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What is installed with the Web ADF?

Posted on 2010-07-12 12:33  星尘的天空  阅读(301)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

What is installed with the Web ADF?

随Web ADF安装的什么?


The Web ADF is designed to operate independent from any server products, such as ArcGIS Server or ArcIMS.  Since it can be installed by itself, it also has the necessary components to work with remote services.  In addition, a set of Visual Studio integration components are included to enhance the developer experience.  The following items are included in the Web ADF installation。

Web ADF被设计为独立于任何服务产片的的操作框架,比如:ArcGIS Server或者ArIMS.因为他可以被独立的安装,所以他也含有同远程服务一起工作的必须的组件。另外,一些在Visual studio中集成的组件也可以被使用来增强开发者经验。下面的文件都包含在Web ADF的安装路径下


Components 组件

Web ADF Native .NET Assemblies

Web ADF 框架的本地的.NET集合
These assemblies contain the Web ADF controls, APIs and data source implementations.  The ArcIMS API and ArcGIS Server SOAP API are also included.  Located in the <ArcGIS Install>\DotNet folder.

这些集合包含Web ADF组件,API和数据的实施。ArcIMS API 和 ArcGIS Server SOAP API也被包含在内。存放的路径为:<ArcGIS Install>\=。Netforder

ArcObjects .NET Primary Interop Assemblies and COM proxies

These assemblies and components support working with ArcObjects remotely via ArcGIS Server.  The .NET assemblies are located in the <ArcGIS Install>\DotNet folder.  The COM proxies are in the <ArcGIS Install>\com folder.

这些集合以及组件支持通过ArcGIS Server远程访问A  rcObject对象。这些组件的安装路径在<ArcGIS Install>\DotNet folder.COM代理组件安装在<ArcGIS Install>\com folder.位置


JavaScript libraries and client-side support files
javascript 类库和客户端支持的文件

These files support the client-side (browser) use of Web ADF controls.  They include JavaScript file, images, and style sheets.  These files are located in the aspnet_client folder under the IIS root directory, usually c:\inetpub\wwwroot.  The multi-source (9.3) Web ADF support files are located in the ESRI folder, the single-source (9.0\9.1) files are in the esri_arcgis_server_webcontrols folder.  

这些文件支持在客户端使用Web ADF组件,他们包括JavaScript文件图像和样式表。这些文件被放置在IIS根目录下的aspnet_client文件夹下,通常是在c:\inetpub\wwwroot。多数据源的Web ADF支持的文件存在在ESRI的文件夹下。单数据源的文件保存在esri_arcgis_server_webcontrols文件夹下


ASP.NET AJAX Extensions(扩展)

The Web ADF relies on the ASP.NET AJAX framework to support both client (Web ADF JavaScript Library) and server (Web controls) components.  As a result, the Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Extensions components must be installed to support applications built using .NET 2.0.  Note, .NET 3.5 includes the ASP.NET AJAX Extensions libraries are part of the core framework.  

基于ASP.NET AJAX 框架的Web ADF既支持客户端的(Web ADF javascript 类库)又支持服务器端的(web controls)组件。结果是,微软的ASP.NET AJAX 扩展组件必须被安装才能支持在.NET2.0的环境下应用程序的编译。 需要注意的是:在.NET 3.5下,ASP.NET AJAX扩展类库作为核心框架类库被包括。


Visual Studio Integration

  • Visual Studio additions include a set of Web ADF controls in the Visual Studio Toolbox for Web projects,  a Web Mapping Application template in C# and VB.NET, integrated help system, and a set of context(背景) dialogs.  More information is available in the Visual Studio Integration topic.

Visual studio添加了一系列的Web ADF组件到Visual studio工具箱里面用户Web工程的开发、C#和Vb.NET语言下的网络地图程序模板,帮助系统,和一系列背景对话框。更过的信息请到visual studio integration。


  • Help for Microsoft .NET developers is accessible in Visual Studio and via a program menu item under ArcGIS>Developer Help>.NET Help for VS2005 and .NET Help for VS2008.   The developer help is designed for use within Microsoft's Document Explorer application, included with the Microsoft .NET SDK and Visual Studio. The Developer Help includes:

    • Discussions and guidelines on the use of Web ADF components
    • Samples - projects and data located in <ArcGIS Install>\DeveloperKit\SamplesNET\Server
    • Library Reference
    • If installed with ArcGIS Server, the developer help also includes Server help on administering and managing ArcGIS Server. 

.NET下的微软开发帮助文档集成在Visual studio 里面 ,也可以通过菜单ArcGIS>Developer Help>.NET Help for VS2005 and .NET Help for VS2008. 查找。开发者帮助文档用于微软下的文件开发程序,包括微软的.NET下的开发包。开发者帮助文档包括一下内容:

1)    web ADF组件的使用指导。

2)    开发实例。工程以及数据保存在<ArcGIS Install>\DeveloperKit\SamplesNET\Server

3)    类库接口

4)    如果安装了ArcGIS Server,开发者帮助文档也包括如何管理ArcGIS Server的帮助文档。