Everying okay with your son 你儿子没有事情吧

i was hoping if could drive him home 我想我是不是可以送他回家

i know,i will make up the time 我知道我会加班的

so did you not go to school today because of this 你就是因为这个,见天连学都不上了吗

i have not been going 我已经很久没有去了

about six months ago 半年前的事情了

you guys had already moved out then 当时你一家已经搬走了。

i remember you being way cooler than this 我印象中你要比现在这个态度要酷

oh,i am sorry to disapoint you 抱歉让你失望了

and i do not get why you can not help me  而且我不懂你为啥非得让他们知道

without getting them involved 才肯帮助

it's out of respect ,kenny 是出于尊重

you still live with them 你仍然和他们一起生活

you and i own tham too much 我们欠他们太多了

you do not own them anything 你不欠他们任何东西

they blew you off 当初是他们不理你的

that's who they are 他们就是那样子的人

All right ,you ready to do this? 好了,你准备好了么

i was kind of hoping you would go in first 我倒是希望你能先进去

what are you doing 你怎么来了。

you know,i have been meaning to call 你知道么,我一直想打给你

i am sorry to just show up like this 很抱歉这么唐突地出现在这里

but i need to take to you about kenny 不过,我得跟你谈谈关于Kenny 的事情

where is he ?他在哪里

my car 我的车里

asked me to smooth the waters 他请求我帮他脱离困境

you did not have to drive all the way out here 其实你不用开这么远送他回来

you could have call 你可以打电话

but a boy i saw grow up asked for my help 不过一个我看着长大的孩子向我求助

And his mother used to be a friend 而且他的妈妈曾经是我的好友

you need to come outside 你得出来一下

he is wanted by the police 他的确正被警方通缉

Kenny,but not for buying pot 肯尼,不过不是因为购买大麻

where are you taking him 你们要吧他带到那里

you are hurting me 你们弄疼我了

who the hell are you?你是哪根葱

his attorney 他的律师

are they saying kenny did this? 他们说这是肯尼干的

his mother was my first friend in Highland park 他的妈妈是我在高地公园的第一个朋友

and the frist person to stop talking to me 也是第一个不跟我说话的人

you getting me out 你是来把我弄出来的么

Not yet,i just came by to see how you are going 还不行,我只是顺路来看看你怎么样

i did not know anybody died 我不知道有人死了

then why did you lie to me 那你对我为什么撒谎

why did not yout tell me you broke in ?你为什么不告诉我你闯进去了

Because we did not 因为我没有

he know we were coming 他知道我们回来

he said to take whatever we need 他说我们需要什么就拿什么

he even told us where the spare key was 

i ran home when i saw the guard's car 当我看到警卫的车,我就跑回家了。

Not the strongest case 不是最好的案子

but she signing a client 不过他签到了一个客户

and if his parents live in hightland park 如果他的父母住在高地花园

-payment will not be an issue,- i do not know 律师费 将不是个问题,我不知道

when the connections are personal,it can be tricky 如果涉及个人关系,就会变得很复杂

i do not have a relationship with his parents anymore 我和他的父母已经没有关系了。

which is why i would prefer someone else be the attorney of record 因此我希望其他人作为律师出庭,

