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Posted on 2012-11-29 22:09  星尘的天空  阅读(357)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报



I knocked on the door,我敲了门

and i found a family terrified for you. (Terrify vt 使恐怖、恐吓,terrified 感动恐惧的,恐怖的)

they had no idea where you were,他们不知道你在那里

someone who does not care only about himself,一直不只会关心自己的人

Tank you for coming.谢谢你过来

i care about the lives of other people.我关心其他人的安危

Maybe you should try it sometime.也许有时你也该尝试一下

there were no signs of forced entry .没有强行入室的迹象

-or any evidence of a struggle.或任何挣扎的痕迹。

what are you watching?你再看什么?

A guy who killed his wife.他杀了自己的妻子

Tome is everything to me .tome 是我的全部

i could not kill her any more than i could kill myself.我是不可能杀他的。

so why can not you sleep?那你为什么睡不着呢?

Bad dreams. 做噩梦了。

So why do not you make a play?那你为什么不表个态呢?

she did come here ,just make sure you did not get shot.她的确过来了,看你有没有受伤。

i am not the same peoson i used to be.我不是以前的我了。

i feel safer already.我已经感觉安全多了。

Thank god we do not have to hear about this awful(adj:可怕的) man anymore.谢天谢地我们再也不会听到这个人渣的消息了。

they say tom murdered his wife in cold blood.人们说,皮特残忍的杀害了他的妻子。

and all the evidence pointed toward him.而且所有的正觉都指向凶手是他

he was tried,convicted,and sentenced to death.他被审讯、判罪、判处死刑。

except one thing.除了一点。

you should have just let me kill both of them.你本该让我把他们两个都杀了。

which means an innocent man is facing execution(执行).也就意味着一个无辜的人即将面临死刑。

he will need a good attorney.他需要一个好律师。

you are making a huge mistake.你犯了一个大错。

i am not the person you think i am.我并非你想的那个样子。

-and i need your help.

i think he is innocent。我认为他是无辜的。

there are a thousand lawyers in starling city.星城有上千律师。

we are both trying to help.我们都想帮忙。

what makes you sure i am gonna help you?你怎么确信我会帮助你。

Because i know you would do anything to save the life of an innocent man.因为我知道你会不牺一切代价挽救一条无辜的生命。

A jury has found you guilty。陪审团已经判你有罪。

the evidence was stacked against me,所有证据矛头都指向我。

-but i did not kill me wife.但是我没有杀我妻子。

i did not take my daughter's mother from her.我没有从我女儿身边夺走她的母亲。

the murder weapon was a knife from your kitched with your prints on it ,凶器是你厨房里面的刀,上面有你的指纹。

your neighbors said they heard an argument that night。你的邻居说他们当晚听到争吵。

we had a knockdown fight over jason brodeur。 我们在争吵关于杰森的事情。

Carmille worked for him.卡米尔在他手下工作。

-and his companny had been dumping toxic waste into the glades.他的公司一直向贫民区倾倒有毒废物。

I was afraid for my family's safety.我很担心我家人的安全。

-and we argued very loudly.我们争吵得非常大的声音。

Izzy started crying。一则开始大哭。

So Camiller went and stadyed in her room.于是卡米尔就去呆在她的房间。

in the morning,i went to apologize,and that's when i found her.

he said he did not even see Camille that day.他说他那天根本没有看到过卡米尔

i could not help but notice a distinct lack of police cars when i got home.当我到到家的时候,我不由得注意到居然没有警车。

i knew you would not drop a dime on me。我就知道你不会告发我。

So have you considered my offer?所以你考虑过我的建议了么。

you were born with a platinum spoon in you mouth.你是含着金汤勺出生的

what, you spent 5 years on an island with no room service。怎么,在一个没有客房服务的岛上呆了五年,

- and suddenly you found religion。突然间就找到了信仰了。

this was my father's.这个是我父亲的。

i found it when i buried[bury 埋葬] him.我埋葬他的时候找到的。

i though you said you father died when the boat went down.我及得你说过你的父亲死于沉船。

we both made it to a life raft(筏,救生艇).我们俩都登上了救生筏。

but there was not enough food and water for both of us,so he shot himself in the head.

And as much as he was doing it to give a chance to survive.他那么做除了是想让我或下去

i need to right(vt 纠正) the wrongs done by my family.我要纠正我家人犯下的错误。

-and i am offering you the chance to right the wrongs done to yours.纠正对你们犯下的错误。

The police never caught your brother's shooter.警察一直没有抓到杀害你哥哥的人。

Are you trying to tell me that you took down andy's killer?你是想告诉我你放到了杀害安迪的人么?

i am giving you  the chance, a chance to help other  people's family.帮助被人家庭的机会。

it does need to stop.这需要人来阻止。

and if it's not gonna be the courts 如果法官不出手,

and it's not gonna be the cops,警察也不出手,

i am gonna go to the washroom。我要去躺洗手间。

you still following the money trail?你还在追查钱的流向么?

