c# 与 NTFS 权限

I have done this before while I was creating an application to bulk import users that created the users directory on a remote server and then specified permissions on that folder after creation.
You will need to get your hands on a dll called "ADsSecurity.dll" this contains methods to set permissions etc. You will need to import this into .Net and access it via the COM interop.

I have posted some code I found for the app below, be warned I have not tested this in a while ( it was my.Net conversion from a VB app ) but it should give you an idea about how to set permissions. The methods need to be called like DeleteEveryone, AddAcl then Reorder.

// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple wrapping class, publishes one function that sets
// permissions on the specfied folder. It removes the everyone
// DACL and re-orders the DACL's according to the Microsoft
// rules.
// ------------------------------------------------------------

/// <summary>
/// Simple wrapper to allow access to the ADsSecurity
/// library
/// </summary>
public class AdSecurityWrap
/// <summary>
/// Private reference to the security library
/// </summary>
private ADsSecurityClass adSec;

/// <summary>
/// Default Constructor
/// </summary>
public AdSecurityWrap()
// Obtain a reference to the security library
adSec = new ADsSecurityClass();

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// AdSecurityWrap.DeleteEveryoneDacl( object )
// Iterates through the access control entries on the
// access control list and removes the reference to
// the 'Everyone' access control entry if it is found.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Deletes the 'Everyone' ACE from the SecurityDescriptors
/// DACL
/// </summary>
/// <param name="securityDescriptor">
/// File/Folder security descriptor
/// </param>
private void DeleteEveryoneDacl( object securityDescriptor )
// Iterate through the DACL and find the Everone ACE
foreach(object ace in ((AccessControlList)((SecurityDescriptor)securityDescriptor).DiscretionaryAcl) )
if( ((AccessControlEntry)ace).Trustee == "Everyone" )
((AccessControlList)((SecurityDescriptor)securityDescriptor).DiscretionaryAcl).RemoveAce( ace );

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// AdSecurityWrap.ReOrderDacl( object )
// Re-orders the discretionary access control list as
// specified in the Microsoft documentation
// ---------------------------------------------------------

/// <summary>
/// Places the ACE's in the DACL in the correct order
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dacl">Discretionary access list</param>
private void ReOrderDacl( object dacl )
// Temp access control entry containers
AccessControlListClass newDacl = new AccessControlListClass();
AccessControlListClass impDenyDacl = new AccessControlListClass();
AccessControlListClass inheritedDacl = new AccessControlListClass();
AccessControlListClass impAllowDacl = new AccessControlListClass();
AccessControlListClass inhAllowDacl = new AccessControlListClass();
AccessControlListClass impDenyObjectDacl = new AccessControlListClass();
AccessControlListClass impAllowObjectDacl = new AccessControlListClass();

// Move the parameter dacl into the five bins
foreach( object ace in ((AccessControlList)dacl) )
// Check the ACE Flags
if( (((AccessControlEntry)ace).AceFlags &
// We dont care how these are placed in just do it
inheritedDacl.AddAce( ace );
switch( ((AccessControlEntry)ace).AceFlags )

// We have an implicit access allow
impAllowDacl.AddAce( ace );

// We have an implicit deny ace
impDenyDacl.AddAce( ace );

// We have an object allowed ace
impAllowObjectDacl.AddAce( ace );

// We have an object denied ace
impDenyObjectDacl.AddAce( ace );

// Anything else

// Now combine the ACE's in the proper order
foreach( object ace in impDenyDacl )
newDacl.AddAce( ace );
foreach( object ace in impDenyObjectDacl )
newDacl.AddAce( ace );
foreach( object ace in impAllowDacl )
newDacl.AddAce( ace );
foreach( object ace in impAllowObjectDacl )
newDacl.AddAce( ace );
foreach( object ace in inheritedDacl )
newDacl.AddAce( ace );

// Set the appropriate revision level for the DACL
newDacl.AclRevision = ((AccessControlList)dacl).AclRevision;

// Save the new DACL
dacl = (object)newDacl;

// ---------------------------------------------------------
// AdSecurityWrap.AddAce( string, string )
// Adds an access control list to the specified file or
// folder. Both the user and the file/folder need to
// exist
// ---------------------------------------------------------

/// <summary>
/// Adds an access control list entry to the specfied file or
/// folders discretionary access control list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="objectPath">Path to the file or folder</param>
/// <param name="usersName">Name of user object to add</param>
public void AddAce( string objectPath, string usersName )
// Get the security descriptor for the file/folder
object fileSecDesc = adSec.GetSecurityDescriptor( objectPath );

// Delete the everone ace
this.DeleteEveryoneDacl( fileSecDesc );

// Create the new Access Control Entry
AccessControlEntryClass newAce = new AccessControlEntryClass();
newAce.Trustee = usersName;
newAce.AceFlags = 1 |

// Add the ace to the file/folder dacl
((AccessControlList)((SecurityDescriptor)fileSecDesc).DiscretionaryAcl).AddAce( newAce );

// Reorder the dacl
this.ReOrderDacl( ((SecurityDescriptor)fileSecDesc).DiscretionaryAcl );

// Set the files security descriptor
adSec.SetSecurityDescriptor( fileSecDesc, objectPath );

Remember this requires the ADsSecurity dll to be registered inside th project and on your computer (regsvr32).

Hope this helps you on your way.
posted @ 2006-08-15 07:54  y9902  阅读(622)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报