utils.js 实用部分

/* $Id : utils.js 5052 2007-02-03 10:30:13Z weberliu $ */

var Browser = new Object();

Browser.isMozilla = (typeof document.implementation != 'undefined') && (typeof document.implementation.createDocument != 'undefined') && (typeof HTMLDocument != 'undefined');
Browser.isIE = window.ActiveXObject ? true : false;
Browser.isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") != - 1);
Browser.isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari") != - 1);
Browser.isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != - 1);

var Utils = new Object();

Utils.htmlEncode = function(text)
  return text.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>');

 * 去除最前、最后空格
Utils.trim = function( text )
  if (typeof(text) == "string")
    return text.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
    return text;

 * 是否为空
Utils.isEmpty = function( val )
  switch (typeof(val))
    case 'string':
      return Utils.trim(val).length == 0 ? true : false;
    case 'number':
      return val == 0;
    case 'object':
      return val == null;
    case 'array':
      return val.length == 0;
      return true;

 * 数值
Utils.isNumber = function(val)
  var reg = /^[\d|\.|,]+$/;
  return reg.test(val);

 * 整形
Utils.isInt = function(val)
  if (val == "")
    return false;
  var reg = /\D+/;
  return !reg.test(val);

 * 邮件验证
 * @param email:邮件
 * @returns:若是邮件,返回true,反之,返回false!
Utils.isEmail = function(email)
  var reg1 = /([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)/;

  return reg1.test( email );

 * 邮编验证
 * @param postalCode:邮编
 * @returns:若是邮编,返回true,反之,返回false!
Utils.isPostalCode = function isPostalCode(postalCode) 
	// var reg=/^[1-9]\d{5}(?!\d)$/; 
  var reg=/^[0-9]\d{5}(?!\d)$/; 
	return reg.test(postalCode);

 * 电话
Utils.isTel = function ( tel )
  var reg = /^[\d|\-|\s|\_]+$/; //只允许使用数字-空格等

  return reg.test( tel );

Utils.fixEvent = function(e)
  var evt = (typeof e == "undefined") ? window.event : e;
  return evt;

Utils.srcElement = function(e)
  if (typeof e == "undefined") e = window.event;
  var src = document.all ? e.srcElement : e.target;

  return src;

 * time时间
Utils.isTime = function(val)
  var reg = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}$/;

  return reg.test(val);

Utils.x = function(e)
{ //当前鼠标X坐标
    return Browser.isIE?event.x + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - 2:e.pageX;

Utils.y = function(e)
{ //当前鼠标Y坐标
    return Browser.isIE?event.y + document.documentElement.scrollTop - 2:e.pageY;

Utils.request = function(url, item)
	var sValue=url.match(new RegExp("[\?\&]"+item+"=([^\&]*)(\&?)","i"));
	return sValue?sValue[1]:sValue;

Utils.$ = function(name)
    return document.getElementById(name);

 * 保留两位小数
 * @param {Object} number
 * @param {Object} decimals
Utils.roundNumber = function(number,decimals) {
var newString;// The new rounded number
decimals = Number(decimals);
if (decimals < 1) {
	newString = (Math.round(number)).toString();
} else {
	var numString = number.toString();
	if (numString.lastIndexOf(".") == -1) {// If there is no decimal point
		numString += ".";// give it one at the end
	var cutoff = numString.lastIndexOf(".") + decimals;// The point at which to truncate the number
	var d1 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff,cutoff+1));// The value of the last decimal place that we'll end up with
	var d2 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff+1,cutoff+2));// The next decimal, after the last one we want
	if (d2 >= 5) {// Do we need to round up at all? If not, the string will just be truncated
		if (d1 == 9 && cutoff > 0) {// If the last digit is 9, find a new cutoff point
			while (cutoff > 0 && (d1 == 9 || isNaN(d1))) {
				if (d1 != ".") {
					cutoff -= 1;
					d1 = Number(numString.substring(cutoff,cutoff+1));
				} else {
					cutoff -= 1;
		d1 += 1;
	if (d1 == 10) {
		numString = numString.substring(0, numString.lastIndexOf("."));
		var roundedNum = Number(numString) + 1;
		newString = roundedNum.toString() + '.';
	} else {
		newString = numString.substring(0,cutoff) + d1.toString();
if (newString.lastIndexOf(".") == -1) {// Do this again, to the new string
	newString += ".";
var decs = (newString.substring(newString.lastIndexOf(".")+1)).length;
for(var i=0;i<decimals-decs;i++) newString += "0";
//var newNumber = Number(newString);// make it a number if you like
return newString; // Output the result to the form field (change for your purposes)

function rowindex(tr)
  if (Browser.isIE)
    return tr.rowIndex;
    table = tr.parentNode.parentNode;
    for (i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i ++ )
      if (table.rows[i] == tr)
        return i;

document.getCookie = function(sName)
  // cookies are separated by semicolons
  var aCookie = document.cookie.split("; ");
  for (var i=0; i < aCookie.length; i++)
    // a name/value pair (a crumb) is separated by an equal sign
    var aCrumb = aCookie[i].split("=");
    if (sName == aCrumb[0])
      return decodeURIComponent(aCrumb[1]);

  // a cookie with the requested name does not exist
  return null;

document.setCookie = function(sName, sValue, sExpires)
  var sCookie = sName + "=" + encodeURIComponent(sValue);
  if (sExpires != null)
    sCookie += "; expires=" + sExpires;

  document.cookie = sCookie;

document.removeCookie = function(sName,sValue)
  document.cookie = sName + "=; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT;";

function getPosition(o)
    var t = o.offsetTop;
    var l = o.offsetLeft;
    while(o = o.offsetParent)
        t += o.offsetTop;
        l += o.offsetLeft;
    var pos = {top:t,left:l};
    return pos;

function cleanWhitespace(element)
  var element = element;
  for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {
   var node = element.childNodes[i];
   if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue))

  实用的一些验证 可参考  !

posted @ 2016-12-09 15:50  xin6841414  阅读(2233)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报