if you are no longer friends,why do this at all? 如果你们不再是朋友了,那为何要做这些

because my relationship wiht his parents 这是因为我跟他父母的关系

has nothing to do with how i feel about their son 与我对他儿子的感觉无关

i used to baby-sit him 我曾经是他的保姆

i will do all the briefs,all the legwork 

i need to talk to you guys about something 有一件事情我需要跟你们谈谈

that sounds serious 很严肃的样子

it is ,actually 的确很严肃

you are here,early 来的真早啊

ah,but not the first 但是,我不是第一个来的

That's what happens when you are sigle and childless 单身,又没有小孩子的就是这个样子

i was going to leave you a note   我正想给你留个纸条呢

i wanted to see how things were going with him as first chair


well,he is certainly confident  他很自信

Look,this is your case 这是你的案子

that you were just looking for a front man 你只是想找一个人

to privide a little cushion 作为挡箭牌

Since you are dealing with friends - former -因为案子关系到你的朋友,前任朋友

-sounds complicated   - it is. 听起来很复杂,不是么

No,we are just trying to help your friends 不是,我们只是想帮助你的朋友

Do not let mom make you nervous 等等,别被他吓倒了。

i do not know anything about what happened 我不知道发生了什么

so what you need me to do ? 你们要我怎么做

he should not have to do any jail time 他根本不用去坐牢

without the burglary charge,he can not be held accountable 要是没有盗窃罪,他就不用

for what happened after he left a crime scene 对他离开犯罪现场后的事情负责

you are assuming a jury will not believe Brian's version more 

Did you want to come in ?要进来么

i heard you  had moved 我听说你搬家了

it's a nice apartment 这公寓真不错

i want to know what is happening with the case 我想知道案子有什么进展

right now ,we are looking for someone who can place Kenny 现在,我们正在寻找证人,

at or near your house the night of the murder 证明案发的时候,肯尼在家或者离家不远

to prove he could not have done it 这就能证明他不可能在作案

i talked to Richard 我跟Richard谈过了

we will pay Kenny's legal fees 我们会支付Kenny的律师费的

there she is.在这儿啊

what's a nice girl like you doing at a place 像你这么漂亮的女生

like the state's attorney's office anyway 怎么会在州律师办公室这种地方工作

Best place to practice law 这里是联系法律知识最好的地方

should not he be out here canvassing as well 他不是也该在这里参与调查么

well,he said he had to do something else 他说他又其他的事情要处理

there is plenty of street lighting 这里有很多的路灯

i mean i think i saw someone go inside across the way 我是说,有人走进了街对面的房子里面,

you mean through the front door ?你是说从前门进去的么

because they turned the yard lights off right after 因为之后他们就关掉了院子里面的灯了

made it hard to fill out my timecard 让我很难填写我的时间卡

and was this person male or female 那人是男人还是女人

i do not know ,see some old friends 不知道,去看一些老朋友怎么样

hey,um,i gotta go 嗨,我得挂掉了。

i will talk to you later,okay? Mom?Hightland park 再聊好么 -妈 -是去高地公园么

Did not think anyone was still here 没有想到还有人在

just prepping for court  只是在为开庭做准备

would you like a drink 想喝一杯么

you two were not in court today 你们两个今天没有出庭

i came by to give you a update 我来这里是告诉你们事情的进展

Lauren could not handle it Lauren 承受不了了

she is not like you 她不像你

she is not that strong 她没有那么坚强

she is sleep now 她现在睡觉了

Took a valium 吃了片 安定片

well, it must be hard on her 这对于他一定很难熬

on both of you 对你们俩都很难熬

to see your son like that 看到你们的孩子这个样子

but it's really important that at least one of you be there 但哪怕你们只去一个就很有意义

So,how did it go? 事情怎么样了

To be honest,not great 坦白说,情况不妙

they have kenny's fingerprints at the scene  他们在案发现场找到了肯尼的指纹

and someone who will testify that he pushed the guard 而且有人作证看到他推到保安

looks like no one is home 好像家里没有人

stay here 老实呆在这里

that you pursue a charge with this magnitude 你进行了一个如此重要的诉讼

without a thorough investigation 竟然没有彻底调查清楚

it's unconscionable  - your honor  这是非常不合理的,法官大人

No direct or circumstantial evidence 没有直接或者间接的证据,

link the defendant to the murder 能将被告与这场谋杀联系起来

No eyewithness testimony other than that of a co-defendant 也没有目击证人

who has a vested interest in the courtcome of the trail 只有一个想从审判结果中获取共同利益的被告

now that this is over,we should 现在案子结束了,我们应该


i do not know,maybe have a lunch 也许该去吃个午饭

pretentd none of this ever happened 假装一切都没有发生过

i will call you,okay


you are not going to call 你不会给我打电话的

And we are not going to have lunch 我们也不会吃午饭的

i knew,i was not the only one buring the middlenight oil ,我就知道我不是今晚唯一开夜车的人


