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//Building your first mobile application



This topic contains three walkthroughs which guide you through the creation of a simple mobile viewing application with basic navigation and identify functionality. It is intended to show you the basic pattern in creating mobile applications on the desktop and smart device's such as pocket pc's and smartphones.

Each of the walkthroughs require access to an ArcGIS Server that has a published mobile map service with a few layers. You will also need Visual Studio 2005 with C# installed. The smart device walkthroughs deploy to the device emulator suppiled with Visual Studio although you can deploy to a physical device if available.

Although the sample code provided in this chapter is written with C#, you'll find that no matter what language you choose to program in, the process of working with the underlying classes is the same.


    每一个演练都要访问一个发布后的ArcGIS Server服务,这种服务具有ArcGIS Mobile 地图的服务的能力,并且含有一些图层。你还需要安装有C#的VS2005开发工具、智能设备向导部署到由VS提供的设备模拟器,当然,你也可以将他们部署到物理设备上。


Mobile application walkthroughs(演练)

Mobile SDK walkthrough: PocketPC application

Mobile SDK walkthrough: Smartphone application

Mobile SDK walkthrough: Windows application