Do not we have accountants for that sort of things?这事不是应该由会计来做吗?

then there's nothing to worry about.然后就没有什么好担心的了。

you really are putting a lot of hours into this Declan thing.你在这个Declan 的案子上可真是花费了不少时间。

you actually think he is innocent。你真相信他是清白的。

he tracked me down and asked me to look into the declan case.你跟踪我,要我查看的克兰的案子。

But you have met him?你见过他了?

He breaks the law and God knows what else 

How are you not afraid he is gonna do God knows what to you?你怎么就不怕他会对你做些什么。

i got your message.我收到了你的消息。

is there a reason we can not do this face to face?为什么我们不能面对面的交谈。

he might be innocent.他很有可能是清白的。

i do what's necessary. 我做的是必要的事情。

if what you are doing is not wrong,如果你做的事情没有错误,

then why are you hiding you face with a hood?为什么还用兜帽遮住脸。

to protect the ones i care about.为了保护我在乎的人。

what's wrong with you face?你的脸怎么了。

What do you mean? 什么意思。

why are you grinning(漏齿的开心的笑)?你为什么这么开心。

Let me know if you need trendy(adj:时髦的,流行的,追求时髦的人,新潮的人) places to propose(vt 建议、打算、求婚 ).

i think you are getting a little bit ahead of yourself.我感觉你有点操之过急了。

you look busy.你看起来很忙。

i am trying to save an innocent man's life.

you are breaking the law.你是在违法。

well, i would not have to if the police would have done their job right in the first place(一开始).


i have got the loose(adj:宽松的) end now.我已经找到了突破口了

-and no matter what happens,所以不论发生什么

-i am going to pull on it until your whole world unravels(解开、解决、拆掉)。我都会坚持下去,直到把你打垮

i am gonna go to prison.我要进监狱了

that wont happen.这个不会发生的

there are steps we can take.我们会采取措施的。

you saw her. she is going after me.你也看到她了,她追着我不放

prison can be a dangerous place。监狱可是一个危险的地方。

what do you need to free Peter Declan?你需要什么才能还皮特自由。

At this point,在这个时候

where are you going?你要去那里

the company she invested in does not exist。他投资的公司并不存在

There was no investment. the money was used to set up an offshore LLC called Temprest。

you quit. it's done.你辞职了,事情结束了。

my advice would be move on.我建议你向前看

your nephew already lost his father.你的侄子已经失去了他的父亲。

-he can not lost his uncle too。不能再失去叔叔了

you know ,when i was in Afghanistan,你知道,我在阿富汗的时候,

-i had  a job ,and i did it.我认真的完成分内的工作。

-And when i could, i would help out the people there.一有机会我就会力所能及地帮助别人

-So that,in some small way,when i left,i could believe i left it a bettle place. 我会觉得我让那里变得更好了。

But ever since i have been home.但是自从我回来。

all i do is protect pucks。我所做的就只是保护混蛋.

i miss feeling like i'm making a difference in the world.我想念那种为所欲为的感觉。

then get out of personal security。那就不要做私人保镖了。

-and go do something you believe in.去做一些你深信不疑的事情。

yeah,what if it's wrong?要是我相信的是错的呢?

John,if you believe in something,how can it be wrong?如果你深信某一件事情,怎么可能是错的呢?

i am sorry about what i said to you.抱歉之前对你说的那些话了。

we got the wrong guy.我们抓错人了。

he would have killed the man.他差点杀了那个人。

i have killed anything before.我没有杀害任何的人。

i think there is someoen that wants to see you .我想有一个人非常想见你。

you looked at that all day.整天看着他

you wanted to see me?你想要见我。

you look nervous,你看起来很紧张

He is targeting the list.他在拿名单当靶子。

i am here about the other position.我是来应征其他职务的。。

just to be clear。事先讲清楚。

i am not looking for anybody to save me.我不是再找人保护我。

-but you need someone just the same。但是你还是需要这样的人。

you are fighting a war。你是在打一场仗。

-except you have no idea what war does to you 只是你不知道打仗会让你变成怎样。

you need someone to remind you of who you are.你需要有人时刻提醒你,你是谁.

what's this?这是干嘛。

you can not just barge in here.你们不能擅自闯进来。

what the hell is going on?到底发生了什么

You have the right to remain silent.你有权保持沉默


